Nutrition Month

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Herbal support for insomnia, mood, ADHD, neurotransmitters, anxiety, etc

Anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, and hyperactivity--these are all symptoms of stress.  It can be stress to the nervous system, stress on the brain and mental capacity, stress on the emotions, stress on the adrenals or any other organ in the body.  What is needed is something calming.  For some it's a cup of hot tea and for others it's a great workout in the gym or an hour of yoga stretching.  There is no substitute for a healthy diet, appropriate excercise, and times of rest and restoration.  For some, however, that's not enough.  The body is out of balance and refuses to relax.  Herbs, vitamins, and minerals have been used for years to calm the body and bring it back into balance.
Herbalith has the following herbals, minerals, and RNA, which either carries or translates messages within the cells of the body.

 Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian root is nature’s quintessential calmative, a sedative for the central nervous system. It may alleviate anxiety in adults and symptoms of ADD and ADHD in children; in fact some studies show that it may even eliminate the anxiety, fear, restlessness and aggressiveness associated with this increasingly common childhood affliction. Valerian may also alleviate depression, headaches, and insomnia by helping to promote sleepiness and by improving sleep quality. Finally and mercifully, it can decrease stress—and increase concentration as well.

 Hops (Humulus lupulus)

This perennial plant is a classic calmative known to alleviate aching ears, teeth, and heads as well as help with insomnia, nervousness, and stress by sedating the central nervous system.

 Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata)

Another natural calmative from nature’s pharmacy, Passion Flower acts like Hops in alleviating anxiety and ameliorating nervousness and insomnia by sedating the central nervous system. Headaches of nervous origin and some forms of depression may be helped by Passion Flower, which can reduce irritability and the incidence of mood swings. It may even be beneficial to those experiencing withdrawal symptoms associated with street or prescription drugs.

 L-Tryptophan

Among its many therapeutic benefits, this essential amino acid may help to alleviate some cases of anxiety by stimulating the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin and many forms of depression especially those characterized by intense carbohydrate cravings. Tryptophan may decrease certain cravings and their associated depression and alleviate headaches as well migraines caused by vascular constriction. If taken some 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime, tryptophan may induce sleep given its precursor role in melatonin and serotonin production. In significant dosing tryptophan may increase the body's threshold to pain because of its requirement for the release of beta-endorphin, one of the body’s natural pain relieving substances.

 Lithium

Concentrated in the brain’s pituitary gland, lithium sedates the central nervous system, may alleviate recurrent depression and the pain associated with migraines and “cluster” type headaches. Lithium may improve learning ability and memory, prevent various mental ailments especially mood disorders, assists in maintaining stable moods and emotions, and alleviate neuralgia due to its ability to stabilize nerves. Lithium may even stimulate the growth of neurons, facilitate the regeneration of damaged neurons, and support nerve remyelinization.
It is interesting to note that (1) epidemiological studies show that communities with the highest lithium levels in their drinking water enjoy the lowest incidence of suicide

 Damiana

Damiana is a native shrub of Central and South America. It is well known for its treatment in mild depression and anxiety. It can treat emotional and physical distress in people. It enhances hormonal production, both in men and women and acts as aphrodisiac. Damiana acts as nerve tonic, to relieve your stress.

 Turmeric

Is useful in people who are depressed because turmeric has the ability to regulate the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

 Schisandra

It improves the overall function level of the Central Nervous System (CNS).


Supplemental RNA may improve mental function and memory especially in terms of its anti-aging support in adding to the brain’s quantity of this nucleic acid. RNA may also improve impaired learning ability associated with decreased brain concentrations after midlife.

 L-theanine

Is involved in the production of the neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma amino butyric acid). GABA affects other neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. And these two important neurotransmitter induce a relaxed mental state.

Consider Herbalith if you suffer from:

ADHD, Anxiety, Migraine, Insomnia, Headache, Depression, Mood Swings, Chemical Dependency, Mania, Bi-Polar, Fibromyalgia, Brain Aging

Lithium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the brain for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of Lithium in the brain produce one or more of the following symptoms: nervousness, impatience, attention deficit, “scattered thinking”, inability to concentrate, not being able to focus or stick to the point, starting many projects and not following through with them, insomnia. In severe Lithium deficiency, manic depression or bipolar disorders are common.

Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.
During the late 19th Century, French doctors noticed that the people who dug salt in the salt mines had very few mental problems. They discovered that it was their exposure to Lithium that accounted for the unusually healthy minds. Population studies suggested that areas high in lithium (like near a natural spring) have very low levels of depressed people. Areas low in lithium have a higher rate of mental disorders and higher violent crime rates. The normal source of Lithium in the diet is deep well water. In some locations, such as West Texas, water provides 2 to 6 mg of Lithium per day. This is one of the reasons that people in Abilene or Amarillo are much more relaxed than people in Houston, where the water has zero Lithium.

Lithium Deficiency Signs can include PMS, Insomnia, headache, ADHD, Joint pain & Nervous disorders

What Lithium Does:

Helps regulate nerve impulses by regulating sodium and potassium
Influences distribution of sodium and potassium
Influences sodium transport
Stabilizes serotonin transmission in the nervous system
Studies suggest it has a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance

Lithium is one of the most common elements used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available without a prescription. Because of its superior bioavailability, (20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts) lower doses of lithium orotate (Rather than lithium carbonate or lithium citrate) may be used to achieve therapeutic brain lithium concentrations and relatively stable serum concentrations.

Lithium orotate has also been demonstrated to be of benefit in the treatment of alcoholics, and proved useful in alleviating alcohol-related symptoms of liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders.

Standard lithium orotate dietary supplements provide 5 mg lithium. This is 1 to 2 percent of the dose provided by prescription forms of lithium.

Herbalith contains lithium orotate A 120mg tablet of lithium orotate usually has 4.5mg--5mg of elemental lithium. Herbalith contains 100 mg of lithium orotate.

Lithium can also be incorporated into the diet. Foods that contain Lithium include eggs, milk, tomatoes, seaweed, kelp, dulse, lemons and eggplant. Garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme,and coriander are some spices that contain lithium in small amounts. Some mineral spring waters contain small amounts of this substance.

Mineral waters such as Vichy and Evian were initially also promoted on the basis of their slightly higher lithium concentrations.

Directions: Take one tablet after dinner or at bedtime. May increase to two tablets as needed.

The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements or this treatment and there is no guarantee of cure with this treatment. Results may vary.


  1. Dear Dr. Comeaux,
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  2. I suffer from chronic migraines and have been searching for natural remedies, so your post on lithium orotate intrigued me. I searched the literature to see if there were any studies available, since after starting it (120mg, which I think is about 3-5), my migraines have gotten worse! In the only legitimate study that I could find, the author seems to contradict your post: "Lithium, therefore, seems to exacerbate common and classical migraine, and may induce features of these in cluster headache patients." Can you provide any studies that substantiate the use of lithium orotate in migraine? Thank you for any feedback.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When studies are performed using lithium, various doses and forms are typically used. It is difficult to compare the side effects different doses of lithium, and in the study you referred to, I believe they used lithium carbonate, the more common form. I am using lithium orotate in my formula, so I cannot give you my clinical experience regard to the dose or form that study used. I am also combining it with amino acids and herbs, and they were using lithium alone. The feedback I have received from people with my product, they find a reduction in headache severity and frequency, a more relaxing and restful sleep, a feeling of calm, and improved focus. I also recommend it for people who have compulsive eating and smoking habits, as stress often is the trigger for these behaviors. Hope this helps!

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