Consider changing to goat, almond, soy, or rice milk. Milk contains hormones to promote quick growth and weight gain of the calf to enable it to survive on it's own at the earliest. A baby calf triples in weight within the first year of life so cow's milk has a high content of fat and hormones like insulin promoting growth factor (IGF). Because of this milk has been used for centuries as an invalid food to promote appetite and weight gain. It is an easily digestible, high protein food for those people who do not have a milk allergy or are not lactose intolerant. As it promotes weight gain, it predisposes to obesity, hormonal problems like diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and paralytic strokes. People with any of these conditions should avoid taking milk and other dairy products.
Non dairy milk
You may want to make sure you don't have a casein allergy by getting tested or an elimination diet.
2. You have a gluten allergy
Gluten allergies are relatively common. 1 in 111 adults (0.9%) have a gluten allergy. When people with gastrointestinal complaints were studied, 1 in 30 adults (3.3%) were found to have a gluten allergy. This makes a gluten allergy quite common, especially when people with chronically uncomfortable guts are considered.
Using digestive enzymes can be effective in minimizing the impact of gluten for those with gluten intolerance or gut injury.
Also, avoid the melba toast and grissini on the diet. Or you can replace them with gluten free crackers.
3. You have an allergy to any of the foods on the diet.
Most of the foods on this diet do not commonly trigger allergies. But you could be exposing yourself to #1 and #2… and it would not be impossible that you are eating or seasoning your food with something that is counterproductive. People can be allergic to spices. Try salt only and see how that works, or have your practitioner check your sensitivity to some spices and only use the ones you do not react to.
Allergy to strawberries is one of the most common of all fruit and vegetable allergies. When a person is allergic to this fruit, it is likely they are reacting to the birch pollen allergen that apples and peaches bring on.
4. You did not do a colon cleanse.
When doing the HCG diet it is highly recommended to do a colon cleanse. The hcg diet gets rid of stored fat fast, and fat stores toxins as well. By cleaning your colon and getting rid of excess toxins, you greatly aid your hcg diet plan. If your colon and liver are not up to speed, You cannot expect them to optimally help you shed weight. This one can be used during the diet.
5. Your adrenal glands may be functioning suboptimally.
Check your DHEA level, if it is low, a supplement may make your weight loss more effective.
DHEA is an adrenal hormone that also aids in increasing metabolism and burning fat and reducing stress.
6. You are still craving food and are eating things that are not allowed.
7. You are using lotion or some cosmetic that is not allowed. Try our coconut oil infused with essential oils. 832-237-4200
8. Through readjustment of the normal pH balance in the body,
People who change their diets to maintain pH balance will likely notice a welcome side effect: weight loss. A pH balance diet is so effective for weight loss that there are several well-known pH balance weight loss programs in existence.
Balancing your diet - Acid/Alkaline
When food is metabolised by the body the end products are either acidic or alkaline. Acids are compounds of elements, which give away hydrogen ions, alkalines are compounds of elements which attract hydrogen ions. The body needs both acids and alkalines for its metabolism but we have more difficulty getting rid of acids than alkalines. One of the simplest ways to immediately create more alkalinity in your body is to drink so-called superfood powdered drinks. Choose a brand that contains ingredients with high alkaline values such as spinach, broccoli, carrot, wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, alfalfa and sprouted grain powders. Many of these ingredients are contained in Green cell Therapy.
Milk thistle, lactobacillus, and digestive enzymes are in Vitagreen (formerly known as Green cell therapy).
Other ingredients:
Wheat Grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, chlorella, CoQ10, Carrot Juice Powder, Beet Juice Powder, Parsley Leaf Powder, Kale Juice Powder, Grape seed exract, Milk Thistle seed extract, Lycopene, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin, Dandelion Powder, Spinach Powder, Blue Green Algae, Bee Pollen Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Flax Seed Powder, Lecithin, Green Tea Extract, Astralagus Powder, Royal Jelly, Brown Rice Powder, Lipase, Lactase, Amyalse, Protease, Bifidobacerium Longum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnonsus, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
9. Yeast overload
Belly fat is more than just fat. Yeast causes abdominal bloating that can add an extra 5-7 inches that seems to appear out of nowhere. This can be devastating for someone who is on a diet and trying to lose weight and lose inches. If a woman says she has only been eating 1,000 calories a day for a week yet still gained weight a doctor tends to think she is not being truthful. However, if most of her diet is carbohydrates and sugar she may very well be growing yeast, which create a toxic build up and fluid retention to dilute the toxins. It’s a whole new way of looking at weight gain.
Besides bloating and toxic fluid build up, yeast can decrease thyroid function and lead to lowered metabolism, which is a well known cause of weight gain. Some yeast toxins can block hormone receptors and block hormone action.
10. You have a vitamin deficiency
I recommend that people load with Omega 3, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin D prior to the diet. Take as much as you can on the loading days.
For the Omega 3, take at least two 1000 mg tablets with each meal for the three loading days.
According to the Journal of Obesity, recent studies have shown that supplementation with Omega 3 fish oil increased the number of fat calories burned in a single day.
Co enzyme Q10 and weight loss goes hand in hand. This increases the metabolism rate in our body which burns up the food that we eat, faster.This enzyme is present more in the liver, pancreas and the heart than in the lungs. The presence of CoQ10, not only improves the metabolism rate in our body, but it also improves the immune system. Deficiency of the co enzyme Q10, in an individual, reduces the level of metabolism due to which the person might face several problems related to weight.
Take calcium and B vitamins during the diet.
But for the next phase, and while you are on maintenance, heed the advice above.
11. Try a chromium supplement
Chromium that has been shown to reduce fat accumulation, reduce cholesterol, reduce triglycerides, and reduce blood sugar levels in those people who have adequate blood insulin levels. Over 30 hospital and university studies have been performed showing all of the positive effects of Chromium. It helps the body store and burn carbohydrate in the proper way so that you have more energy and less fat buildup in the body.
12. Did you fat load properly?
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified integrative physician prior to using our products if possible.
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