Oil free shampoo is must if you are on Hcg diet. On the diet, one is advised to consume low fat food but for better result one should also use fat free cosmetics. This is because oils, cream, perfumes are made of animal fat, vegetable oil, chemicals and synthetic additives.
They get soaked in the skin and enter blood where they are mistaken as hormone. They disturb endocrine function and can also stall Hcg performance of weight loss. The oil absorbed may also impair your ability to burn calories. Oil free shampoos should not contain harmful chemicals like phthalates, paraben, sodium lauryl etc. most of the organic or herbal shampoo include green tea, camellia oil, wheat germ, peppermint, vegetable glycerin, willowbark and lemon extracts. They just make your hair voluminous, soft and strong.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Lactation aids for Breastfeeding, some suggestions
There are certain food supplements as well as prescription medications that may increase your milk supply. Before using any of these, it is important to rule out other problems such as illness in mother or baby. Many herbal supplements have been used for many years to increase milk production, with the most popular being Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, and Red Raspberry. Brewers Yeast (containing B vitamins) is another commonly recommended treatment for low milk supply. I usually recommend that mothers try Fenugreek capsules (2-3 capsules taken 3 times daily) along with Blessed Thistle tablets (same dosage). You many want to add Brewers Yeast tablets (3 tablets taken with meals, 3 times per day) and Red Raspberry tea or capsules several times each day. I know that seems like a lot of capsules to take, but if you don't want to take them all, the Fenugreek seems to be the most effective. Fenugreek is rated GRAS (generally regarded as safe), but when taken in large doses may cause lowered blood sugar, so should be used with caution by diabetics. It is in the same family with peanuts and chickpeas, and may cause an allergic reaction in moms who are allergic to them. It may cause a maple syrup odor in urine and sweat. For the majority of mothers, it causes no problems, and can be very effective. It has not been known to cause any problems for the babies of the mothers who take it.
Medicinally, fennel is widely used as a digestive aid. It also has mild estrogenic properties. Fennel is sometimes used to counteract infant colic, whether consumed by the mother or given directly to the infant. The Wise Woman Herbal suggests that breastfeeding women use the seeds of fennel or any of its close relatives (anise, cumin, caraway, coriander and dill) to improve their milk supply. Although clinical evidence for its efficacy is lacking, fennel seed has enjoyed centuries of use as a galactagogue. Its mechanism of action is unknown.
Fenugreek has been used for centuries to increase the flow of milk, and was used historically as such, along with fennel, by wet nurses in the southern United States in days gone by. There are also reports of fenugreek's use as a galactagogue in Sudan, Egypt, other parts of North Africa, Iraq, and Argentina.
Fenugreek is contraindicated during pregnancy in Western herbalism, as it is a uterine stimulant. This action may be the result of a steroidal saponin called neotigogenin, which is contained in the seeds. Indeed, the effect of fenugreek upon the uterus may be related to its stimulant effect upon the milk ducts in the breast, for both are effected by the hormone oxytocin and its pharmacological relatives.
In North America, fenugreek seeds are commonly brewed as a tea, and the broth and seeds are both consumed. Alternately, they can be ground and taken in capsule form. According to popular lore, an adequate dose has been consumed when one's body smells mapley. The German Commission E monograph recommends a daily dose of 6 grams of the seeds; doses of over 100 grams can cause nausea and an upset stomach.
Barley Water
Barley-water is used medicinally to treat colds, intestinal problems (both constipation and diarrhea) and liver disorders. It was recorded in Greek medicine two thousand years ago as a galactagogue. Taken for a week or two, it often helps mothers with chronic low milk supply. Make a pot in the morning and drink it throughout the day, warming each cup and sweetening it with a natural sweetener as desired.
Barley-water can be made with whole grain or pearl barley. Barley flakes can also be used, though these have been processed and are possibly less potent than the whole or pearled grain.
Medicinally, fennel is widely used as a digestive aid. It also has mild estrogenic properties. Fennel is sometimes used to counteract infant colic, whether consumed by the mother or given directly to the infant. The Wise Woman Herbal suggests that breastfeeding women use the seeds of fennel or any of its close relatives (anise, cumin, caraway, coriander and dill) to improve their milk supply. Although clinical evidence for its efficacy is lacking, fennel seed has enjoyed centuries of use as a galactagogue. Its mechanism of action is unknown.
Fenugreek has been used for centuries to increase the flow of milk, and was used historically as such, along with fennel, by wet nurses in the southern United States in days gone by. There are also reports of fenugreek's use as a galactagogue in Sudan, Egypt, other parts of North Africa, Iraq, and Argentina.
Fenugreek is contraindicated during pregnancy in Western herbalism, as it is a uterine stimulant. This action may be the result of a steroidal saponin called neotigogenin, which is contained in the seeds. Indeed, the effect of fenugreek upon the uterus may be related to its stimulant effect upon the milk ducts in the breast, for both are effected by the hormone oxytocin and its pharmacological relatives.
In North America, fenugreek seeds are commonly brewed as a tea, and the broth and seeds are both consumed. Alternately, they can be ground and taken in capsule form. According to popular lore, an adequate dose has been consumed when one's body smells mapley. The German Commission E monograph recommends a daily dose of 6 grams of the seeds; doses of over 100 grams can cause nausea and an upset stomach.
Barley Water
Barley-water is used medicinally to treat colds, intestinal problems (both constipation and diarrhea) and liver disorders. It was recorded in Greek medicine two thousand years ago as a galactagogue. Taken for a week or two, it often helps mothers with chronic low milk supply. Make a pot in the morning and drink it throughout the day, warming each cup and sweetening it with a natural sweetener as desired.
Barley-water can be made with whole grain or pearl barley. Barley flakes can also be used, though these have been processed and are possibly less potent than the whole or pearled grain.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hair growth herbal support for hormonal imbalances
Hair loss affect about 70% of women during perimenopause. The symptoms of perimenopause usually last for the whole menopause transition (until the mid 50's), but some women may experience them for the rest of their life. Menopause is not an illness, but a natural process in a woman's body. The symptoms of menopause are just indicators of changes between the hormones estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. These changes result in a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body and cause the common menopause symptoms. A woman can experience hair loss during other parts of her life also, hormonal imbalance is not always limited to the menopausal transition. Even men experience hair loss during andropause.
Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin), are especially important for hair growth.
Certain essential amino acids are found to control the thinning and thickening of hair in laboratory animals. For example, when rats were fed a diet deficient in magnesium, they lost their hair in bunches. The situation was even more serious with some other B-vitamins. When rats were fed a diet low in biotin or inositol, they became hairless! This nutrient-deficient condition was found to be reversible. When the rats were fed a diet that was rich in B vitamins, it resulted in the complete restoration of hair.
Heavy intake of vitamin supplements, in some cases, have resulted in stimulating hair growth. Men deficient in vitamin B6 often lose their hair. When they are deficient in folic acid, some men became completely bald! As in case of animals, when normal intake of theses vitamins were restored, the hair also returned in most instances.
If your hair loss begins around the onset of menopause, you can maintain hormonal balance (and hence hair thickness) with herbs containing plant-based estrogens, such as dong quai (Angelica sinensis) or ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), suggests Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D., a naturopath and author of Healthy Healing (Healthy Healing Publications, 1997). Other herbs that exert mild estrogenic effects include damiana (Turnera diffusa), black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) and sage (Salvia officinalis).
Some people believe that hair loss is a result of bad genes and stress. These may be true at some point but a healthier and thicker hair won’t just fall off your scalp just like that, right? There are lots of vitamins out there that can make your hair and nails thicker and your skin firmer. Why not start early and naturally thicken your hair strands before they start to get thin and fine?
For example, B vitamins—namely B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, and so on can effectively prevent hair loss if taken regularly. Did you know that the majority of hair loss happens when a person’s diet is deficient in B vitamins? B vitamins are essential for hair regrowth, hair strengthening, and overall hair health, including scalp health. Without B vitamins, old and brittle hair will shed and no new hair follicles are made to replace fallen hair.
Other vitamins and minerals that are important to hair loss prevention include Vitamin A, C, and E and trace minerals such as manganese and zinc. Zinc stimulates hair growth by enhancing our body’s immune function. Vitamin E helps in better blood circulation all over our body, including our scalp. The more freshly oxygenated blood that passes through our scalp, the more the scalp can stimulate hair growth. Manganese controls levels of calcium, which in huge uncontrolled numbers can lead to hair loss.
If there’s one thing in nature that contains all of the above vitamins and minerals that are needed to prevent hair loss, it’s none other than the Acai Berry! Yes, it is one of today’s “super fruits” because of its abundant content of essential vitamins, minerals, and other bio-nutrients.
Essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil, primrose oil, and salmon oil are good sources) improves hair texture. Prevents dry, brittle hair. (Found in Female Balance and Fish oil)
Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp. It improves health and growth of hair. Since hair health is tied to the immune health, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Deficiency in zinc can contribute a lot to hair shedding because without zinc and other related minerals, you hair shafts get weakened, causing hair breakage and very slow hair regrowth. Zinc benefits for hair include promotion of cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair of broken tissues. It also maintains the oil-secreting glands that are attached to your hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling off. (Zinc is found in Octovite)
Coenzyme Q10 - Improves scalp circulation. Increases tissue oxygenation. It is also very important for heart health. (Found in Fish Oil/Coenzyme Q10)
Incorporating green tea into your diet may help combat or help prevent hair loss. One of the most powerful antioxidants in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Studies conducted by the Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan and the Seoul National University College of Medicine both show evidence that EGCG stimulates hair growth. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Ginkgo Biloba has been in use in China for more than 5 centuries, from last 2 decades even Europe is widely using this tree's extracts for various purposes. Ginkgo Biloba possess special property of helping regulate the blood circulation in a body, when the extract is taken. The use of Ginkgo Biloba will boost the blood flow to the peripheral parts of the body and the fine capillaries, both of which indicates scalp as one of the parts. The increased circulation will hence bring more oxygen and more nutrients to the scalp, these nutrients are basically essential vitamins A and E along with some other important nutrients which are in our blood after digestion but are not transported to the right place to act, just because of lack of circulation. So when a hair follicle gets it right amount of oxygen and necessary nutrients it will automatically start hair repair and will promote hair growth. (Octovite contains Gingko Biloba)
If your previous hair growth remedies have not worked, consider a vitamin and herbal combination therapy. Hair loss can be a feature of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, which are other hormonal imbalances. Be sure to consult your practitioner to rule out treatable causes of your hair loss.
Maqui Resveratrol Acai Ultimate has Vitamins A,C,E and Green Tea (and many other ingredients)
Female Balance has Dong Quai, Damiana, Flaxseed, Magnesium and Vitamins A, B, C and E (and many other ingredients)
Rhodigandha contains Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Acai, Pomegranate, Blueberry, and Bilberry
Octovite contains Omega, Gingko Biloba, Zinc, vitamins A,C,E (and many other ingredients)
Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin), are especially important for hair growth.
Certain essential amino acids are found to control the thinning and thickening of hair in laboratory animals. For example, when rats were fed a diet deficient in magnesium, they lost their hair in bunches. The situation was even more serious with some other B-vitamins. When rats were fed a diet low in biotin or inositol, they became hairless! This nutrient-deficient condition was found to be reversible. When the rats were fed a diet that was rich in B vitamins, it resulted in the complete restoration of hair.
Heavy intake of vitamin supplements, in some cases, have resulted in stimulating hair growth. Men deficient in vitamin B6 often lose their hair. When they are deficient in folic acid, some men became completely bald! As in case of animals, when normal intake of theses vitamins were restored, the hair also returned in most instances.
If your hair loss begins around the onset of menopause, you can maintain hormonal balance (and hence hair thickness) with herbs containing plant-based estrogens, such as dong quai (Angelica sinensis) or ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), suggests Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D., a naturopath and author of Healthy Healing (Healthy Healing Publications, 1997). Other herbs that exert mild estrogenic effects include damiana (Turnera diffusa), black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) and sage (Salvia officinalis).
Some people believe that hair loss is a result of bad genes and stress. These may be true at some point but a healthier and thicker hair won’t just fall off your scalp just like that, right? There are lots of vitamins out there that can make your hair and nails thicker and your skin firmer. Why not start early and naturally thicken your hair strands before they start to get thin and fine?
For example, B vitamins—namely B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, and so on can effectively prevent hair loss if taken regularly. Did you know that the majority of hair loss happens when a person’s diet is deficient in B vitamins? B vitamins are essential for hair regrowth, hair strengthening, and overall hair health, including scalp health. Without B vitamins, old and brittle hair will shed and no new hair follicles are made to replace fallen hair.
Other vitamins and minerals that are important to hair loss prevention include Vitamin A, C, and E and trace minerals such as manganese and zinc. Zinc stimulates hair growth by enhancing our body’s immune function. Vitamin E helps in better blood circulation all over our body, including our scalp. The more freshly oxygenated blood that passes through our scalp, the more the scalp can stimulate hair growth. Manganese controls levels of calcium, which in huge uncontrolled numbers can lead to hair loss.
If there’s one thing in nature that contains all of the above vitamins and minerals that are needed to prevent hair loss, it’s none other than the Acai Berry! Yes, it is one of today’s “super fruits” because of its abundant content of essential vitamins, minerals, and other bio-nutrients.
Essential fatty acids (flaxseed oil, primrose oil, and salmon oil are good sources) improves hair texture. Prevents dry, brittle hair. (Found in Female Balance and Fish oil)
Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp. It improves health and growth of hair. Since hair health is tied to the immune health, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Deficiency in zinc can contribute a lot to hair shedding because without zinc and other related minerals, you hair shafts get weakened, causing hair breakage and very slow hair regrowth. Zinc benefits for hair include promotion of cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair of broken tissues. It also maintains the oil-secreting glands that are attached to your hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling off. (Zinc is found in Octovite)
Coenzyme Q10 - Improves scalp circulation. Increases tissue oxygenation. It is also very important for heart health. (Found in Fish Oil/Coenzyme Q10)
Incorporating green tea into your diet may help combat or help prevent hair loss. One of the most powerful antioxidants in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Studies conducted by the Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan and the Seoul National University College of Medicine both show evidence that EGCG stimulates hair growth. (Found in Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate)
Ginkgo Biloba has been in use in China for more than 5 centuries, from last 2 decades even Europe is widely using this tree's extracts for various purposes. Ginkgo Biloba possess special property of helping regulate the blood circulation in a body, when the extract is taken. The use of Ginkgo Biloba will boost the blood flow to the peripheral parts of the body and the fine capillaries, both of which indicates scalp as one of the parts. The increased circulation will hence bring more oxygen and more nutrients to the scalp, these nutrients are basically essential vitamins A and E along with some other important nutrients which are in our blood after digestion but are not transported to the right place to act, just because of lack of circulation. So when a hair follicle gets it right amount of oxygen and necessary nutrients it will automatically start hair repair and will promote hair growth. (Octovite contains Gingko Biloba)
If your previous hair growth remedies have not worked, consider a vitamin and herbal combination therapy. Hair loss can be a feature of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism, which are other hormonal imbalances. Be sure to consult your practitioner to rule out treatable causes of your hair loss.
Maqui Resveratrol Acai Ultimate has Vitamins A,C,E and Green Tea (and many other ingredients)
Female Balance has Dong Quai, Damiana, Flaxseed, Magnesium and Vitamins A, B, C and E (and many other ingredients)
Rhodigandha contains Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Acai, Pomegranate, Blueberry, and Bilberry
Octovite contains Omega, Gingko Biloba, Zinc, vitamins A,C,E (and many other ingredients)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Autoimmune Thyroid diseases and their natural treatment
If you have been tested for thyroid antibodies and the test came out positive, and if you are experiencing some accompanying symptoms, then this most likely means that you have or are developing an autoimmune thyroid condition. This is true even if other thyroid blood tests are negative, as it’s important to understand that in most cases, the autoimmune condition will develop first, and will eventually lead to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. This might seem to be confusing to those people with Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis who consider their condition to be a thyroid disorder.
Even though they are frequently referred to as autoimmune thyroid disorders, they are really autoimmune conditions that lead to thyroid malfunction. In other words, the malfunctioning thyroid gland is usually not the actual cause of the disorder in an autoimmune thyroid condition. This is why it is not uncommon to see positive thyroid antibodies without having a positive TSH, T3, T4, etc.
How does this process develop?
What usually happens is that over a period of years, someone will develop an autoimmune condition that will trigger the thyroid antibodies to attack the thyroid gland. Why this happens isn’t fully known, although there are numerous factors that are thought to contribute to the development of an autoimmune condition (poor eating habits, chronic stress, exposure to environmental toxins, etc.) In any case, when the thyroid antibodies go on to damage the thyroid gland, this will eventually lead to the development of a thyroid condition, and thus is the reason for the positive thyroid blood tests. What’s important to understand is that in order to improve any of these conditions, one needs to address the actual cause of the disorder. This is where conventional medicine fails, as most conventional medical treatments are aimed at managing the symptoms of the malfunctioning thyroid gland. For example, someone with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis will almost always be told to take synthetic or natural thyroid hormone for the rest of their life, but nothing will be done to correct the autoimmune response. So the person will take thyroid hormone daily to help with the symptoms while their thyroid gland continues to be damaged by the thyroid antibodies. When choosing nutritional supplements for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis you need to keep in mind that not only are you trying to restore the function of your thyroid gland but just as important you need to strengthen your immune system. And in most cases the adrenal glands and/or other areas of the body are affected as well. In fact many healthcare professionals including myself agree that it is more important to focus on boosting the immune system before directly treating the thyroid gland. One reason for this is because a weakened immune system is a big reason why many people develop Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in the first place.
It is also important to know that it usually takes more than just ingesting nutritional supplements to strengthen one’s immune system. Here are five rules to follow that will help to boost your immune system as well as help maintain the health of other areas of the body:
Rule #1: Eat healthy most of the time.
Rule #2: Take quality nutritional supplements.
Rule #3: Get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night
Rule #4: Manage stress effectively
Rule #5: Exercise regularly
If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and do these five things with consistency over time you will strengthen your immune system which will help with your recovery. In addition this will also help prevent other autoimmune conditions from developing in the future which is very common with people who have Hashimoto’s. The reason for this is because most people simply take synthetic thyroid hormone for the rest of their lives and never address the immune system component. So if you focus on strengthening your immune system then in addition to restoring the function of your thyroid gland you are much more likely to stay healthy in the future.
The most important mineral supplements for anyone with Hashimoto's disease are listed below. A good multi-mineral supplement is likely to include all of these elements, but you may need to supplement some individually to correct particular deficiencies.
This is the key supplement for anyone with Hashimoto’s disease. Research suggests that selenium deficiency may play a significant part in the development of the disease, and that supplementation with selenium can significantly reduce the level of autoimmune anti-bodies – sometimes to a normal level within three months. (1)
It has also been found to improve the inflammatory activity in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, and it activates an enzyme that is responsible for the conversion of T4 (inactive thryoxine) to T3 (the active form that releases energy into the cells and body). This means that Levothyroxine treatment will not work correctly in anyone who is deficient in selenium.
Recommended supplementation is 200 mcg per day; note that this dose should not be exceeded, as selenium is toxic at fairly low levels (over 400mcg/day).
Fish Oils
Fish oils exert a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and even more importantly have been found to help normalize the metabolic environment.(2) They have been found to lessen symptoms and slow the progress of several autoimmune diseases.(3) Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) extracted from fish oil may be as effective as some prescription medications in reducing inflammation.
Zinc is necessary for proper hypothalamic functioning, which is part of the thyroid “loop” – the thyroid works in conjunction with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to regulate the metabolic system. It is needed by the thyroid for hormone production and for T4–T3 conversion (converting from the inactive to active form of the hormone). Zinc should always be balanced out with a small amount of copper. In tests, many people with a hypothyroid condition have been found to have lower plasma zinc levels.
Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s are associated with B12 deficiency (especially in cases where the patient has raised antibodies against their gastric parietal cells, which produce B12). This can result in pernicious anaemia, a condition in which the body is unable to produce enough blood cells. The symptoms of B12 deficiency are wide-ranging, from tiredness and headaches to chest pain and a strangely sore mouth (especially the roof of the mouth). The amount of B12 included in a multi-vitamin is sufficient except in cases of deficiency, which requires far larger amounts of B12, administered sublingually or through injection. Anyone suspecting a B12 deficiency should be tested by a physician before taking any supplemental B12, as this would distort tests.
Calcium interferes with the absorption of Levothyroxine (even in the form of milk), so the drug should be taken one hour before or at least four hours after any calcium intake. Supplements may be unnecessary, because studies have shown that people with this form of autoimmune thyroiditis do not demonstrate deviations in serum calcium and calcitonin levels during the calcium tolerance test.(5) However, magnesium works in balance with calcium, and many people with Hashimoto’s take magnesium supplements to help with cramps. It also plays a role with magnesium in controlling heart rate. Women over 35 should consider a calcium supplement.
This essential mineral is often deficient in thyroid patients. It helps to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady and bones strong, and is involved in energy metabolism. It is the “soothing mineral”, which wards off cramps. Like calcium, it plays a role in controlling the heart rate.
Essential Fatty Acids
A blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can help hair (which often thins with Hashimoto’s), skin (which can become very dry), joints (which may ache), and cholesterol levels (Hashimoto’s patients have raised levels of LDL cholesterol – the "bad" cholesterol). These fatty acids need to be kept in balance: an elevated omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acid (EFA) ratio in the diet has been suggested as a possible mechanism in the onset of autoimmune disease.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Hashimoto’s increases the risk of heart disease, and CoQ10 is excellent for heart health. It has a proven antioxidant activity within the mitochondria and cellular membrane, and is also good for boosting energy levels. It is sometimes found combined with Omega or Fish Oil, Fish Oil COQ10 with Omega 3
Viruses that cannot be fully eliminated by the immune system for example may result in it turning on the body to destroy tissues that are holding the virus. For whatever reason the body turns on itself with autoimmune diseases, it causes mistaken identity, in which these natural tissues, organs, glands, muscles or joints are recognized as enemies in the body and are attacked. When the immune system is operating properly, it will create antibodies only to attack unnatural invaders that can potentially cause illness or disease in the body. With Hashimoto’s, the immune system has turned on the thyroid gland to destroy it.
Here is the regimen that I recommended for a specific patient, check with your practitioner to see if any of these supplements are right for you.
1. I recommend a parasite cleanse first in case the triggering agent is still present. Octocleanse is an Herbal Parasite and Yeast Detox. When you finish this, then start the other regimen
2. Fish Oil/Coenzyme Q10
3. Rhodiganda (contains Ashwagandha Also known as Indian ginseng, this herb stimulates thyroid activity) It was also shown that Rhodiola rosea may be beneficial in increasing energy and mental performance in people with Hashimoto's disease for immune support. Consult a practitioner before taking this product. It is better for people with low thyroid, if your thyroid is overactive, exercise caution with this supplement.
4. Maintain adequate vitamin D levels for immune support
5. Add a Calcium/ Magnesium/ VitaminD/ Zinc supplement
6. I recommend the Spectracell test to check nutrient and omega levels so we can adequately address any other nutrient defects and calculate adequate dosages, a telomere test will assess the DNA damage and see if we need to add RNA/DNA to the regimen
7. For those of you with concomitant adrenal insufficiency, as indicated by a low DHEA level, start with a 10 or 25 mg supplement, and after levels are rechecked, dosage may be adjusted from there.
8. To regulate xenoestrogen burden on the body, consider PriVita, an herbal estrogen blocker. Xenoestrogens can cause many hormone disruptions.
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Douching vs nourishing aromatherapy pellets
The word "douche" means to wash or soak in French. Douching is washing or cleaning out the vagina (birth canal) with water or other mixtures of fluids. Most douches are prepackaged mixes of water and vinegar. You can buy these products at drug and grocery stores. The mixtures usually come in a bottle and can be squirted into the vagina through a tube or nozzle.
Women douche because they mistakenly believe it gives many benefits. Women who douche say they do it to:
Clean the vagina
Rinse away blood after monthly periods
Get rid of odor
Avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Prevent pregnancy
Douching is common among women in the United States. It’s estimated that 20 to 40 percent of American women 15 to 44 years old douche regularly. About half of these women douche each week. Higher rates of douching are seen in teens, African-American women, and Hispanic women.
Most doctors and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend that women don’t douche. Douching can change the delicate balance of vaginal flora (organisms that live in the vagina) and acidity in a healthy vagina. One way to look at it is in a healthy vagina there are both good and bad bacteria. The balance of the good and bad bacteria help maintain an acidic environment. Any changes can cause an over growth of bad bacteria which can lead to a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Plus, if you have a vaginal infection, douching can push the bacteria causing the infection up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity.
According to womenshealth.gov, research shows that women who douche regularly have more health problems than women who don’t. Doctors are still unsure whether douching causes these problems. Douching may simply be more common in groups of women who tend to have these issues. Health problems linked to douching include:
Vaginal irritation
Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Some STIs, BV, and PID can all lead to serious problems during pregnancy. These include infection in the baby, problems with labor, and early delivery.
Due to the fact that women like to douche to feel fresh and clean, but frequently go to the doctor because this process does not always work, I developed a vaginal insert using essential aromatherapy oils. These are made with coconut which moisturizes the vagina and essential oils to enhance the ability of the vagina to withstand infections. The aromatherapy inserts contain lactobacillus, so if you are eating yogurt to help rid your body of yeast infections, you have another way to apply it also.
Call 832-237-4200 to order them, we make new batches regularly. Patent pending
Women douche because they mistakenly believe it gives many benefits. Women who douche say they do it to:
Clean the vagina
Rinse away blood after monthly periods
Get rid of odor
Avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Prevent pregnancy
Douching is common among women in the United States. It’s estimated that 20 to 40 percent of American women 15 to 44 years old douche regularly. About half of these women douche each week. Higher rates of douching are seen in teens, African-American women, and Hispanic women.
Most doctors and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend that women don’t douche. Douching can change the delicate balance of vaginal flora (organisms that live in the vagina) and acidity in a healthy vagina. One way to look at it is in a healthy vagina there are both good and bad bacteria. The balance of the good and bad bacteria help maintain an acidic environment. Any changes can cause an over growth of bad bacteria which can lead to a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Plus, if you have a vaginal infection, douching can push the bacteria causing the infection up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity.
According to womenshealth.gov, research shows that women who douche regularly have more health problems than women who don’t. Doctors are still unsure whether douching causes these problems. Douching may simply be more common in groups of women who tend to have these issues. Health problems linked to douching include:
Vaginal irritation
Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Some STIs, BV, and PID can all lead to serious problems during pregnancy. These include infection in the baby, problems with labor, and early delivery.
Due to the fact that women like to douche to feel fresh and clean, but frequently go to the doctor because this process does not always work, I developed a vaginal insert using essential aromatherapy oils. These are made with coconut which moisturizes the vagina and essential oils to enhance the ability of the vagina to withstand infections. The aromatherapy inserts contain lactobacillus, so if you are eating yogurt to help rid your body of yeast infections, you have another way to apply it also.
Call 832-237-4200 to order them, we make new batches regularly. Patent pending
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Supplements before and after surgery
Surgery has a major impact on your body. Even though it's done with the best of intentions and in a clean environment, your body needs to put out extra effort to mend from even minor surgery. While you're recuperating, you're more vulnerable than usual to:
wound infections,
chest infections,
skin breakdown,
urinary tract infections, and
other kinds of infections.
Providing the body with the nutrients it needs is vital both before and after surgery.
1. Green Cell therapy is high in B vitamins which help the body deal with stress... and surgery is a stressful situation.
It contains wheat grass, spinach, kale and other powerful green vegetables which help the body rebuild the blood, and many surgeries are associated with blood loss.
Contains Chlorella: Japanese studies have found Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) to be especially effective in speeding up cell growth, a major factor in the natural repair of wounds. Various other studies reveal CGF helps heal ulcers and promote bone and muscle growth. When taken internally, it also acts as an immune-booster.
Taking this supplement prior to surgery to prepare the body for this stressful time (especially if you are already anemic) would be a great idea.
Wheat Grass Juice, Barley Grass Juice etc. are used for multiple healing, alkalizing and nutritive properties. Low temperature dried juices of green leafy vegetables and grasses are easy to digest and assimilate and deliver alkalinizing minerals and vitamins to the body at a cellular level.
People are also prone to constipation after surgery- this supplement contains lactobacillus and digestive enzymes which help with digestion. This product also contains digestive enzymes, which fight inflammation, fibrosis (scar tissue), and viruses; modulate the immune system; and cleanse the blood.
People are prone to anemia after surgery. The greens in this formula promote red blood cell health.
2. Cherry Goji Berry (Go Qi Zi, Chinese Wolfberry, Lycium Barbarum), a caretenoid-rich berry with complete protein, essential fatty acids, and mineral density.
Used for millennia in Chinese Medicine as a super tonic, a food that benefits many systems of the body. Rich in unique susqueturpenoids, which powerfully boost immunity, also rich in xeaxanthin, which targets vision. Two of the antioxidants found in cherries, anthocyanin 1 and 2, function like aspirin blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. Conceivably, eating cherries could relieve the pain of arthritis and gout, and clinical studies have shown just that.
Here you will find the supplement that combines the two superfruits goji and cherry for post-surgical support.
3. While you are at home getting well, consider a parasite cleanse.
Many surgical patients receive antibiotics, which can make a person susceptible to yeast overgrowth.
Octocleanse is an advanced multi- dimensional formula containing herbal and nutritional components. There can be over 100 different types of parasites worms living in human bodies. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms can be found everywhere in our environment, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, or in the food we eat. It has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite. And some of those parasites can make you sick. The benefits of cleansing the body of parasites and worms include purifying of the tissues, healed organs and glands (where parasites and worms dwell); improved and enhanced peristalsis (bowel movements); more energy, weight release (loss/reduction); improved skin condition, improvement in body odor; better absorption of nutrients (which parasites and worms rob the body of), and an overall sense of cleanliness and purity. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified integrative physician prior to using herbal products if possible.
This product also contains digestive enzymes, which fight inflammation, fibrosis (scar tissue), and viruses; modulate the immune system; and cleanse the blood.
This product contains cascara, a gentle laxative, and constipation is often a problem post surgery.
You will likely have limited activity after your surgery, and that coupled with narcotics produces a situation that invites constipation.
Suggestions for constipation post surgery include Acai Ultimate.
It contains the Acai Berry which is a superfruit which provides healing nutrients, psyllium (an ingredient found in metamucil)This herb is frequently recommended for the treatment of constipation and is even approved as an over-the-counter drug in the United States under brand names such as Fiberall, Konsyl, Metamucil, Modane Bulk, or Serutan.
In addition to its value for treating chronic constipation, psyllium can be useful in treating diarrhea.
In one study, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome improved with psyllium administration.
Diarrhea following gallbladder surgery has also been successfully treated with psyllium seed.
Psyllium preparations can reduce pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Psyllium seed has also been used to reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Psyllium seed is also reported to slow the absorption of dietary sugar. This may be beneficial in diabetes, although it is a subtle effect.,
Buckthorn is an herbal medicine of "last resort" to treat constipation, or in circumstances where the stool needs to be softened, like hemorrhoids or during recovery from rectal surgery. It is a diuretic and was used as a blood purifier. Buckthorn is also used to treat gallstones and intestinal parasites.
All of these ingredients are contained in Acai Ultimate
Phototherapy can also help wounds heal quickly. Various phototherapy devices use infrared LED lights to bathe the wound in healing light. The cellular DNA responds by speeding up the repair process.
wound infections,
chest infections,
skin breakdown,
urinary tract infections, and
other kinds of infections.
Providing the body with the nutrients it needs is vital both before and after surgery.
1. Green Cell therapy is high in B vitamins which help the body deal with stress... and surgery is a stressful situation.
It contains wheat grass, spinach, kale and other powerful green vegetables which help the body rebuild the blood, and many surgeries are associated with blood loss.
Contains Chlorella: Japanese studies have found Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) to be especially effective in speeding up cell growth, a major factor in the natural repair of wounds. Various other studies reveal CGF helps heal ulcers and promote bone and muscle growth. When taken internally, it also acts as an immune-booster.
Taking this supplement prior to surgery to prepare the body for this stressful time (especially if you are already anemic) would be a great idea.
Wheat Grass Juice, Barley Grass Juice etc. are used for multiple healing, alkalizing and nutritive properties. Low temperature dried juices of green leafy vegetables and grasses are easy to digest and assimilate and deliver alkalinizing minerals and vitamins to the body at a cellular level.
People are also prone to constipation after surgery- this supplement contains lactobacillus and digestive enzymes which help with digestion. This product also contains digestive enzymes, which fight inflammation, fibrosis (scar tissue), and viruses; modulate the immune system; and cleanse the blood.
People are prone to anemia after surgery. The greens in this formula promote red blood cell health.
2. Cherry Goji Berry (Go Qi Zi, Chinese Wolfberry, Lycium Barbarum), a caretenoid-rich berry with complete protein, essential fatty acids, and mineral density.
Used for millennia in Chinese Medicine as a super tonic, a food that benefits many systems of the body. Rich in unique susqueturpenoids, which powerfully boost immunity, also rich in xeaxanthin, which targets vision. Two of the antioxidants found in cherries, anthocyanin 1 and 2, function like aspirin blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. Conceivably, eating cherries could relieve the pain of arthritis and gout, and clinical studies have shown just that.
Here you will find the supplement that combines the two superfruits goji and cherry for post-surgical support.
3. While you are at home getting well, consider a parasite cleanse.
Many surgical patients receive antibiotics, which can make a person susceptible to yeast overgrowth.
Octocleanse is an advanced multi- dimensional formula containing herbal and nutritional components. There can be over 100 different types of parasites worms living in human bodies. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms can be found everywhere in our environment, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, or in the food we eat. It has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite. And some of those parasites can make you sick. The benefits of cleansing the body of parasites and worms include purifying of the tissues, healed organs and glands (where parasites and worms dwell); improved and enhanced peristalsis (bowel movements); more energy, weight release (loss/reduction); improved skin condition, improvement in body odor; better absorption of nutrients (which parasites and worms rob the body of), and an overall sense of cleanliness and purity. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified integrative physician prior to using herbal products if possible.
This product also contains digestive enzymes, which fight inflammation, fibrosis (scar tissue), and viruses; modulate the immune system; and cleanse the blood.
This product contains cascara, a gentle laxative, and constipation is often a problem post surgery.
You will likely have limited activity after your surgery, and that coupled with narcotics produces a situation that invites constipation.
Suggestions for constipation post surgery include Acai Ultimate.
It contains the Acai Berry which is a superfruit which provides healing nutrients, psyllium (an ingredient found in metamucil)This herb is frequently recommended for the treatment of constipation and is even approved as an over-the-counter drug in the United States under brand names such as Fiberall, Konsyl, Metamucil, Modane Bulk, or Serutan.
In addition to its value for treating chronic constipation, psyllium can be useful in treating diarrhea.
In one study, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome improved with psyllium administration.
Diarrhea following gallbladder surgery has also been successfully treated with psyllium seed.
Psyllium preparations can reduce pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids.
Psyllium seed has also been used to reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Psyllium seed is also reported to slow the absorption of dietary sugar. This may be beneficial in diabetes, although it is a subtle effect.,
Buckthorn is an herbal medicine of "last resort" to treat constipation, or in circumstances where the stool needs to be softened, like hemorrhoids or during recovery from rectal surgery. It is a diuretic and was used as a blood purifier. Buckthorn is also used to treat gallstones and intestinal parasites.
All of these ingredients are contained in Acai Ultimate
Phototherapy can also help wounds heal quickly. Various phototherapy devices use infrared LED lights to bathe the wound in healing light. The cellular DNA responds by speeding up the repair process.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Constipation ideas... and increase your vitamin intake also
Often, pregnancy constipation can be managed with lifestyle changes. Consider these steps:
Drink plenty of fluids. Aim for eight 8-ounce (237-milliliter) glasses of water a day. Fruit juice — especially prune juice — also can help.
Include physical activity in your daily routine. Daily walks and other aerobic activities can help prevent and treat pregnancy constipation.
Include more fiber in your diet. Choose high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. With your health care provider's OK, try fiber supplements, such as Metamucil.
Many constipation remedies also have extra vitamins and minerals
Colon maintainence in pregnancy
can be used to relieve constipation, and may help with water retention and weight maintainence
Magnesium Oxide
(tablets, gelcaps, or powder)
One should strive for a dosage which will stimulate two to three bowel motions per day. This dosage may be as much as two heaped teaspoons a day or as little as one half teaspoon daily. Remember to listen to your body.
The magnesium oxide should come in white powder form and is generally mixed in half a glass of water. Substances which are mildly acidic, such as lemon juice or apple cider can be added or follow the ingestion of magnesium oxide. These mildly acidic substances enhance the digestion of the magnesium oxide.
Magnesium oxide should not be taken with meals. That is, at least an hour before or after eating. Since magnesium oxide liquefies toxic matter, it can be expected that the bowel motions will be loose. This is not diarrhea but the result of the hydrating effect of magnesium oxide. After the initial intensive or gradual cleansing period, some people will find it beneficial to use magnesium oxide on a regular basis. A general principle is to take enough so as to stimulate regularity. Because magnesium oxide produces water and oxygen it is safe to use on a regular basis.
Benefiber with calcium
3g fiber and 30% daily calcium
can be used regularly
Benefiber plus heart health
An excellent source of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid (33-35%)
Fiber choice with antioxidants
The main source of fiber in FiberChoice® is inulin, the same kind of fiber you'll find in fruits and vegetables.
just two tablets provides 45% of your Daily Value of Vitamin C* and Vitamin E*, and 40% of your Daily Value of Beta Carotene.*
This can be used daily.
Fiber Choice plus Calcium
50% of your daily recommended calcium in each dose
Equal to as much calcium as 14 oz. of milk
More calcium per dose than other fiber supplements
Inulin - fiber to help boost calcium absorption**
Vitamin D added
Fiber Choice with chromium
Fiber Choice weight management
contains chromium picolinate, a naturally occurring compound that aids in metabolism. Each 2-tablet dose contains 200mcg of chromium (167% of daily recommended value.)
can be used regularly
Psyllium Fiber (Metamucil, Konsyl)
can be used regularly
Metamucil can be found with calcium added
Bran cereal
or a fiber Cereal (at least 6 grams of fiber daily)
The regular consumption of prune juice or plumsmart
The regular consumption of oatmeal
one week course
rare use in case other regimens are not effective
be sure to drink 2 liters of fluid (preferably water) daily
If you use splenda, do you know that it comes with added fiber (1 gram)?
Splenda with fiber
Drink plenty of fluids. Aim for eight 8-ounce (237-milliliter) glasses of water a day. Fruit juice — especially prune juice — also can help.
Include physical activity in your daily routine. Daily walks and other aerobic activities can help prevent and treat pregnancy constipation.
Include more fiber in your diet. Choose high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. With your health care provider's OK, try fiber supplements, such as Metamucil.
Many constipation remedies also have extra vitamins and minerals
Colon maintainence in pregnancy
can be used to relieve constipation, and may help with water retention and weight maintainence
Magnesium Oxide
One should strive for a dosage which will stimulate two to three bowel motions per day. This dosage may be as much as two heaped teaspoons a day or as little as one half teaspoon daily. Remember to listen to your body.
The magnesium oxide should come in white powder form and is generally mixed in half a glass of water. Substances which are mildly acidic, such as lemon juice or apple cider can be added or follow the ingestion of magnesium oxide. These mildly acidic substances enhance the digestion of the magnesium oxide.
Magnesium oxide should not be taken with meals. That is, at least an hour before or after eating. Since magnesium oxide liquefies toxic matter, it can be expected that the bowel motions will be loose. This is not diarrhea but the result of the hydrating effect of magnesium oxide. After the initial intensive or gradual cleansing period, some people will find it beneficial to use magnesium oxide on a regular basis. A general principle is to take enough so as to stimulate regularity. Because magnesium oxide produces water and oxygen it is safe to use on a regular basis.
Benefiber with calcium
3g fiber and 30% daily calcium
can be used regularly
Benefiber plus heart health
An excellent source of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid (33-35%)
Fiber choice with antioxidants
The main source of fiber in FiberChoice® is inulin, the same kind of fiber you'll find in fruits and vegetables.
just two tablets provides 45% of your Daily Value of Vitamin C* and Vitamin E*, and 40% of your Daily Value of Beta Carotene.*
This can be used daily.
Fiber Choice plus Calcium
50% of your daily recommended calcium in each dose
Equal to as much calcium as 14 oz. of milk
More calcium per dose than other fiber supplements
Inulin - fiber to help boost calcium absorption**
Vitamin D added
Fiber Choice with chromium
Fiber Choice weight management
can be used regularly
Psyllium Fiber (Metamucil, Konsyl)
can be used regularly
Metamucil can be found with calcium added
Bran cereal
The regular consumption of prune juice or plumsmart
The regular consumption of oatmeal
rare use in case other regimens are not effective
be sure to drink 2 liters of fluid (preferably water) daily
If you use splenda, do you know that it comes with added fiber (1 gram)?
Splenda with fiber
Went to a spa and found these sprayology products...
What a great idea.
Sprayology is a safe and effective natural line of homeopathic and vitamin oral sprays that speak to the concerns of men, women, teens and children to promote beauty and well-being from within. They combine natural ingredients that are proven to affect health and well-being and are delivered in a rapidly absorbed spray form. The revolutionary concept is, in fact, quite simple: vitamins and other nutrients sprayed into the mouth and under the tongue are more readily absorbed into the bloodstream than the same substances ingested into the stomach. This process bypasses the digestive tract and stomach, avoiding the standard metabolic process that often reduces the restorative properties of tablets, liquids and capsules.
Party Relief PREVENTS + REL
Its Party Time! New spray from Sprayology! Natural hangover relief in a spray. Party Relief is a homeopathic treatment used to counter the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages. This spray is not just for a hangover but it also helps with the discomfort you can feel after one or two drinks.
SleepEase RELIEVES RESTLESSNESS Better sleep is on the way!
Having trouble falling or staying asleep? Try a spray of SleepEase for a good night's rest. SleepEase is a homeopathic treatment used to counter the effects of anxiety and caffeine that can keep you wide-awake for hours. Two sprays under the tongue at bedtime, and you're on your way to dreamland the safe and natural way. SleepEase can also be taken at 3:00 am with no residual groggy feelings in the morning.
Stress Relief RESTORES CALM Overwhelmed by stress?
Hectic lifestyles can weaken your body and knock your system out of balance. Stress, worry and grief can all translate into anxiety, irritability and mood swings as they work their way thoughout your body. Now you can cope better with Stress Relief. Two sprays, three times a day will quickly restore the sense of calm you need to get through your busy day. This sublingual treatment works rapidly to relax your nervous system safely and naturally. Stress relief has no contraindications and it has no negative side effects
What is so great about the Sprayology line of products is that they have a vitamin spray for so many different things.
There is a spray for sleeping issues, a spray for brain power, and others that can help you with so many stress and physically related problems! There are sprays that work to help enhance things like your hair, nails and skin. You could not ask for a wider variety of all natural vitamins all from one place. The four specific therapeutic benefits that you can obtain from Sprayology products are detoxification, metabolic support, immune system maintenance and symptom relief.
I have found the Sprayology products to be so convenient and really simple to use.
What a great idea.
Sprayology is a safe and effective natural line of homeopathic and vitamin oral sprays that speak to the concerns of men, women, teens and children to promote beauty and well-being from within. They combine natural ingredients that are proven to affect health and well-being and are delivered in a rapidly absorbed spray form. The revolutionary concept is, in fact, quite simple: vitamins and other nutrients sprayed into the mouth and under the tongue are more readily absorbed into the bloodstream than the same substances ingested into the stomach. This process bypasses the digestive tract and stomach, avoiding the standard metabolic process that often reduces the restorative properties of tablets, liquids and capsules.
Party Relief PREVENTS + REL
Its Party Time! New spray from Sprayology! Natural hangover relief in a spray. Party Relief is a homeopathic treatment used to counter the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages. This spray is not just for a hangover but it also helps with the discomfort you can feel after one or two drinks.
SleepEase RELIEVES RESTLESSNESS Better sleep is on the way!
Having trouble falling or staying asleep? Try a spray of SleepEase for a good night's rest. SleepEase is a homeopathic treatment used to counter the effects of anxiety and caffeine that can keep you wide-awake for hours. Two sprays under the tongue at bedtime, and you're on your way to dreamland the safe and natural way. SleepEase can also be taken at 3:00 am with no residual groggy feelings in the morning.
Stress Relief RESTORES CALM Overwhelmed by stress?
Hectic lifestyles can weaken your body and knock your system out of balance. Stress, worry and grief can all translate into anxiety, irritability and mood swings as they work their way thoughout your body. Now you can cope better with Stress Relief. Two sprays, three times a day will quickly restore the sense of calm you need to get through your busy day. This sublingual treatment works rapidly to relax your nervous system safely and naturally. Stress relief has no contraindications and it has no negative side effects
What is so great about the Sprayology line of products is that they have a vitamin spray for so many different things.
There is a spray for sleeping issues, a spray for brain power, and others that can help you with so many stress and physically related problems! There are sprays that work to help enhance things like your hair, nails and skin. You could not ask for a wider variety of all natural vitamins all from one place. The four specific therapeutic benefits that you can obtain from Sprayology products are detoxification, metabolic support, immune system maintenance and symptom relief.
I have found the Sprayology products to be so convenient and really simple to use.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Getting some extra fruit, vegetable, and fiber servings
Who needs more fruit, vegetable, and fiber servings?
* Anyone concerned with immune system health
* Anyone who does not eat enough fruit in his or her daily diet
* Anyone who wants to increase his or her dietary intake of antioxidants to aid the body in ridding itself of harmful free radicals
* Anyone who suffers from occasional constipation or diarrhea
* Anyone participating in a weight-management program consisting of a healthy diet and exercise that wants to add fiber to his or her diet
Fruit and vegetable consumption across the U.S. continues to be a challenge for many Americans. According to surveys conducted by the CDC from 1996 to 2000, more than 75% of Americans failed to consume the minimum recommended five servings a day of fruit and vegetables. Since those studies were conducted, the USDA recommendations for daily intake of fruits and vegetables have been increased to eight to 10 servings per day. Every day, more nutrition experts are recommending individuals increase their daily dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, especially those having the brightest colors. The most intensely colored fruits and vegetables have been found to possess the highest levels of protective phytonutrients plus elevated levels of powerful antioxidants, yet few individuals manage to incorporate these foods into their diet.
In addition to the decline in fruit and vegetable consumption, Americans do not consume an adequate amount of fiber in their diet. The American Dietetic Association recommends consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, however the typical American diet only contains 12 to 17 grams per day. Low fiber intake is associated with constipation, weight gain and a host of other problems. Consequently, diets high in fiber have been shown to help maintain cholesterol, improve digestion and dramatically support healthy weight loss. Most Americans do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains to consume the recommended amount of fiber in the diet. In addition, the typical American diet includes foods that are heavily processed, reducing much of the already minimal fiber content.
* Anyone concerned with immune system health
* Anyone who does not eat enough fruit in his or her daily diet
* Anyone who wants to increase his or her dietary intake of antioxidants to aid the body in ridding itself of harmful free radicals
* Anyone who suffers from occasional constipation or diarrhea
* Anyone participating in a weight-management program consisting of a healthy diet and exercise that wants to add fiber to his or her diet
Fruit and vegetable consumption across the U.S. continues to be a challenge for many Americans. According to surveys conducted by the CDC from 1996 to 2000, more than 75% of Americans failed to consume the minimum recommended five servings a day of fruit and vegetables. Since those studies were conducted, the USDA recommendations for daily intake of fruits and vegetables have been increased to eight to 10 servings per day. Every day, more nutrition experts are recommending individuals increase their daily dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, especially those having the brightest colors. The most intensely colored fruits and vegetables have been found to possess the highest levels of protective phytonutrients plus elevated levels of powerful antioxidants, yet few individuals manage to incorporate these foods into their diet.
In addition to the decline in fruit and vegetable consumption, Americans do not consume an adequate amount of fiber in their diet. The American Dietetic Association recommends consuming 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, however the typical American diet only contains 12 to 17 grams per day. Low fiber intake is associated with constipation, weight gain and a host of other problems. Consequently, diets high in fiber have been shown to help maintain cholesterol, improve digestion and dramatically support healthy weight loss. Most Americans do not eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains to consume the recommended amount of fiber in the diet. In addition, the typical American diet includes foods that are heavily processed, reducing much of the already minimal fiber content.
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