Nutrition Month

Friday, July 23, 2010

Trouble Sleeping during pregnancy

Many women have trouble sleeping during pregnancy, especially during the last month.
Here are some suggestions that help with stress and relaxation in general, which may lead to sleep. Start these before sleeping becomes a serious problem, because if staying awake becomes a habit, it is harder to break.

If you've always been a back or stomach sleeper, you might have trouble getting used to sleeping on your side (as doctors recommend). Try buying a body pillow to give you more support and more positioning options.

If you cannot sleep due to leg cramps, try increasing your calcium intake during the day, and your magnesium intake at night... consider soaking in a tub with epsom salt at night.

If you have symptoms of restless legs, include foods rich in potassium, such as dried apricots, bananas, avocados, potatoes.
Include more calcium from milk products, leafy vegetables such as broccoli, sardines, almonds and Brazil nuts.
Include more magnesium, which is found in many fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lentils and brown rice.

Try not to resort to unisom until you have exhausted the other remedies, but it is okay to use in pregnancy if the sleep is affecting your life negatively. Sometimes a relaxing ritual before you go to bed like soaking in a tub will do the trick.

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