Nutrition Month

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Begin Healing Rosacea From Within

Rosacea skin care starts from within as you attempt to cleanse your internal organs, strengthen your immune system, promote intestinal health, and strengthen your skin through proper nutrition.

If you have rosacea, there are alternative treatments that can work with, or in lieu of, standard medical treatments.

Clinical trials show how diet plays a role in managing the inflammatory process of rosacea.

The National Rosacea Society recently polled more than 3,000 sufferers about which foods appeared to cause a flare-up of their condition. Among the top food triggers were alcohol (especially red wine), hot beverages, hot spices (primarily cayenne and red pepper), citrus fruit, and tomatoes. It is interesting to note these are also common food intolerances for many people who don’t have rosacea.

Cherries, blackberries, and blueberries are vascular constrictors, which actually assist in reducing redness.

Rosacea Causes

There are no conclusive studies that can pinpoint exactly what causes rosacea. That is partly where there are not yet rosacea cures. Some possibilities that researchers think MAY cause rosacea include:

Excessively acidic diet (Green Cell Therapy is alkalinizing)
An immune system disorder (Green Cell Therapy provides a boost)
Microscopic mites on the skin (Octocleanse may help)
The helicobacter pylori bacteria (Octocleanse may help)
A history of blistering sunburns

First, begin by doing a parasite cleanse. Parasites are persistent little creatures that can cause all sorts of health problems for people without their knowing the actual cause.

If you have hair loss, rough skin or a tendency to flush around the facial region, you may have a parasitic mite known as demodex brevis or demodex folliculorum. This parasite can live in the hair follicle. It sucks out the nutrients at the root of the hair. The follicle becomes enlarged and infected causing loss of hair and inflammation. When living on the skin, it feeds on nutrients in the sebaceous glands, they become infected and inflamed and the skin may then thicken. Acne Rosacea can also be caused by this parasite.
After you have eliminated parasite and other unhealthy and destructive toxins from your colon, you’ll want to support the good bacteria in your digestive tract by eating some live culture yogurt or a good live bacteria supplement. *Green Cell Therapy has probiotics*

Second, purge and support your liver through any means you find that can accomodate your tolerances. Once you have cleansed yourself of parasites and improved your liver’s ability to cleanse the blood going through your body, you need to turn your attention to your digestive system. A good colon cleanse can help you excrete a large amount of toxins and may help you feel younger just by getting pounds of unnecessary garbage off the walls of your colon. Having a cleaner colon leads to better nutrition being absorbed by the skin which can lead to healthier skin.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
    liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
    reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
    became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
    treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
    the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
    treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
