Nutrition Month

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you wasting money on vitamins?

Perhaps you are... consider a blood test analysis to focus on what you are really missing.

Q: Why test micronutrients?
A: Nutrient status is a vital foundation of health. Each micronutrient plays an indispensable role in promoting optimal cell function. When some cells do not function at their best, the foundation of our health is compromised, setting the stage for the development of disease. Identifying and correcting nutritional deficiencies is an important step in the long-term maintenance of optimal health. Vitamin deficiencies aren’t just a reflection of diet. Since we are all biochemically unique, nutrient deficiencies will vary from patient to patient, and do not necessarily correlate directly with nutrient intake, even among those with similar health conditions. Many factors beyond diet determine whether nutrient function is adequate. These include biochemical individuality, genetic predisposition, absorption and metabolism, age, disease conditions and medications.

Q: What diseases or conditions are linked to nutrient imbalance?
A: Arthritis, Parkinson's, alcoholism/substance abuse, behavioral disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue, macular degeneration, diabetes, immune disorders, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and osteoporosis have been linked to nutrient imbalances. Studies published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirm the connection between nutrient deficiencies and disease processes.

Q: What about people who maintain a "healthy" lifestyle?
A: Even people with healthy habits can have deficiencies. Biochemical individuality, absorption, chronic conditions, age, and lifestyle influence individual micronutrient requirements. Even a healthy-looking person can have micronutrient deficiencies that may only be revealed through testing.

Who do I recommend these tests for?

Everyone can benefit from this information. Supplements are a good idea, but there are so many! Ultimately, you may save money by not taking unnecessary supplements, and you may notice an improvement in your symptoms by focusing on your actual deficiencies. Often, people with unexplained infertility and intractable headaches can be improved by addressing nutritional deficiencies.

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