There are many things that help with both eczema and psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a skin condition which cause large reddened scaly patches on the skin. The condition can be limited to a specific area of the body or the whole body may be affected. Psoriasis can occur on just about anywhere on the body and causes a great deal of emotional anguish to the sufferer.
Eczema is a form of atopic dermatitis caused by an allergic reaction of the skin. Eczema is common in infants and young children and though many cases of infantile eczema resolve with age, a large number of people continue to suffer from eczema as adults
Eczema and psoriasis are skin conditions that can share similar symptoms, such as irritation and inflammation, but they are separate diseases. There is no cure for these conditions, but topical treatments and medications exist, and some individuals find that herbal supplements and teas can relieve symptoms.
Aloe vera has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Numerous studies document the wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating effects of Aloe Vera. It is vital for all types of skin care and particularly beneficial in the treatment of painful, difficult and/or challenging skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Since eczema and psoriasis are both characterized by inflammation, the anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil make this a perfect treatment option.
Neem oil
Neem oil is a very complex natural oil that contains over 140 active ingredients. Those ingredients have a wide range of uses:
Neem oil is a brilliant emollient, a substance that softens and moistens dry cracked skin. This straight away eliminates a lot of the irritation and itchiness. It moisturizes and protects, and heals any lesions or scaling.
Neem also soothes the redness and irritation directly, through the steroid like effect of some of its ingredients. Yes, neem can affect your skin similar to the way steroids do, but without all the nasty side effects.
Neem oil generally enhances skin health and the natural immunity of your skin, which is one of the biggest factors in psoriasis.
Neem oil is strongly antibacterial, and the benefit of this for psoriasis is obvious. Neem cleans up any skin infections that may have developed because of cracked broken skin (due to dryness or scratching).
Neem is anti-inflammatory, and can reduce the redness and irritation. The two main anti-inflammatory substances in neem are called nimbin and nimbidin, and they have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties comparable to common non-steroids (phenylbutazone) and steroidal drugs (prednisole).
Neem is also a strong analgesic (pain killer). Some people report instant relief from the excruciating discomfort, as soon as they apply neem salve or cream to eczema skin.
And neem is antibacterial, and can clean up any secondary infections, or even better, prevent them from happening in the first place.
Tea tree oil
Essential oils can be extremely useful for those suffering from skin conditions, especially tea tree oil. Eczema symptoms often improve quickly after using this essential oil in conjunction with other natural eczema remedies. Why is this? Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties that help reduce naturally occurring bacteria on the skin. Tea tree oil also helps soothe irritated skin caused by excessive scratching or chaffing.
The medicinal benefits of tea tree oil are impressive. It is effective against psoriasis, candida, skin infections, hemorrhoids, eczema, nail infections, acne and dandruff. Very few side effects have been reported, except from people with allergies to tea tree
Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil can help to relieve the pain and itch and provide some stress relief which boosts the immune system helping to heal the lesions. The cause of the condition is largely unknown and often times many strong creams, lotions and pills are prescribed to treat the problem. UV light treatments are used as well.
Lavender Oil due to its antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and circulatory stimulating properties has been used as a treatment for Eczema. It is also an immune booster and powerful anti-inflammatory for the skin.
All these qualities help to speed healing and prevent or reduce scarring of the skin. Lavender works to relieve the associated pain and itch that frequently occurs with skin inflammation.
Myrrh Oil
Myrrh oil is used in aromatherapy to revitalize wrinkled and aging skin when blended into a carrier oil like coconut oil. Renowned for thousands of years as an oil prized for beauty, it also has incredibly therapeutic properties for skin maladies, like dry skin, chapped skin, eczema, psoriasis.
Cloves contain some of the same phenols as Oil of Oregano, namely carvacrol and thymol, among others, which are highly antifungal in nature, as well as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory.
The effects of clove oil, including its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, have been known and recorded for thousands of years.
Boosting your intake of Omega-3 rich oily fish (mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, trout, sardines) and other foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can have a massive positive healing effects on eczema.
Coconut Oil
Organic Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MFCA) that destroy free radicals—harmful compounds that trigger skin inflammation that also promote the development of skin cancer. Organic Coconut oil may not cure skin diseases overnight, but the moment the oil is applied to the skin, the microbes on the skin will react with the MFCA, transforming them into free fatty acids that help reduce the chronic inflammation that patients with eczema and psoriasis suffer.Cold-pressed coconut oil is quite rich in lauric acid content, another fatty acid with potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes cold-pressed coconut oil the perfect topical treatment for the skin, where most bacteria, viruses and fungi make their initial contact.
On top of its therapeutic properties, coconut oil has strong moisturizing powers, an added benefit for individuals with eczema and psoriasis. Because these skin conditions tend to cause dryness of the skin, the hydrating properties of coconut oil will help restore the natural moisture content of the skin. It rarely causes adverse reactions because it is completely organic and free from harmful chemicals and preservatives.
Matcha Green Tea and skin benefits
1. Anti-oxidant/angi-aging – due to it’s extremely high level of anti-oxidants. (the highest ORAC rating food)
2. Anti-inflammatory – due to the caffeine and catechins
3. Anti-microbial – controls blemishes and acne
4. Anti-cancer/fights sun damage – powerful cancer fighting constituents (EGCG)
5. Mildly exfoliant and detoxifying – high chlorophyll content
We have Sexibalm, which has the above ingredients, for inflamed skin, including psoriasis and eczema. Patent pending Call 832-237-4200 to order.
We also have an HCG safe formula for those on the HCG diet.
In addition to promoting positive heart-health, omega-3 fats present in fish oil may help alleviate inflammation and other symptoms associated with eczema and psoriasis.
A daily Omega-3 supplement is recommended since in most cases we can’t get enough from our daily diet.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Natural Treatments for allergies
Octovite is great during flu season and for allergy support
Immune system health is not only important during allergy season, but also during flu season
When your immune system over reacts to a foreign stimulant it is called an Allergic Reaction.
An immune reaction to a foreign invader, as fever to kill a virus, is an indication of a healthy immune system, but when you have a strong reaction to flower pollen your immune system is overreacting. Close to ¼ of the population have some kind of allergy to things like pollen, mold and other stimulants, especially during spring and fall.
Symptoms vary from itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, runny nose, sinus congestion, asthma, post-nasal drip, headaches and diarrhea. Some of these symptoms are known as allergic rhinitis (hay fever).
In the case of allergies many take an antihistamine, a decongestant or some other drug to get rid of allergy symptoms but you may take a healthier way by going for the cause, not the symptoms.
Gingko Biloba for Allergies
Gingko biloba is one of the best herbs for allergies like asthma and other respiratory allergies. The leaves of gingko biloba contain vital properties which help in activating platelets in the body which in turn help in fighting allergies like asthma. It also contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatory chemicals which are very effective in fighting various allergies.
Fish Oil for Allergies
One of the major health benefits of Omega 3 is its anti-inflammatory effects. In other words increasing your intake of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), the 2 most important essential fatty acids known as Omega 3 fatty acids, helps reduce inflammation in the body and this in turn can benefit any health condition created or affected by inflammation. This includes many allergies.
Fish oil benefits our health in many ways. Science is now starting to find benefits from taking fish oil to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, allergic skin conditions such as hives and eczema as well as asthma and food allergies.
Vitamin C for Allergies
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a well known immune boosting vitamin. An allergy is an immune reaction, so boosting the immune system is one way to lessen the effects of allergies such as runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes.
Vitamin E for Allergies
Vitamin E is a powerful source of antioxidant. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing and combating seasonal allergies. As an antioxidant, vitamin E is capable of neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances that the body produces each time it uses oxygen for body functions. If mast cells are exposed to free radicals and pro-oxidants, they become sensitive and are more likely to release histamines and other inflammatory compounds.
Vitamin E also acts as an anti inflammatory by inhibiting the formation of leukotrienes, fatty molecules of the immune system that contribute to inflammation. As a result, symptoms are suppressed. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E in the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Result of the experiment showed that people with high levels of vitamin E have lesser occurrences of nasal symptoms than those with low levels of vitamin E. People with a strong immune system are less vulnerable to allergies. Although not as powerful as vitamin C in immune system boosting capability, vitamin E can still hold its candle.
Eyebright for allergies
Eyebright extract is known as a powerful anti-catarrhal which can help clear up chronic inflammation and congestion, ideal for conditions such as weeping or stinging eyes, eye strain, nasal catarrh, sinusitis, allergies and other congestive conditions.
Glutathione for allergies
One of the functions of glutathione is it is an immune system balancer or optimizer. If your immune system is overactive, or you have a true food allergy, glutathione can re-balance your immune system to overcome the allergic response. The precursor to glutatione is N-acetyl cysteine
Goldenseal for allergies
A goldenseal supplement is primarily used for its positive effects on the immune system, even though it can also combat viruses and bacteria quite successfully.
Standardized extracts for consistent results
Powerful antioxidants (Contains Vitamin C 500 mg)
Synergistic effect—ingredients work together to improve each other
Immune system health is not only important during allergy season, but also during flu season
When your immune system over reacts to a foreign stimulant it is called an Allergic Reaction.
An immune reaction to a foreign invader, as fever to kill a virus, is an indication of a healthy immune system, but when you have a strong reaction to flower pollen your immune system is overreacting. Close to ¼ of the population have some kind of allergy to things like pollen, mold and other stimulants, especially during spring and fall.
Symptoms vary from itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, runny nose, sinus congestion, asthma, post-nasal drip, headaches and diarrhea. Some of these symptoms are known as allergic rhinitis (hay fever).
In the case of allergies many take an antihistamine, a decongestant or some other drug to get rid of allergy symptoms but you may take a healthier way by going for the cause, not the symptoms.
Gingko Biloba for Allergies
Gingko biloba is one of the best herbs for allergies like asthma and other respiratory allergies. The leaves of gingko biloba contain vital properties which help in activating platelets in the body which in turn help in fighting allergies like asthma. It also contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatory chemicals which are very effective in fighting various allergies.
Fish Oil for Allergies
One of the major health benefits of Omega 3 is its anti-inflammatory effects. In other words increasing your intake of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), the 2 most important essential fatty acids known as Omega 3 fatty acids, helps reduce inflammation in the body and this in turn can benefit any health condition created or affected by inflammation. This includes many allergies.
Fish oil benefits our health in many ways. Science is now starting to find benefits from taking fish oil to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever, sinus infections, allergic skin conditions such as hives and eczema as well as asthma and food allergies.
Vitamin C for Allergies
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a well known immune boosting vitamin. An allergy is an immune reaction, so boosting the immune system is one way to lessen the effects of allergies such as runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes.
Vitamin E for Allergies
Vitamin E is a powerful source of antioxidant. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing and combating seasonal allergies. As an antioxidant, vitamin E is capable of neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances that the body produces each time it uses oxygen for body functions. If mast cells are exposed to free radicals and pro-oxidants, they become sensitive and are more likely to release histamines and other inflammatory compounds.
Vitamin E also acts as an anti inflammatory by inhibiting the formation of leukotrienes, fatty molecules of the immune system that contribute to inflammation. As a result, symptoms are suppressed. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of vitamin E in the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Result of the experiment showed that people with high levels of vitamin E have lesser occurrences of nasal symptoms than those with low levels of vitamin E. People with a strong immune system are less vulnerable to allergies. Although not as powerful as vitamin C in immune system boosting capability, vitamin E can still hold its candle.
Eyebright for allergies
Eyebright extract is known as a powerful anti-catarrhal which can help clear up chronic inflammation and congestion, ideal for conditions such as weeping or stinging eyes, eye strain, nasal catarrh, sinusitis, allergies and other congestive conditions.
Glutathione for allergies
One of the functions of glutathione is it is an immune system balancer or optimizer. If your immune system is overactive, or you have a true food allergy, glutathione can re-balance your immune system to overcome the allergic response. The precursor to glutatione is N-acetyl cysteine
Goldenseal for allergies
A goldenseal supplement is primarily used for its positive effects on the immune system, even though it can also combat viruses and bacteria quite successfully.
Standardized extracts for consistent results
Powerful antioxidants (Contains Vitamin C 500 mg)
Synergistic effect—ingredients work together to improve each other
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Should you take a vitamin?
The Importance of Alkaline Diet and Nutritional Supplementation
To achieve longevity and maintain optimal health, a normal human body needs intake of over 90 different nutrients daily: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. If this natural law is not respected, deficiency syndrome sets in and disease appears.
Do you think you get these nutrients from your diet alone?
There are 147 diseases known by medical science that can be induced, triggered, aggravated or caused by Calcium deficiency only. Insomnia, muscle cramps and twitches, osteoporosis, hypertension, arthritis, Bell’s palsy, kidney stones, lumbago, colorectal cancer, premenstrual syndrome, gingivitis and receding gums are just a few of them.
Do you have any of these conditions?
Bad breath may inform us about Vitamin B3 deficiency; loss of sense of smell and taste and white spots on the nails are often an early sign of Zinc deficiency; Tin deficiency can cause male pattern baldness; menopausal problems are often caused by Boron deficiency; constipation by Magnesium deficiency; dizziness and tinitus by Manganese deficiency; memory loss by vitamin B1 deficiency; menstrual problems by vitamin B6 deficiency; slow healing wounds by vitamin C deficiency; gray hair and skin wrinkles by Cooper deficiency. Ruptured aneurysm, and varicose veins can be caused by Cooper deficiency; Cardiomyopathy and heart attack by Selenium deficiency, Diabetes by Chromium and Vanadium deficiency; Alzheimer’s disease by vitamin E deficiency etc.
Nutrition is not just a multivitamin alone
Since nutritional deficiencies may impair homeostatic equilibrium, while free radicals may cause oxidative stress and cellular damage, prescribing nutritional supplements and antioxidants are an integral part of the bioregulatory treatment.
Increased nutritional awareness and specific dietary guidance help preventing tissue acidification. The need for exclusion of white bread, coffee and sugar and increased intake of alkaline supplements (calcium, magnesium/sodium bicarbonate) and alkaline rich food, such as fruits, nuts and vegetables; is gradually becoming a common knowledge.
Your intestines often need to be renewed with a non-toxic and hypoallergenic diet, intestinal cleansing and prescription of specific probiotics, prebiotics or symbiotics.
To achieve longevity and maintain optimal health, a normal human body needs intake of over 90 different nutrients daily: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. If this natural law is not respected, deficiency syndrome sets in and disease appears.
Do you think you get these nutrients from your diet alone?
There are 147 diseases known by medical science that can be induced, triggered, aggravated or caused by Calcium deficiency only. Insomnia, muscle cramps and twitches, osteoporosis, hypertension, arthritis, Bell’s palsy, kidney stones, lumbago, colorectal cancer, premenstrual syndrome, gingivitis and receding gums are just a few of them.
Do you have any of these conditions?
Bad breath may inform us about Vitamin B3 deficiency; loss of sense of smell and taste and white spots on the nails are often an early sign of Zinc deficiency; Tin deficiency can cause male pattern baldness; menopausal problems are often caused by Boron deficiency; constipation by Magnesium deficiency; dizziness and tinitus by Manganese deficiency; memory loss by vitamin B1 deficiency; menstrual problems by vitamin B6 deficiency; slow healing wounds by vitamin C deficiency; gray hair and skin wrinkles by Cooper deficiency. Ruptured aneurysm, and varicose veins can be caused by Cooper deficiency; Cardiomyopathy and heart attack by Selenium deficiency, Diabetes by Chromium and Vanadium deficiency; Alzheimer’s disease by vitamin E deficiency etc.
Nutrition is not just a multivitamin alone
Since nutritional deficiencies may impair homeostatic equilibrium, while free radicals may cause oxidative stress and cellular damage, prescribing nutritional supplements and antioxidants are an integral part of the bioregulatory treatment.
Increased nutritional awareness and specific dietary guidance help preventing tissue acidification. The need for exclusion of white bread, coffee and sugar and increased intake of alkaline supplements (calcium, magnesium/sodium bicarbonate) and alkaline rich food, such as fruits, nuts and vegetables; is gradually becoming a common knowledge.
Your intestines often need to be renewed with a non-toxic and hypoallergenic diet, intestinal cleansing and prescription of specific probiotics, prebiotics or symbiotics.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Reasons you may not be losing weight on the hcg diet
1. Evaluate the tablespoon of Milk you are drinking.
Consider changing to goat, almond, soy, or rice milk. Milk contains hormones to promote quick growth and weight gain of the calf to enable it to survive on it's own at the earliest. A baby calf triples in weight within the first year of life so cow's milk has a high content of fat and hormones like insulin promoting growth factor (IGF). Because of this milk has been used for centuries as an invalid food to promote appetite and weight gain. It is an easily digestible, high protein food for those people who do not have a milk allergy or are not lactose intolerant. As it promotes weight gain, it predisposes to obesity, hormonal problems like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and paralytic strokes. People with any of these conditions should avoid taking milk and other dairy products.
Non dairy milk
You may want to make sure you don't have a casein allergy by getting tested or an elimination diet.
2. You have a gluten allergy
Gluten allergies are relatively common. 1 in 111 adults (0.9%) have a gluten allergy. When people with gastrointestinal complaints were studied, 1 in 30 adults (3.3%) were found to have a gluten allergy. This makes a gluten allergy quite common, especially when people with chronically uncomfortable guts are considered.
Using digestive enzymes can be effective in minimizing the impact of gluten for those with gluten intolerance or gut injury.
Also, avoid the melba toast and grissini on the diet. Or you can replace them with gluten free crackers.
3. You have an allergy to any of the foods on the diet.
Most of the foods on this diet do not commonly trigger allergies. But you could be exposing yourself to #1 and #2… and it would not be impossible that you are eating or seasoning your food with something that is counterproductive. People can be allergic to spices. Try salt only and see how that works, or have your practitioner check your sensitivity to some spices and only use the ones you do not react to.
Allergy to strawberries is one of the most common of all fruit and vegetable allergies. When a person is allergic to this fruit, it is likely they are reacting to the birch pollen allergen that apples and peaches bring on.
4. You did not do a colon cleanse.
When doing the HCG diet it is highly recommended to do a colon cleanse. The hcg diet gets rid of stored fat fast, and fat stores toxins as well. By cleaning your colon and getting rid of excess toxins, you greatly aid your hcg diet plan. If your colon and liver are not up to speed, You cannot expect them to optimally help you shed weight. This one can be used during the diet.
5. Your adrenal glands may be functioning suboptimally.
Check your DHEA level, if it is low, a supplement may make your weight loss more effective.
DHEA is an adrenal hormone that also aids in increasing metabolism and burning fat and reducing stress.
6. You are still craving food and are eating things that are not allowed.
7. You are using lotion or some cosmetic that is not allowed. Try our coconut oil infused with essential oils. 832-237-4200
8. Through readjustment of the normal pH balance in the body,
People who change their diets to maintain pH balance will likely notice a welcome side effect: weight loss. A pH balance diet is so effective for weight loss that there are several well-known pH balance weight loss programs in existence.
Balancing your diet - Acid/Alkaline
When food is metabolised by the body the end products are either acidic or alkaline. Acids are compounds of elements, which give away hydrogen ions, alkalines are compounds of elements which attract hydrogen ions. The body needs both acids and alkalines for its metabolism but we have more difficulty getting rid of acids than alkalines. One of the simplest ways to immediately create more alkalinity in your body is to drink so-called superfood powdered drinks. Choose a brand that contains ingredients with high alkaline values such as spinach, broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, alfalfa and sprouted grain powders. Many of these ingredients are contained in Green cell Therapy.
Milk thistle, lactobacillus, and digestive enzymes are in Vitagreen (formerly known as Green cell therapy).
Other ingredients:
Wheat Grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, chlorella, CoQ10, Carrot Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Grape seed exract, Milk Thistle seed extract, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Dandelion Powder, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Bee Pollen Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Flax Seed Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Astralagus Powder, Royal Jelly, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
9. Yeast overload
Belly fat is more than just fat. Yeast causes abdominal bloating that can add an extra 5-7 inches that seems to appear out of nowhere. This can be devastating for someone who is on a diet and trying to lose weight and lose inches. If a woman says she has only been eating 1,000 calories a day for a week yet still gained weight a doctor tends to think she is not being truthful. However, if most of her diet is carbohydrates and sugar she may very well be growing yeast, which create a toxic build up and fluid retention to dilute the toxins. It’s a whole new way of looking at weight gain.
Besides bloating and toxic fluid build up, yeast can decrease thyroid function and lead to lowered metabolism, which is a well known cause of weight gain. Some yeast toxins can block hormone receptors and block hormone action.
10. You have a vitamin deficiency
I recommend that people load with Omega 3, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin D prior to the diet. Take as much as you can on the loading days.
For the Omega 3, take at least two 1000 mg tablets with each meal for the three loading days.
According to the Journal of Obesity, recent studies have shown that supplementation with Omega 3 fish oil increased the number of fat calories burned in a single day.
Co enzyme Q10 and weight loss goes hand in hand. This increases the metabolism rate in our body which burns up the food that we eat, faster.This enzyme is present more in the liver, pancreas and the heart than in the lungs. The presence of CoQ10, not only improves the metabolism rate in our body, but it also improves the immune system. Deficiency of the co enzyme Q10, in an individual, reduces the level of metabolism due to which the person might face several problems related to weight.
Take calcium and B vitamins during the diet.
But for the next phase, and while you are on maintenance, heed the advice above.
11. Try a chromium supplement
Chromium that has been shown to reduce fat accumulation, reduce cholesterol, reduce triglycerides, and reduce blood sugar levels in those people who have adequate blood insulin levels. Over 30 hospital and university studies have been performed showing all of the positive effects of Chromium. It helps the body store and burn carbohydrate in the proper way so that you have more energy and less fat buildup in the body.
12. Did you fat load properly?
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified integrative physician prior to using our products if possible.
Consider changing to goat, almond, soy, or rice milk. Milk contains hormones to promote quick growth and weight gain of the calf to enable it to survive on it's own at the earliest. A baby calf triples in weight within the first year of life so cow's milk has a high content of fat and hormones like insulin promoting growth factor (IGF). Because of this milk has been used for centuries as an invalid food to promote appetite and weight gain. It is an easily digestible, high protein food for those people who do not have a milk allergy or are not lactose intolerant. As it promotes weight gain, it predisposes to obesity, hormonal problems like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and paralytic strokes. People with any of these conditions should avoid taking milk and other dairy products.
Non dairy milk
You may want to make sure you don't have a casein allergy by getting tested or an elimination diet.
2. You have a gluten allergy
Gluten allergies are relatively common. 1 in 111 adults (0.9%) have a gluten allergy. When people with gastrointestinal complaints were studied, 1 in 30 adults (3.3%) were found to have a gluten allergy. This makes a gluten allergy quite common, especially when people with chronically uncomfortable guts are considered.
Using digestive enzymes can be effective in minimizing the impact of gluten for those with gluten intolerance or gut injury.
Also, avoid the melba toast and grissini on the diet. Or you can replace them with gluten free crackers.
3. You have an allergy to any of the foods on the diet.
Most of the foods on this diet do not commonly trigger allergies. But you could be exposing yourself to #1 and #2… and it would not be impossible that you are eating or seasoning your food with something that is counterproductive. People can be allergic to spices. Try salt only and see how that works, or have your practitioner check your sensitivity to some spices and only use the ones you do not react to.
Allergy to strawberries is one of the most common of all fruit and vegetable allergies. When a person is allergic to this fruit, it is likely they are reacting to the birch pollen allergen that apples and peaches bring on.
4. You did not do a colon cleanse.
When doing the HCG diet it is highly recommended to do a colon cleanse. The hcg diet gets rid of stored fat fast, and fat stores toxins as well. By cleaning your colon and getting rid of excess toxins, you greatly aid your hcg diet plan. If your colon and liver are not up to speed, You cannot expect them to optimally help you shed weight. This one can be used during the diet.
5. Your adrenal glands may be functioning suboptimally.
Check your DHEA level, if it is low, a supplement may make your weight loss more effective.
DHEA is an adrenal hormone that also aids in increasing metabolism and burning fat and reducing stress.
6. You are still craving food and are eating things that are not allowed.
7. You are using lotion or some cosmetic that is not allowed. Try our coconut oil infused with essential oils. 832-237-4200
8. Through readjustment of the normal pH balance in the body,
People who change their diets to maintain pH balance will likely notice a welcome side effect: weight loss. A pH balance diet is so effective for weight loss that there are several well-known pH balance weight loss programs in existence.
Balancing your diet - Acid/Alkaline
When food is metabolised by the body the end products are either acidic or alkaline. Acids are compounds of elements, which give away hydrogen ions, alkalines are compounds of elements which attract hydrogen ions. The body needs both acids and alkalines for its metabolism but we have more difficulty getting rid of acids than alkalines. One of the simplest ways to immediately create more alkalinity in your body is to drink so-called superfood powdered drinks. Choose a brand that contains ingredients with high alkaline values such as spinach, broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, alfalfa and sprouted grain powders. Many of these ingredients are contained in Green cell Therapy.
Milk thistle, lactobacillus, and digestive enzymes are in Vitagreen (formerly known as Green cell therapy).
Other ingredients:
Wheat Grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, chlorella, CoQ10, Carrot Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Grape seed exract, Milk Thistle seed extract, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Dandelion Powder, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Bee Pollen Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Flax Seed Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Astralagus Powder, Royal Jelly, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
9. Yeast overload
Belly fat is more than just fat. Yeast causes abdominal bloating that can add an extra 5-7 inches that seems to appear out of nowhere. This can be devastating for someone who is on a diet and trying to lose weight and lose inches. If a woman says she has only been eating 1,000 calories a day for a week yet still gained weight a doctor tends to think she is not being truthful. However, if most of her diet is carbohydrates and sugar she may very well be growing yeast, which create a toxic build up and fluid retention to dilute the toxins. It’s a whole new way of looking at weight gain.
Besides bloating and toxic fluid build up, yeast can decrease thyroid function and lead to lowered metabolism, which is a well known cause of weight gain. Some yeast toxins can block hormone receptors and block hormone action.
10. You have a vitamin deficiency
I recommend that people load with Omega 3, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin D prior to the diet. Take as much as you can on the loading days.
For the Omega 3, take at least two 1000 mg tablets with each meal for the three loading days.
According to the Journal of Obesity, recent studies have shown that supplementation with Omega 3 fish oil increased the number of fat calories burned in a single day.
Co enzyme Q10 and weight loss goes hand in hand. This increases the metabolism rate in our body which burns up the food that we eat, faster.This enzyme is present more in the liver, pancreas and the heart than in the lungs. The presence of CoQ10, not only improves the metabolism rate in our body, but it also improves the immune system. Deficiency of the co enzyme Q10, in an individual, reduces the level of metabolism due to which the person might face several problems related to weight.
Take calcium and B vitamins during the diet.
But for the next phase, and while you are on maintenance, heed the advice above.
11. Try a chromium supplement
Chromium that has been shown to reduce fat accumulation, reduce cholesterol, reduce triglycerides, and reduce blood sugar levels in those people who have adequate blood insulin levels. Over 30 hospital and university studies have been performed showing all of the positive effects of Chromium. It helps the body store and burn carbohydrate in the proper way so that you have more energy and less fat buildup in the body.
12. Did you fat load properly?
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified integrative physician prior to using our products if possible.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Natural strategies for colds and flu
Cold and Flu Treatment with Intravenous Vitamin Therapy
It seems like some of us just can't get through cold and flu season without getting sick. Catching the occasional cold may be normal, but some people seem to be more susceptible, getting several colds a year. We all know people who always say they're going to get a flu shot, but never end up going through with it - and every year, without fail, they get a bad case of the flu that lays them up in bed for 2 weeks!
Antibiotics aren't the answer!
Many people who catch a cold go to their doctor and demand antibiotics. And even though colds are caused by a virus, some doctors give antibiotics to patients who request them just to make them happy. This has contributed to the now-widespread problem of antibiotic resistance. Of course, colds and flu can linger, and bacterial infections, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, can set in. In such cases, antibiotics are appropriate treatment.
Why do I always get a cold or the flu?
If you get a lot more colds or flu than most people, you could have a depressed immune system. As you might expect, certain people, such as organ-transplant recipients or HIV patients, are much less able to fend off infection. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you might not realize that taking many of the new drugs for RA, such as Enbrel or Humira, can severely depress your immune system.
But what if you don't have any of these problems, and you still get sick with colds and flu frequently? You could be "burning the candle at both ends" - stressing yourself out - which can cause lowered immunity. There is a very real reason behind this: stress causes your adrenal glands to produce high levels of cortisol, which has benefits such as reducing inflammation, but also strongly suppresses your immune system!
Goji Berries
Goji berries or sometimes called wolf berries, are rich in immune boasting compounds known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, most often referred to as polysaccharides. Research show that these compounds enhance the body’s ability to resist disease. The polysaccharides in Goji berries have a chemical structure similar to substances found in echinacea and maitake mushrooms which are known for their ability to support a healthy immune system.
Goji berries are also a rich source of vitamin C and zinc, which you know from my articles, both are known to protect against disease and aid in recovery. They are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and trace minerals which is vital on giving you the ability to strengthen your immune system so that your bodies can fight off against infections such as flu and influenza.
Vitamin D and influenza
Vitamin D from sunlight or supplements reduces the risk of influenza.
Two randomized controlled trials found reduced incidence of influenza for those taking higher doses of vitamin D. A study involving African-American postmenopausal women in New York found a 60% reduced risk of colds and influenza for those taking 800 IU/d vitamin D3 and 90% reduced risk for those taking 2000 IU/d.
According to an observational study, vitamin D provides protection against influenza. This occurs when vitamin D levels in the blood are more than 38 ng/mL (95 nmol/L).
High levels of vitamin D may prevent or lower the risk of influenza. Vitamin D may also reduce symptoms of influenza and reduce the risk of developing pneumonia following influenza. Vaccines strengthen the body’s ability to fight infection. Therefore, combining high levels of vitamin D and anti-influenza vaccines provide the best protection.
Vitamin D
Based on several studies, raising vitamin D blood levels to 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/l) may reduce the risk of influenza. For most people, this involves taking 1000–5000 international units (IU) (25–125 mcg)/day of vitamin D during the influenza season.
On average, 2000-5000 IU/day vitamin D3 may provide protection against influenza. Vitamin D3, the true form of vitamin D, is produced in the skin. Larger doses of vitamin D taken for a short time strengthen the immune system. This allows the body to fight infection
In Russia, Rhodiola rosea also known as "Golden root", has been used for centuries to cope with the cold Siberian climate and stressful life. But before describing this unusual herb, let's say a few words about stress itself. In Middle Asia, Rhodiola Rosea tea was the most effective treatment for cold and flu during severe Asian winters.
Green Cell Therapy is 100% organic product that contains a proprietary blend of 32 energetically balanced compounds of wild herbs, Probiotics and "superfoods" that are energetically balanced to perform at the cellular level. Green Cell Therapy activates cellular rejuvenation by providing nutrition that feeds the inner ecosystem to boost immunity; detoxifies the intestines and lymphatic system that aids in proper digestion and restores optimal PH balance; promotes healthy circulation and skin; strengthens the organs and balances internal chemistry that enhances energy levels.
This product contains alfalfa, spirulina, wheatgrass, digestive enzymes and lactobacillus.
Lactobacillus inhibits viruses and stimulates the immune system.
It seems like some of us just can't get through cold and flu season without getting sick. Catching the occasional cold may be normal, but some people seem to be more susceptible, getting several colds a year. We all know people who always say they're going to get a flu shot, but never end up going through with it - and every year, without fail, they get a bad case of the flu that lays them up in bed for 2 weeks!
Antibiotics aren't the answer!
Many people who catch a cold go to their doctor and demand antibiotics. And even though colds are caused by a virus, some doctors give antibiotics to patients who request them just to make them happy. This has contributed to the now-widespread problem of antibiotic resistance. Of course, colds and flu can linger, and bacterial infections, such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, can set in. In such cases, antibiotics are appropriate treatment.
Why do I always get a cold or the flu?
If you get a lot more colds or flu than most people, you could have a depressed immune system. As you might expect, certain people, such as organ-transplant recipients or HIV patients, are much less able to fend off infection. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you might not realize that taking many of the new drugs for RA, such as Enbrel or Humira, can severely depress your immune system.
But what if you don't have any of these problems, and you still get sick with colds and flu frequently? You could be "burning the candle at both ends" - stressing yourself out - which can cause lowered immunity. There is a very real reason behind this: stress causes your adrenal glands to produce high levels of cortisol, which has benefits such as reducing inflammation, but also strongly suppresses your immune system!
Goji Berries
Goji berries or sometimes called wolf berries, are rich in immune boasting compounds known as Lycium barbarum polysaccharides, most often referred to as polysaccharides. Research show that these compounds enhance the body’s ability to resist disease. The polysaccharides in Goji berries have a chemical structure similar to substances found in echinacea and maitake mushrooms which are known for their ability to support a healthy immune system.
Goji berries are also a rich source of vitamin C and zinc, which you know from my articles, both are known to protect against disease and aid in recovery. They are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and trace minerals which is vital on giving you the ability to strengthen your immune system so that your bodies can fight off against infections such as flu and influenza.
Vitamin D and influenza
Vitamin D from sunlight or supplements reduces the risk of influenza.
Two randomized controlled trials found reduced incidence of influenza for those taking higher doses of vitamin D. A study involving African-American postmenopausal women in New York found a 60% reduced risk of colds and influenza for those taking 800 IU/d vitamin D3 and 90% reduced risk for those taking 2000 IU/d.
According to an observational study, vitamin D provides protection against influenza. This occurs when vitamin D levels in the blood are more than 38 ng/mL (95 nmol/L).
High levels of vitamin D may prevent or lower the risk of influenza. Vitamin D may also reduce symptoms of influenza and reduce the risk of developing pneumonia following influenza. Vaccines strengthen the body’s ability to fight infection. Therefore, combining high levels of vitamin D and anti-influenza vaccines provide the best protection.
Vitamin D
Based on several studies, raising vitamin D blood levels to 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/l) may reduce the risk of influenza. For most people, this involves taking 1000–5000 international units (IU) (25–125 mcg)/day of vitamin D during the influenza season.
On average, 2000-5000 IU/day vitamin D3 may provide protection against influenza. Vitamin D3, the true form of vitamin D, is produced in the skin. Larger doses of vitamin D taken for a short time strengthen the immune system. This allows the body to fight infection
In Russia, Rhodiola rosea also known as "Golden root", has been used for centuries to cope with the cold Siberian climate and stressful life. But before describing this unusual herb, let's say a few words about stress itself. In Middle Asia, Rhodiola Rosea tea was the most effective treatment for cold and flu during severe Asian winters.
Green Cell Therapy is 100% organic product that contains a proprietary blend of 32 energetically balanced compounds of wild herbs, Probiotics and "superfoods" that are energetically balanced to perform at the cellular level. Green Cell Therapy activates cellular rejuvenation by providing nutrition that feeds the inner ecosystem to boost immunity; detoxifies the intestines and lymphatic system that aids in proper digestion and restores optimal PH balance; promotes healthy circulation and skin; strengthens the organs and balances internal chemistry that enhances energy levels.
This product contains alfalfa, spirulina, wheatgrass, digestive enzymes and lactobacillus.
Lactobacillus inhibits viruses and stimulates the immune system.
Herbs to improve kidney function
When the kidneys are damaged, their filtering effects stop functioning. This means that wastes and toxins begin to build up in the blood. You cannot live long without the detoxifying efforts of the kidneys. When kidneys fail, the only choices are dialysis (artificial filtration) or kidney transplantation.
Milk Thistle
– There is likely no better herb for the liver than milk thistle. And current research is beginning to illustrate how milk thistle helps the kidneys function better, and protects them from the damaging effects of a wide variety of insults.
is an excellent diuretic and as such it is used for edema and urinary stones. It is believed to increase the elimination of waste products like urea, and other acidic metabolites, and thus used for gout and arthritis.
Supplementing with Coenzyme Q 10
(CoQ10) can improve kidney function and reduce the need for dialysis in people with severe, chronic kidney (renal) failure, according to a study in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (2003;13:13–22).
is a natural diuretic that stimulates urine flow and flushes the urinary tract.
Patients with kidney insufficiency were fed bee pollen
and showed great improvement. Bee pollen promotes healing of a wide variety of other health problems.
Royal Jelly
helps to maintain and repair vital organs like liver, kidney, heart, brain and also strengthen the bones.
has demonstrated useful anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties in a number of animal models and human diseases. Flaxseed may also inhibit sclerosis and formation of scar tissue. In recent years, researchers have been investigating whether the phytoestrogens and lignans from foods such as flaxseed can play a beneficially therapeutic role in kidney disease, which often involves destructive inflammatory, oxidative and sclerotic processes. The answer seems to be quite positive.
Historically, grape seed has been known to treat a variety of problems, including kidney diseases.
Wheat Grass
juice purifies the blood which helps to cleanse the kidneys, liver and urinary tract.
A noted use for astragalus
is in the treatment of kidney problems, namely kidney disease. The National Institutes of Health relays a study from China that shows astragalus plays a role in slowing the progression of CKD (chronic kidney disease).
Beet juice and carrot juice when combined is excellent in the healing gout, kidney and gall bladder problem.
Other Ingredients
Barley grass juice powder, chlorella, Kale Juice Powder, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Aloe Vera Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Chinese medical experts believe the goji berry is also able to repair liver and kidney damage, improve men's sexual health, improve eyesight, cleanse the blood and strengthen the immune system. The most common modern application of goji berries is improving energy and lowering blood pressure. Most Chinese medical practitioners also believe Goji berries can help lower blood sugar, improve circulation, lower cholesterol and may be effective in treating diabetes. Chinese medical research also shows that goji berries may help treat chronic renal failure.
None of the statements in this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements in this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advise, making claims regarding the cure of diseases. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre existing injuries or medical conditions.
Milk Thistle
Supplementing with Coenzyme Q 10
Patients with kidney insufficiency were fed bee pollen
Royal Jelly
Historically, grape seed has been known to treat a variety of problems, including kidney diseases.
Wheat Grass
A noted use for astragalus
Beet juice and carrot juice when combined is excellent in the healing gout, kidney and gall bladder problem.
Other Ingredients
Barley grass juice powder, chlorella, Kale Juice Powder, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Aloe Vera Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Chinese medical experts believe the goji berry is also able to repair liver and kidney damage, improve men's sexual health, improve eyesight, cleanse the blood and strengthen the immune system. The most common modern application of goji berries is improving energy and lowering blood pressure. Most Chinese medical practitioners also believe Goji berries can help lower blood sugar, improve circulation, lower cholesterol and may be effective in treating diabetes. Chinese medical research also shows that goji berries may help treat chronic renal failure.
None of the statements in this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements in this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advise, making claims regarding the cure of diseases. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre existing injuries or medical conditions.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Taking care of psoriasis from the inside out.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease causing an overproduction of skin cells. This results in thickened patches of skin, which are red and scaly and often itchy and painful. The patches most commonly appear on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, back, fingernails and toenails.
Detoxify the bowels and liver to eliminate a possible overgrowth of Candida albicans or other microbes that may be infecting the body. To do that, be sure to drink plenty of water every day (usually 10 to 12 cups) and supplement with a high quality probiotic supplement.
One of the main gut problems in people with psoriasis appears to be faulty digestion of protein; this, in turn, creates excessive toxicity in the bowel, which weakens the gut lining and allows substances to intoxicate the rest of the body. This can lead to skin problems including psoriasis and other forms of inflammation. A digestive enzyme supplement taken with each main meal should also help. The body naturally produces proteolytic enzymes (which digest protein) but may not be producing enough, so taking a source of these may help.-Look out for a formula containing protease - the broad name for enzymes which digest protein.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease, so it follows that fish oil—if it alters immune reactivity—could improve psoriasis.
Milk thistle stops the breakdown of substances that contribute to psoriasis. Some herbal practitioners suggest tea or tincture made with milk thistle to help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.
Lecithin: Lecithin is also considered a remarkable remedy for psoriasis. The patient may take six to nine lecithin capsules a day-two or three capsules before or after each meal. If taken in the form of granules, four tablespoonfuls may be taken daily for two months. The dosage may be reduced thereafter to two tablespoons.
Psorisias and Diet
If your body chemistry is too acid you must eat more alkaline foods to assist psoriasis treatment. You can test your acid/alkaline balance by using simple litmus paper. If your urine is under +7, you are too acid.
Balancing your diet - Acid/Alkaline
When food is metabolised by the body the end products are either acidic or alkaline. Acids are compounds of elements, which give away hydrogen ions, alkalines are compounds of elements which attract hydrogen ions. The body needs both acids and alkalines for its metabolism but we have more difficulty getting rid of acids than alkalines. It is therefore easy for an accumulation of excess acids to occur which can cause us to get rheumatism or skin problems such as psoriasis. To avoid this, aim for a diet which is 70% alkaline and 30% acid. One of the simplest ways to immediately create more alkalinity in your body is to drink so-called superfood powdered drinks. Choose a brand that contains ingredients with high alkaline values such as spinach, broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, alfalfa and sprouted grain powders. Many of these ingredients are contained in Green cell Therapy.
Milk thistle, lactobacillus, and digestive enzymes are in Green cell therapy.
Other ingredients:
Wheat Grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, chlorella, CoQ10, Carrot Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Grape seed exract, Milk Thistle seed extract, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Dandelion Powder, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Bee Pollen Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Flax Seed Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Astralagus Powder, Royal Jelly, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Light, especially sunlight, has long been known to have healing powers, but it wasn't until the 1980's that science began discovering how specific wavelengths of light could have specific positive effects on human physiology, especially the skin. For instance, today narrowband light is used to treat several skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. And light therapy has also found its way into the cosmetic world as an effective method for skin rejuvenation. We have the Omnilux light. Using the Omnilux Plus combined with the Omnilux Revive offers an alternative to the current treatments for psoriasis without the side effects. Clinical studies show impressive reductions in erythema, surface area, and infiltration of plaque psoriasis when treated with Omnilux light therapy only over a 5 wk period.
Sexibalm contains Coconut oil and various essential oils beneficial for psoriasis. Can be used with the Omnilux light to aid penetration.
Tea Tree Oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is renowned for its special remedial properties and has been used by Australian Aborigines for hundreds of years. Apart from chewing on its leaves, the aborigines used it for treating many skin-ailments, such as burns, cuts, and psoriasis! This essential oil is steam-distilled from a tree native to Australia, and acts as an antiseptic, a mild anaesthetic and a disinfectant, thanks to a compound called ‘terpinen-4-ol’. It is so useful that tea-tree oil became standard issue for Australian soldiers during World War 2! It is also great for treating scalp-psoriasis, and can be mixed directly into the shampoo before every wash.
Lavender Oil is a firm favourite for many – it smells just like that perfume your terrifying elderly aunt uses, and it’s great for psoriasis! It is a species of mint that grows in the Mediterranean, and bears very recognisable purple flowers. The plant has anti-inflammatory compounds called linalool and linalyl aldehyde, and also acts as an antiseptic agent. In addition, the University of Maryland Medical Centre has published studies that have demonstrated the benefits of using lavender oil in controlling pain and limiting scaly skin patches.
Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.
Vitamin E oil, is a natural treatment for Psoriasis. Rubbing Vitamin E directly on the affected skin will help moisturize and heal the skin. This natural oil will also help prevent scarring.
Green tea is already well known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent with good astringent properties, which makes it a valuable ingredient in skin cleansers, toners and lotions. If it also "induces capsase 14 production", the missing link in psoriasis, it may be helpful to use a poultice of green tea on such lesions.
Detoxify the bowels and liver to eliminate a possible overgrowth of Candida albicans or other microbes that may be infecting the body. To do that, be sure to drink plenty of water every day (usually 10 to 12 cups) and supplement with a high quality probiotic supplement.
One of the main gut problems in people with psoriasis appears to be faulty digestion of protein; this, in turn, creates excessive toxicity in the bowel, which weakens the gut lining and allows substances to intoxicate the rest of the body. This can lead to skin problems including psoriasis and other forms of inflammation. A digestive enzyme supplement taken with each main meal should also help. The body naturally produces proteolytic enzymes (which digest protein) but may not be producing enough, so taking a source of these may help.-Look out for a formula containing protease - the broad name for enzymes which digest protein.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease, so it follows that fish oil—if it alters immune reactivity—could improve psoriasis.
Milk thistle stops the breakdown of substances that contribute to psoriasis. Some herbal practitioners suggest tea or tincture made with milk thistle to help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.
Lecithin: Lecithin is also considered a remarkable remedy for psoriasis. The patient may take six to nine lecithin capsules a day-two or three capsules before or after each meal. If taken in the form of granules, four tablespoonfuls may be taken daily for two months. The dosage may be reduced thereafter to two tablespoons.
Psorisias and Diet
If your body chemistry is too acid you must eat more alkaline foods to assist psoriasis treatment. You can test your acid/alkaline balance by using simple litmus paper. If your urine is under +7, you are too acid.
Balancing your diet - Acid/Alkaline
When food is metabolised by the body the end products are either acidic or alkaline. Acids are compounds of elements, which give away hydrogen ions, alkalines are compounds of elements which attract hydrogen ions. The body needs both acids and alkalines for its metabolism but we have more difficulty getting rid of acids than alkalines. It is therefore easy for an accumulation of excess acids to occur which can cause us to get rheumatism or skin problems such as psoriasis. To avoid this, aim for a diet which is 70% alkaline and 30% acid. One of the simplest ways to immediately create more alkalinity in your body is to drink so-called superfood powdered drinks. Choose a brand that contains ingredients with high alkaline values such as spinach, broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, alfalfa and sprouted grain powders. Many of these ingredients are contained in Green cell Therapy.
Milk thistle, lactobacillus, and digestive enzymes are in Green cell therapy.
Other ingredients:
Wheat Grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, chlorella, CoQ10, Carrot Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Grape seed exract, Milk Thistle seed extract, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Dandelion Powder, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Bee Pollen Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Flax Seed Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Astralagus Powder, Royal Jelly, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Light, especially sunlight, has long been known to have healing powers, but it wasn't until the 1980's that science began discovering how specific wavelengths of light could have specific positive effects on human physiology, especially the skin. For instance, today narrowband light is used to treat several skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. And light therapy has also found its way into the cosmetic world as an effective method for skin rejuvenation. We have the Omnilux light. Using the Omnilux Plus combined with the Omnilux Revive offers an alternative to the current treatments for psoriasis without the side effects. Clinical studies show impressive reductions in erythema, surface area, and infiltration of plaque psoriasis when treated with Omnilux light therapy only over a 5 wk period.
Sexibalm contains Coconut oil and various essential oils beneficial for psoriasis. Can be used with the Omnilux light to aid penetration.
Tea Tree Oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is renowned for its special remedial properties and has been used by Australian Aborigines for hundreds of years. Apart from chewing on its leaves, the aborigines used it for treating many skin-ailments, such as burns, cuts, and psoriasis! This essential oil is steam-distilled from a tree native to Australia, and acts as an antiseptic, a mild anaesthetic and a disinfectant, thanks to a compound called ‘terpinen-4-ol’. It is so useful that tea-tree oil became standard issue for Australian soldiers during World War 2! It is also great for treating scalp-psoriasis, and can be mixed directly into the shampoo before every wash.
Lavender Oil is a firm favourite for many – it smells just like that perfume your terrifying elderly aunt uses, and it’s great for psoriasis! It is a species of mint that grows in the Mediterranean, and bears very recognisable purple flowers. The plant has anti-inflammatory compounds called linalool and linalyl aldehyde, and also acts as an antiseptic agent. In addition, the University of Maryland Medical Centre has published studies that have demonstrated the benefits of using lavender oil in controlling pain and limiting scaly skin patches.
Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.
Vitamin E oil, is a natural treatment for Psoriasis. Rubbing Vitamin E directly on the affected skin will help moisturize and heal the skin. This natural oil will also help prevent scarring.
Green tea is already well known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent with good astringent properties, which makes it a valuable ingredient in skin cleansers, toners and lotions. If it also "induces capsase 14 production", the missing link in psoriasis, it may be helpful to use a poultice of green tea on such lesions.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Beyond HCG diet; Post HCG diet shopping for new drinks
Maintenance (phase 3) you are allowed to have diet sodas. Other flavored beverages allowed include: select alcohol in limited quantities, Glaceau fruit water, crystal light, diet snapple, etc. Try to develop a habit that replaces a previous sugary soda habit.
Treat yourself to Walden Farms Calorie Free Fruit Strawberry and Blueberry Syrups. Made with concentrated fruit extracts and natural flavors, they make milk a special treat, are delicious over ice cream, enhance the flavor of fresh fruits, great in smoothies and delicious in recipes that call for fruit flavors
Here are some suggestions.
Treat yourself to Walden Farms Calorie Free Fruit Strawberry and Blueberry Syrups. Made with concentrated fruit extracts and natural flavors, they make milk a special treat, are delicious over ice cream, enhance the flavor of fresh fruits, great in smoothies and delicious in recipes that call for fruit flavors
Here are some suggestions.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Beyond HCG diet; Post HCG diet shopping
This blog is a companion to the pamphlet I wrote for may patients to continue their success after the HCG diet. "Beyond the HCG diet… eating for the new you"
1. If you miss pasta and rice, take a look at my "miracle noodles" post
2. try to stick with items that are low fat as well as sugarless.
3. Maintenance (phase 3) you are allowed to have diet sodas. Other flavored beverages allowed include: select alcohol in limited quantities, Fresca sparkling drinks, Glaceau fruit water, crystal light, diet snapple, etc. See next post for drink options.
4. Whole wheat crackers- There's a chance this might actually be better for you than your standard bread stick or Melba toast. Wheat grain doesn't stick to your intestinal tract like processed white flour, and a few people actually report better weight loss using wheat crackers. Be sure to pick a brand and portion size with the same calorie count and other nutrition as the usual bread stick or Melba toast.
give me suggestions… I will add them to the list for everybody to find
1. If you miss pasta and rice, take a look at my "miracle noodles" post
2. try to stick with items that are low fat as well as sugarless.
3. Maintenance (phase 3) you are allowed to have diet sodas. Other flavored beverages allowed include: select alcohol in limited quantities, Fresca sparkling drinks, Glaceau fruit water, crystal light, diet snapple, etc. See next post for drink options.
4. Whole wheat crackers- There's a chance this might actually be better for you than your standard bread stick or Melba toast. Wheat grain doesn't stick to your intestinal tract like processed white flour, and a few people actually report better weight loss using wheat crackers. Be sure to pick a brand and portion size with the same calorie count and other nutrition as the usual bread stick or Melba toast.
give me suggestions… I will add them to the list for everybody to find
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Female Balance Ultimate
Female Balance Ultimate
It helps you feel healthy, balanced and relaxed - all month long, all life long!
Female Balance, a dietary supplement, packed with nutrients, botanicals and other herbal blends helps support a woman's hormonal system and brings balance back to a woman's life.Whether there is a problem with PMS, menopause and most other concerns in women’s health, Symmetry's specially formulated dietary supplement works to help take care of the problems and maintain a healthy balance in women's lives.
The menopausal phase of a woman's life starts when her body begins to decrease its estrogen production. This transition process varies for each woman and can include hot flashes, headaches and mood swings. Female Balance is a unique combination of plant based wild yam, dong quai, and essential fatty acids that’s combined with potent vitamin B-6 to support the female body's natural ability to maintain proper hormonal function, health, energy, and overall well being.
Wild yam root extract: The active ingredient in wild yam root is a naturally occurring substance called progesterone, which is the primary precursor hormone for estrogen, cortisone, and aldosterone. Wild yam is also helpful in soothing occasional cramps.
Dong quai: A traditional Chinese herb, dong quai contains phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) to promote increased circulation and healthy function of the endocrine system.
Vitex angus cactus extract (Chaste berry): Chaste berry supports balanced hormone levels by supporting healthy levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production during pregnancy from the pituitary gland. High levels of prolactin may be a factor in PMS and menstrual irregularity.
Herbs that are well-noted for promoting female hormone balance
One of these herbs is Black Cohosh, which is known as both Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa. Black Cohosh has traditionally been used as a popular Native American and folk remedy for female ailments. Black cohosh contains natural phytoestrogens [plant estrogens] and is well-noted for its antispasmodic properties and its ability to increase blood flow to the uterus; thereby reducing particularly painful cramps. It is also used to stabilize female hormone levels, which addresses the following premenstrual syndrome [PMS] symptoms:
Painful Menstrual Cramps
Irregular Periods
Low Sex Drive [Low Libido]
Female Anxiety
Mood Changes
Muscle Pains
Black Cohosh is also a popular natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It is used for many symptoms that frequently accompany perimenopause and menopause, including:
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal Atrophy [Loose Vaginal Muscles]
Another potent herb used for female hormone balance is Wild Yam, also know as Dioscorea. It is used in labs to convert into the ovarian hormone progesterone. However, in its natural state without conversion, it contains the natural plant hormone diosgenin which is similar in structure to progesterone as well as to the adrenal hormone DHEA. The plant hormone diosgenin nourishes female organs and has a balancing effect upon the body’s hormones similar to the effects of DHEA and progesterone. Wild yam can help to overcome the negative effects of declining levels of DHEA and progesterone that usually begin to occur at around age 25-30. Natural plant hormones such as diosgenin are safer to take long term than are synthetic or animal forms of hormones. Its anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties are useful for reducing intense menstrual cramps. Wild yam is used for the following PMS symptoms:
Menstrual Cramps
Loss Of Sex Drive
Hot Flashes
Modern Day Uses of Ginseng
In the Western world, ginseng´s uses are the subject of extensive scientific trials. Such trials aim to test the efficiency of ginseng in treating specific modern day ailments. Some of these include:
As an Energizer: To assist the body's natural capacity to heal. For this reason, both the American and Asian ginseng are often used in the process of rehabilitation for people recovering from injury or illness. As Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction Problems: As a renowned stimulant, red ginseng is often used to help correct sexual dysfunction.
For Treating Menopause Symptoms: Ginseng has differing results depending on the person taking it. Despite these varying effects, many women take ginseng to lessen the often agonizing symptoms of menopause.
Ginseng is sometimes prescribed to treat mental well-being because it is considered a "normalizer" and "energizer". It is also a proven reliever of fatigue, nervousness, and stress.
Another potent herb used for female hormone balance is Dong Quai, also known as Angelica sinesis. Dong Quai is well-noted for its reputation as a female tonic. It has both anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It has the ability to increase blood flow to the uterus; thereby reducing particularly painful cramps. Coumarins are the active ingredients in dong quai, which dilate blood vessels and stimulate the central nervous system. When blood vessels are dilated, this causes an increase in blood flow throughout the body. Coumarins also relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, which would help to explain the herb's traditional use for menstrual cramps. It is not likely that Dong Quai has any direct estrogenic effects because it contains only 1/400th the estrogen that the prescription drug Premarin does, for example, and it may actually lessen the effect of a woman's own estrogen. However, Dong Quai does contain estrogenic substances that may exert some regulating effect on estrogen levels and on estrogenic biological mechanisms. These estrogenic substances stimulate the liver to process and excrete any excess estrogen and get female hormones back into balance again. They seem to enhance estrogenic effects when estrogen levels are too low, and compete when levels are too high. This property substantiates how Dong Quai has become known as a menstrual tonic. Since PMS is thought to be partially caused by an estrogen excess, reducing the estrogen effect is very much an asset for female hormone regulation. Dong Quai is used to promote uterine health by nourishing female organs and to stabilize female hormone levels, which addresses the following premenstrual syndrome [PMS] symptoms:
Menstrual Cramps
Irregular Menstrual Periods
Amenorrhea (Missed Periods)
Menorrrhagia (Heavy Bleeding Or Prolonged Periods)
Endometriosis Pain
Mood Swings
Dong Quai is also used to fight certain microorganisms, including the Candida albicans fungus, which is the primary causative agent in vaginal yeast infections, as well as genital herpes outbreaks.
Dong quai is also used for menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
It has many medicinal problems and helps women in the menopause. Women who consume it in Peru, and have been doing so all their lives, do not experience the menopausal symptoms we experience in the west, like hot flushes, vaginal dryness and libido problems. In Peru it is eaten either raw or baked. and can also be used dried.
Experiments and research have been carried out on this powerful plant which reveal that not only does it help women in the menopause, but it increases libido
It can help with anxiety and mood swings, lack of energy and loss of memory, depression, insomnia, hair loss, gum disease, brittle hair and fingernails and many more symptoms.
Maca is recommended for fertility problems, sterility, and other sexual disorders.
If you have an overactive thyroid or Graves Disease, do not use MACA
Another very important herb used for female hormone balance is Vitex, also know as Chasteberry, Chaste Tree and Vitex agnus-castus. PMS consists of various physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation. The symptoms begin about mid-cycle and are generally the most intense during the last seven days before menstruation. Vitex is probably the most important herb in relation to helping PMS. It works on the pituitary gland and has a balancing effect on the hormones especially in the second half of the cycle which is why it is such an important herb for PMS symptoms. It has historically been used to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle by assisting with restoring a normal estrogen-to-progesterone balance. With prolonged usage, it is possible that it can totally reverse the premenstrual syndrome, which has been linked to abnormally high levels of estrogen, especially if symptoms tend to disappear when menstruation begins. It is specifically used to assist the body to secrete progesterone. Low progesterone levels during childbearing years produce the following PMS symptoms:
Fibroid Tumors
Ovarian Cysts
Frequent Periods
Heavy Bleeding During Periods
Lack Of Ovulation
Missed Periods
Breast Tenderness
Cravings For Sweets
Feelings Of Anxiety
Mood Swings
Libido Imbalance [Sex Drive Too High Or Too Low]
Difficulty Concentrating
Difficulty Handling Stress
Vitex is also used for menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Animal studies have shown that epimedium may function a bit like an adaptogen (such as cordyceps, rhodiola, ashwagandha, and ginseng) by increasing levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine when they are low (an energy-promoting effect), but reducing cortisol levels when they are elevated (an anti-stress effect). There is also evidence that epimedium can restore low levels of both testosterone and thyroid hormone (bringing low levels back to their normal levels) - which may account for some of the benefits of epimedium in improving libido (sex drive). Animal studies using epimedium have shown a reduction in bone breakdown, an increase in muscle mass, and a loss of body fat-each of which may be linked to the observed return of abnormal cortisol levels back to normal values (and rhythm).
Horny Goat Weed may have other effects as well. Some use the plant as a natural energy booster. Some studies indicate that Horny Goat Weed may increase osteoblastic activity in the bones, which would help prevent osteoporosis. Others have shown that the weed may help regulate cortisol, testosterone, and thyroid hormone levels in the body.
A study tested the estrogenic activity of 32 herbs used for menopause. Epimedium brevicornum, was one of the highest estrogenic activity.
Comparison to other products I have seen my patients take:
Macafem is a non-prescription tablet that claims to reduce the symptoms of PMS, menopause, reduced libido and infertility with natural herbs that balance hormones. The company says its product will keep the body’s hormones balanced in a safe and natural way. This product lists one ingredient: Maca
A one month supply costs $29.99
It is important to remember that maca does not itself contain any hormones, but its action on the body jogs the pituitary into producing the precursor hormones which ultimately end up raising estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, as well as helping to balance the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the pancreas.
Female Balance Ultimate also contains Maca. Female Balance contains 24 ingredients. I find that 24 herbs and vitamins working together have a better effect than one herb alone.
Female Balance Ultimate has been independently tested by Brunswick labs for potency and purity.
FertilAid for Women is designed to promote the balance of hormones that play a central role in menstrual health and regular ovulation, supporting a woman’s reproductive organs and the development of reproductive tissues." FertilAid for Women provides:
• A "Fertility-Enhancing" Formula: promotes regular ovulation and female hormonal balance. • Natural, scientifically-validated herbal ingredients, including chasteberry. A one month supply costs $28.95
Like the above product, Female Balance Ultimate Contains Chasteberry. Female Balance contains 24 ingredients.
Female Balance Ultimate has been independently tested by Brunswick labs for potency and purity.
With a proprietary herbal formula that includes chasteberry (vitex), red clover blossom, can help restore hormonal balance while supporting overall reproductive wellness. Each bottle contains a one-month supply. It may take up to 3 months to fully realize the benefits. Do not take if you are taking fertility drugs (such as Clomid). If taking Female Balance Ultimate for fertility purposes, use during menses, or if not menstruating, discontinue once pregnancy test is positive.
If taking Female Balance Ultimate for PMS, one can take it daily, or it can be taken just for the days that symptoms are noted, if this can be predicted.
As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules in the morning, and 1 to 2 capsules in the afternoon or as recommended by your health care practitioner.
It is not unusual for the length of your menstrual cycle to change during the use of this product. The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements or this treatment and there is no guarantee of cure with this treatment. Results may vary.
It helps you feel healthy, balanced and relaxed - all month long, all life long!
Female Balance, a dietary supplement, packed with nutrients, botanicals and other herbal blends helps support a woman's hormonal system and brings balance back to a woman's life.Whether there is a problem with PMS, menopause and most other concerns in women’s health, Symmetry's specially formulated dietary supplement works to help take care of the problems and maintain a healthy balance in women's lives.
The menopausal phase of a woman's life starts when her body begins to decrease its estrogen production. This transition process varies for each woman and can include hot flashes, headaches and mood swings. Female Balance is a unique combination of plant based wild yam, dong quai, and essential fatty acids that’s combined with potent vitamin B-6 to support the female body's natural ability to maintain proper hormonal function, health, energy, and overall well being.
Wild yam root extract: The active ingredient in wild yam root is a naturally occurring substance called progesterone, which is the primary precursor hormone for estrogen, cortisone, and aldosterone. Wild yam is also helpful in soothing occasional cramps.
Dong quai: A traditional Chinese herb, dong quai contains phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) to promote increased circulation and healthy function of the endocrine system.
Vitex angus cactus extract (Chaste berry): Chaste berry supports balanced hormone levels by supporting healthy levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production during pregnancy from the pituitary gland. High levels of prolactin may be a factor in PMS and menstrual irregularity.
Herbs that are well-noted for promoting female hormone balance
One of these herbs is Black Cohosh, which is known as both Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa. Black Cohosh has traditionally been used as a popular Native American and folk remedy for female ailments. Black cohosh contains natural phytoestrogens [plant estrogens] and is well-noted for its antispasmodic properties and its ability to increase blood flow to the uterus; thereby reducing particularly painful cramps. It is also used to stabilize female hormone levels, which addresses the following premenstrual syndrome [PMS] symptoms:
Painful Menstrual Cramps
Irregular Periods
Low Sex Drive [Low Libido]
Female Anxiety
Mood Changes
Muscle Pains
Black Cohosh is also a popular natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It is used for many symptoms that frequently accompany perimenopause and menopause, including:
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal Atrophy [Loose Vaginal Muscles]
Another potent herb used for female hormone balance is Wild Yam, also know as Dioscorea. It is used in labs to convert into the ovarian hormone progesterone. However, in its natural state without conversion, it contains the natural plant hormone diosgenin which is similar in structure to progesterone as well as to the adrenal hormone DHEA. The plant hormone diosgenin nourishes female organs and has a balancing effect upon the body’s hormones similar to the effects of DHEA and progesterone. Wild yam can help to overcome the negative effects of declining levels of DHEA and progesterone that usually begin to occur at around age 25-30. Natural plant hormones such as diosgenin are safer to take long term than are synthetic or animal forms of hormones. Its anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties are useful for reducing intense menstrual cramps. Wild yam is used for the following PMS symptoms:
Menstrual Cramps
Loss Of Sex Drive
Hot Flashes
Modern Day Uses of Ginseng
In the Western world, ginseng´s uses are the subject of extensive scientific trials. Such trials aim to test the efficiency of ginseng in treating specific modern day ailments. Some of these include:
As an Energizer: To assist the body's natural capacity to heal. For this reason, both the American and Asian ginseng are often used in the process of rehabilitation for people recovering from injury or illness. As Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction Problems: As a renowned stimulant, red ginseng is often used to help correct sexual dysfunction.
For Treating Menopause Symptoms: Ginseng has differing results depending on the person taking it. Despite these varying effects, many women take ginseng to lessen the often agonizing symptoms of menopause.
Ginseng is sometimes prescribed to treat mental well-being because it is considered a "normalizer" and "energizer". It is also a proven reliever of fatigue, nervousness, and stress.
Another potent herb used for female hormone balance is Dong Quai, also known as Angelica sinesis. Dong Quai is well-noted for its reputation as a female tonic. It has both anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It has the ability to increase blood flow to the uterus; thereby reducing particularly painful cramps. Coumarins are the active ingredients in dong quai, which dilate blood vessels and stimulate the central nervous system. When blood vessels are dilated, this causes an increase in blood flow throughout the body. Coumarins also relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, which would help to explain the herb's traditional use for menstrual cramps. It is not likely that Dong Quai has any direct estrogenic effects because it contains only 1/400th the estrogen that the prescription drug Premarin does, for example, and it may actually lessen the effect of a woman's own estrogen. However, Dong Quai does contain estrogenic substances that may exert some regulating effect on estrogen levels and on estrogenic biological mechanisms. These estrogenic substances stimulate the liver to process and excrete any excess estrogen and get female hormones back into balance again. They seem to enhance estrogenic effects when estrogen levels are too low, and compete when levels are too high. This property substantiates how Dong Quai has become known as a menstrual tonic. Since PMS is thought to be partially caused by an estrogen excess, reducing the estrogen effect is very much an asset for female hormone regulation. Dong Quai is used to promote uterine health by nourishing female organs and to stabilize female hormone levels, which addresses the following premenstrual syndrome [PMS] symptoms:
Menstrual Cramps
Irregular Menstrual Periods
Amenorrhea (Missed Periods)
Menorrrhagia (Heavy Bleeding Or Prolonged Periods)
Endometriosis Pain
Mood Swings
Dong Quai is also used to fight certain microorganisms, including the Candida albicans fungus, which is the primary causative agent in vaginal yeast infections, as well as genital herpes outbreaks.
Dong quai is also used for menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
It has many medicinal problems and helps women in the menopause. Women who consume it in Peru, and have been doing so all their lives, do not experience the menopausal symptoms we experience in the west, like hot flushes, vaginal dryness and libido problems. In Peru it is eaten either raw or baked. and can also be used dried.
Experiments and research have been carried out on this powerful plant which reveal that not only does it help women in the menopause, but it increases libido
It can help with anxiety and mood swings, lack of energy and loss of memory, depression, insomnia, hair loss, gum disease, brittle hair and fingernails and many more symptoms.
Maca is recommended for fertility problems, sterility, and other sexual disorders.
If you have an overactive thyroid or Graves Disease, do not use MACA
Another very important herb used for female hormone balance is Vitex, also know as Chasteberry, Chaste Tree and Vitex agnus-castus. PMS consists of various physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation. The symptoms begin about mid-cycle and are generally the most intense during the last seven days before menstruation. Vitex is probably the most important herb in relation to helping PMS. It works on the pituitary gland and has a balancing effect on the hormones especially in the second half of the cycle which is why it is such an important herb for PMS symptoms. It has historically been used to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle by assisting with restoring a normal estrogen-to-progesterone balance. With prolonged usage, it is possible that it can totally reverse the premenstrual syndrome, which has been linked to abnormally high levels of estrogen, especially if symptoms tend to disappear when menstruation begins. It is specifically used to assist the body to secrete progesterone. Low progesterone levels during childbearing years produce the following PMS symptoms:
Fibroid Tumors
Ovarian Cysts
Frequent Periods
Heavy Bleeding During Periods
Lack Of Ovulation
Missed Periods
Breast Tenderness
Cravings For Sweets
Feelings Of Anxiety
Mood Swings
Libido Imbalance [Sex Drive Too High Or Too Low]
Difficulty Concentrating
Difficulty Handling Stress
Vitex is also used for menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
Animal studies have shown that epimedium may function a bit like an adaptogen (such as cordyceps, rhodiola, ashwagandha, and ginseng) by increasing levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine when they are low (an energy-promoting effect), but reducing cortisol levels when they are elevated (an anti-stress effect). There is also evidence that epimedium can restore low levels of both testosterone and thyroid hormone (bringing low levels back to their normal levels) - which may account for some of the benefits of epimedium in improving libido (sex drive). Animal studies using epimedium have shown a reduction in bone breakdown, an increase in muscle mass, and a loss of body fat-each of which may be linked to the observed return of abnormal cortisol levels back to normal values (and rhythm).
Horny Goat Weed may have other effects as well. Some use the plant as a natural energy booster. Some studies indicate that Horny Goat Weed may increase osteoblastic activity in the bones, which would help prevent osteoporosis. Others have shown that the weed may help regulate cortisol, testosterone, and thyroid hormone levels in the body.
A study tested the estrogenic activity of 32 herbs used for menopause. Epimedium brevicornum, was one of the highest estrogenic activity.
Comparison to other products I have seen my patients take:
Macafem is a non-prescription tablet that claims to reduce the symptoms of PMS, menopause, reduced libido and infertility with natural herbs that balance hormones. The company says its product will keep the body’s hormones balanced in a safe and natural way. This product lists one ingredient: Maca
A one month supply costs $29.99
It is important to remember that maca does not itself contain any hormones, but its action on the body jogs the pituitary into producing the precursor hormones which ultimately end up raising estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, as well as helping to balance the adrenal glands, the thyroid and the pancreas.
Female Balance Ultimate also contains Maca. Female Balance contains 24 ingredients. I find that 24 herbs and vitamins working together have a better effect than one herb alone.
Female Balance Ultimate has been independently tested by Brunswick labs for potency and purity.
FertilAid for Women is designed to promote the balance of hormones that play a central role in menstrual health and regular ovulation, supporting a woman’s reproductive organs and the development of reproductive tissues." FertilAid for Women provides:
• A "Fertility-Enhancing" Formula: promotes regular ovulation and female hormonal balance. • Natural, scientifically-validated herbal ingredients, including chasteberry. A one month supply costs $28.95
Like the above product, Female Balance Ultimate Contains Chasteberry. Female Balance contains 24 ingredients.
Female Balance Ultimate has been independently tested by Brunswick labs for potency and purity.
With a proprietary herbal formula that includes chasteberry (vitex), red clover blossom, can help restore hormonal balance while supporting overall reproductive wellness. Each bottle contains a one-month supply. It may take up to 3 months to fully realize the benefits. Do not take if you are taking fertility drugs (such as Clomid). If taking Female Balance Ultimate for fertility purposes, use during menses, or if not menstruating, discontinue once pregnancy test is positive.
If taking Female Balance Ultimate for PMS, one can take it daily, or it can be taken just for the days that symptoms are noted, if this can be predicted.
As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules in the morning, and 1 to 2 capsules in the afternoon or as recommended by your health care practitioner.
It is not unusual for the length of your menstrual cycle to change during the use of this product. The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements or this treatment and there is no guarantee of cure with this treatment. Results may vary.
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