I was watching one of those commercials where a sad person is on the TV and then they tell you to call your doctor to inquire about some depression medicine and I wondered how many of those patients really have adrenal fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, affects an estimated 80% of adults at some point in their lives. Yet, it is one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses in the U.S. Often, patients go from doctor to doctor trying to find out why they feel exhausted and sick. Too often they’re told that there is nothing wrong with them or, worse, they are made to feel like hypochondriacs.
Adrenal Fatigue was first described in the medical texts in the 1800's as a clinical condition. It was one of the most prevalent conditions, afflicting almost every adult in one way or another. Despite effective diagnostic tools and treatment programs, most conventional physicians were simply not informed of Adrenal Fatigue and not prepared to take Adrenal Fatigue as a serious threat to health. This condition was seldom diagnosed as a sickness for the past 50 years. Instead, Adrenal Fatigue was considered a condition whereby no treatment was available other than to tell the person to "relax" and take anti-depressants. This often makes the condition worse as the root cause is left unresolved. Over time, the condition worsens as the natural progression of this pathology takes its course.
Saliva testing is available for adrenal fatigue
Rule out food allergies as a cause of your symptoms
Natural remedies can improve some symptoms of adrenal fatigue
Some herbal remedies that have been noted as possible therapies include:
Rhodiola Rosea -- It enhances memory and concentration. It has been shown to reduce stress-induced fatigue and improve mental performance. (Contained in Rhodigandha)
Ashwagandha -- It has been shown to have a sedating effect on the body and helps to rebuild the digestive and nervous system. (contained in Rhodigandha)
Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng -- It has been used traditionally to stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands and increases mental alertness. Eleuthero is considered an "adaptogen" which means it can help the body adapt to stress. (contained in Octovite)
Gingko biloba. (contained in Octovite)
Omega 3's (fish Oil) and Co Enzyme Q10. 30 mgs per day as an antioxidant. (See below for combo formula)
Green Superfood blends are good for their high concentrations of minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and micronutrients. (Green Cell Therapy)
Proanthocyanidins (grape seed extract) helps reduce the effects of stress. (Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai contains this as does Green Cell Therapy)
Lower Bowel Cleaner. This will help to assimilate nutrients better. (Acai Ultimate)
A parasite and yeast detox program
A good digestive enzyme with each meal. When the body is fatigued the digestion usually is impaired. (Digestive enzymes are contained in the Green Cell Formula)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Menopause Solutions, take the Menopause quiz
Menopause is the transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs, her body produces less estrogen and progesterone, and menstruation becomes less frequent, eventually stopping altogether.
The good news is that you can take many steps to reduce your symptoms without taking hormones:
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods
Dress lightly and in layers
Eat soy foods
Get adequate calcium and vitamin D in food and/or supplements
Get plenty of exercise
Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or meditation
Use water-based lubricants during sexual intercourse
Menopause Medical Health Quiz on MedicineNet.com
The good news is that you can take many steps to reduce your symptoms without taking hormones:
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods
Dress lightly and in layers
Eat soy foods
Get adequate calcium and vitamin D in food and/or supplements
Get plenty of exercise
Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or meditation
Use water-based lubricants during sexual intercourse
Menopause Medical Health Quiz on MedicineNet.com
Friday, August 20, 2010
Over the Counter prenatal vitamins
What Are the Best Prenatal Vitamins?
Many pregnant women wonder which prenatal vitamins are best. This is a difficult question to answer, as the prenatal vitamins that are best for one woman may not be the best for another woman. Additionally, it can be difficult to directly compare prenatal vitamins, even if they contain the exact same ingredients. Over-the-counter prenatal vitamins typically have lower amounts of some vitamins (particularly folic acid). There is no single "best" prenatal vitamin. The best prenatal vitamin for you will depend on several factors, such as any special health needs or how much you want to spend. Your healthcare provider can be a great resource for helping you choose the best prenatal vitamin for your needs. Keep in mind that you may need to try a few different prenatal vitamins in order to find the one you prefer.
Prescription prenatal vitamins
*may contain more iron than others (which is helpful for women who are anemic).
*may contain iron in formulations that are easier to absorb.
*may be formulated with special coatings
*may be formulated specifically to help with morning sickness.
*may contain a stool softener (usually docusate sodium), which helps relieve constipation, a common problem during pregnancy (which can be made worse by the iron and calcium in prenatal vitamins).
The latest trend is to include docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in prenatal vitamins. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid that appears to be important for brain, eye, and heart health. The typical American diet is usually deficient in DHA (because DHA is mostly found in fish). Also, because fish is the primary source of DHA and because pregnant women are often instructed to limit their intake of certain types of fish (to avoid the potential risks of mercury toxicity), many pregnant women may be deficient in DHA. In most formulations, the DHA is included in a soft-gel capsule that is separate from the prenatal vitamin (which means that two pills are necessary each day, instead of one).
Some are chewable, liquid, organic, or even kosher.
Importantly, there are wide variations in the cost of prenatal vitamins. If your healthcare provider has prescribed one that is too expensive, please ask to switch to a different prenatal vitamin. Many prenatal vitamins are very inexpensive, and there is no reason to not take a prenatal vitamin due to cost.
Some women feel that swallowing a large and bulky tablet makes their morning sickness worse. For these women, a chewable prenatal vitamin may be the best choice. In many cases, I recommend taking two children's Flintstones™ chewable vitamins a day, which is similar to taking one prenatal vitamin (and these vitamins actually taste fairly good).
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fibromyalgia herbal ideas for relief of symptoms
There are no known cures for fibromyalgia, due to the fact that the cause is unknown. Theories suggest the condition may be due to chemical or hormone imbalances.
However there are treatments that can help alleviate the various fibromyalgia symptoms.
Exercise (especially yoga)
Nutrition therapy
Detoxification (Like Parasite Cleansing, Colon Cleansing)
Herbal Therapy
Herbs can be used to help alleviate fibromyalgia by reducing inflammation, stimulating hormones, providing immune system support and eliminating pain.
Herbal remedies are often used effectively in people suffering from fibromyalgia. Herbs can help to treat the wide range of symptoms produced by the syndrome, including:
fatigue and sleep disorders
widespread muscle pain
immune deficiency
St. John's Wort St. John's wort is a natural antidepressant and influences the adrenal gland hormones to help relieve stress. St. John's wort affects nerves and is effective for sharp, shooting nerve pains. It also has antiviral properties. (Caution: Do not take if you are taking conventional antidepressants.)
*Echinacea and Borage Oil are remedies that have been tried. Willow bark has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used as a painkiller.
*Magnesium is a mineral found naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and in nutritional supplements. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions. Magnesium, along with malic acid (a fruit acid found naturally in apples) are often suggested for people with fibromyalgia because they are both needed for the generation of energy in cells in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
*The supplement 5-HTP is thought to work by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. There is preliminary evidence that it may reduce the number of tender points in people with fibromyalgia, possibly by effecting pain-modulating systems in the brainstem.
This supplement also contains Passionflower which Helps with insomnia, stress, and anxiety.
Valerian, chamomile, and passionflower in combination can be more effective than valerian alone for improved sleep. All three are also contained in Herbalith
Green foods should be added for optimal nutrition. (My green foods supplement contains Quercetin, digestive enzymes, CoQ10, Grape seed extract, Alpha Lipoic acid, lactobacillus and astragalus) see "GREEN CELL THERAPY"
Astragalus-Astragalus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Its main use has been to boost the body's immune system
Alpha Lipoic acid is very useful for enhancing the body's utilization of carbohydrates and enhancing energy. Take 100 milligrams three times daily.
Grape-seed extracts are natural anti-inflammatories that help to ease pain
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid considered to have excellent properties as a natural antihistimine and allergy-fighter.
People with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndromes that have started a digestive enzyme regime often show and improvement in their symptoms. This is because the regimen provides enzymes that the body lacks, and promotes cell nutrition by nourishing the nervous system and digestive system.
Coenzyme Q10 is also an antioxidant and helps deliver oxygen to cells. (It can be found in combination with Fish oil or Omega-3 fatty acids)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - especially those found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids can decrease inflammation and allergic response.
The scientific community will continue to discover more specific causes for auto immune disorders but at present there are four significant factors that have been proven to cause fibromyalgia like symptoms, they are:
1. Viral infections
2. Parasite infestations
3. Bacterial infections
4. Intestinal yeast infections
OCTOCLEANSE Herbal Parasite Detox may be of interest to you it contains:
Black walnut aid in removing parasites.
Paud'arco, taken in tea or tablet form, is good for treating candida infection.
Antioxidants help reduce free-radical damage and fight inflammation. Take a good antioxidant formula that provides daily:
5,000 to 10,000 International Units of vitamin A
Up to 10,000 milligrams of buffered vitamin C
400 to 800 international units of vitamin E
200 micrograms of selenium.
OCTOVITE Ultimate Herbal Antioxidant contains A, C, E in addition to:
Gingko Biloba-Ginkgo biloba stimulates circulation, particularly in the brain. Because of the increase circulation and oxygenation of the brain cells, produced by the extract from ginkgo leaves, this plant has given excellent results for combating fatigue.
Ginseng-Siberian ginseng is an energizing herb that can help resolve the fatigue associated with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia pain is thought to be produced by a combination of factors. These fibromyalgia factors include imbalances in brain and body chemistry. Disturbed sleep, a symptom of fibromyalgia, is also thought to be a cause. Though the degree of pain fibromyalgia can produce varies with individual sufferers, it's not progressive or debilitating. However, chronic fibromyalgia pain sets off a chain reaction of physical and mental side effects. The persistent stress of chronic fibromyalgia pain can affect the nervous and immune system. Coping with chronic fibromyalgia pain can also bring on depression and cause the brain to perceive even more pain.
What I have recommended to patients, is to maintain health with natural pain relievers that also boost the immune system.
Resveratrol, a phytochemical derived from grape skin, is also abundant in members of the Polygonum genus, widely used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. The anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol were first described in 1997 after an animal model determined its primary activity to be the inhibition of COX-1. Then a study led by some of the same researchers from Cornell Medical College in New York City revealed resveratrol's COX-2 inhibitory effects.
Green Tea is also in this supplement. There is a compound in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that University of Michigan researchers found to alleviate arthritis pain.
Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate is a supplement that contains both of these ingredients. This product underwent ORAC analysis at Brunswick Labs.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia respond to many of the same treatments. Fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have many similarities. Although the two illnesses have many symptoms in common, the most prevalent symptom of FM is widespread pain while the primary symptom of CFS is extreme fatigue that does not improve with rest.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, or supplement. The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements or this treatment and there is no guarantee of cure with this treatment. Results may vary.
However there are treatments that can help alleviate the various fibromyalgia symptoms.
Exercise (especially yoga)
Nutrition therapy
Detoxification (Like Parasite Cleansing, Colon Cleansing)
Herbal Therapy
Herbs can be used to help alleviate fibromyalgia by reducing inflammation, stimulating hormones, providing immune system support and eliminating pain.
Herbal remedies are often used effectively in people suffering from fibromyalgia. Herbs can help to treat the wide range of symptoms produced by the syndrome, including:
fatigue and sleep disorders
widespread muscle pain
immune deficiency
St. John's Wort St. John's wort is a natural antidepressant and influences the adrenal gland hormones to help relieve stress. St. John's wort affects nerves and is effective for sharp, shooting nerve pains. It also has antiviral properties. (Caution: Do not take if you are taking conventional antidepressants.)
*Echinacea and Borage Oil are remedies that have been tried. Willow bark has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used as a painkiller.
*Magnesium is a mineral found naturally in foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and in nutritional supplements. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions. Magnesium, along with malic acid (a fruit acid found naturally in apples) are often suggested for people with fibromyalgia because they are both needed for the generation of energy in cells in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
*The supplement 5-HTP is thought to work by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. There is preliminary evidence that it may reduce the number of tender points in people with fibromyalgia, possibly by effecting pain-modulating systems in the brainstem.
This supplement also contains Passionflower which Helps with insomnia, stress, and anxiety.
Valerian, chamomile, and passionflower in combination can be more effective than valerian alone for improved sleep. All three are also contained in Herbalith
Green foods should be added for optimal nutrition. (My green foods supplement contains Quercetin, digestive enzymes, CoQ10, Grape seed extract, Alpha Lipoic acid, lactobacillus and astragalus) see "GREEN CELL THERAPY"
Astragalus-Astragalus has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Its main use has been to boost the body's immune system
Alpha Lipoic acid is very useful for enhancing the body's utilization of carbohydrates and enhancing energy. Take 100 milligrams three times daily.
Grape-seed extracts are natural anti-inflammatories that help to ease pain
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid considered to have excellent properties as a natural antihistimine and allergy-fighter.
People with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndromes that have started a digestive enzyme regime often show and improvement in their symptoms. This is because the regimen provides enzymes that the body lacks, and promotes cell nutrition by nourishing the nervous system and digestive system.
Coenzyme Q10 is also an antioxidant and helps deliver oxygen to cells. (It can be found in combination with Fish oil or Omega-3 fatty acids)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - especially those found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids can decrease inflammation and allergic response.
The scientific community will continue to discover more specific causes for auto immune disorders but at present there are four significant factors that have been proven to cause fibromyalgia like symptoms, they are:
1. Viral infections
2. Parasite infestations
3. Bacterial infections
4. Intestinal yeast infections
OCTOCLEANSE Herbal Parasite Detox may be of interest to you it contains:
Black walnut aid in removing parasites.
Paud'arco, taken in tea or tablet form, is good for treating candida infection.
Antioxidants help reduce free-radical damage and fight inflammation. Take a good antioxidant formula that provides daily:
5,000 to 10,000 International Units of vitamin A
Up to 10,000 milligrams of buffered vitamin C
400 to 800 international units of vitamin E
200 micrograms of selenium.
OCTOVITE Ultimate Herbal Antioxidant contains A, C, E in addition to:
Gingko Biloba-Ginkgo biloba stimulates circulation, particularly in the brain. Because of the increase circulation and oxygenation of the brain cells, produced by the extract from ginkgo leaves, this plant has given excellent results for combating fatigue.
Ginseng-Siberian ginseng is an energizing herb that can help resolve the fatigue associated with fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia pain is thought to be produced by a combination of factors. These fibromyalgia factors include imbalances in brain and body chemistry. Disturbed sleep, a symptom of fibromyalgia, is also thought to be a cause. Though the degree of pain fibromyalgia can produce varies with individual sufferers, it's not progressive or debilitating. However, chronic fibromyalgia pain sets off a chain reaction of physical and mental side effects. The persistent stress of chronic fibromyalgia pain can affect the nervous and immune system. Coping with chronic fibromyalgia pain can also bring on depression and cause the brain to perceive even more pain.
What I have recommended to patients, is to maintain health with natural pain relievers that also boost the immune system.
Resveratrol, a phytochemical derived from grape skin, is also abundant in members of the Polygonum genus, widely used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine. The anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol were first described in 1997 after an animal model determined its primary activity to be the inhibition of COX-1. Then a study led by some of the same researchers from Cornell Medical College in New York City revealed resveratrol's COX-2 inhibitory effects.
Green Tea is also in this supplement. There is a compound in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that University of Michigan researchers found to alleviate arthritis pain.
Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate is a supplement that contains both of these ingredients. This product underwent ORAC analysis at Brunswick Labs.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia respond to many of the same treatments. Fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have many similarities. Although the two illnesses have many symptoms in common, the most prevalent symptom of FM is widespread pain while the primary symptom of CFS is extreme fatigue that does not improve with rest.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, or supplement. The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements or this treatment and there is no guarantee of cure with this treatment. Results may vary.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Breastfeeding Accessories
Breastfeeding is something you need to prepare for. Having the correct pumps, creams, and accessories will greatly determine your comfort and success during this endeavor. Having sore nipples can make this experience alot less fun, and may lead to frustration. Not having a good pump can present a challenge if your breasts become engorged. So I am writing this blog to ensure that you already have some things around to help you to ensure your success. Click on the links below to find BPA free options. If your milk supply diminishes, there are herbal products that can be used for support.
Also protect you breast and nipple skin Stretch Mark cream
Nipple Cream
Nipple Shield
Lactation support supplements
Click here for more Breast Pumps
Nipple Cream
Nipple Shield
Lactation support supplements
Click here for more Breast Pumps
Monday, August 16, 2010
Low carb options for Noodles
I am posting this blog because I had a discussion with a patient today about reducing her carb intake, and she needed some ideas on how to sneak low carb noodles past her family.
Glucomann (also called Miracle and shiritaki noodles)
These can also be used during the maintainence phase of the hcg diet.
One serving of Glucomannan noodles that contain 140 calories can be taken daily during the diet regime after the 500 calorie part of the diet.
* made of naturally water soluble fiber with no fat, sugar, or starch.
* contain zero net carbohydrates and zero calories, no gluten -made of a healthy natural fiber called Glucomannan.
* wheat & gluten free and kosher.
* Easily absorbs the flavors of any soup, dish, or sauce.
* are instant and come in a variety of styles
* have shown beneficial effects backed by medical studies for Type II Diabetes, Constipation, Obesity, and Cholesterol!
What are they made of: Glucomannan, a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. Glucomannan is a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener. Products containing glucomannan, marketed under a variety of brand names, are also sold as nutritional supplements for constipation, obesity, high cholesterol, acne vulgaris and type 2 diabetes. Though there is some clinical support for potential health benefits, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any product containing glucomannan for the treatment of these medical conditions.
Miracle Noodles
Shirataki noodles absorb the flavor of whatever you add them to, so don't be shy with the sauce. These weight-loss noodles leave you feeling full and satisfied all-day long. Shirataki noodles contain little carbs or calories, and are rich with dietary fiber. They are low carb, and good for a healthy diet. Shirataki noodles are thinner than wheat noodles, do not break as easily, and have a different texture. They are mostly composed of a dietary fiber called glucomannan and contain very few calories and carbohydrates (sometimes even zero). Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber made from the roots of the Asian Konjac plant.
This is a great low carb alternative, but I do not recommend them until completely finished with all phases of the HCG diet.
Wheat and Whole grain pasta
Today's high-quality whole-wheat pastas, which run from tan to light brown in appearance, have the same toothsome texture as the best refined-wheat pastas and either mimic their flavor or veer off in entirely new and delicious directions, hitting nutty and earthy notes. Get the thinner varieties (angel hair instead of penne) if the texture is not "light" enough for you. Barilla Plus is the brand I think is most similar in look and feel to white-flour pasta. They added a grain and legume flour blend that includes lentils, chickpeas, egg whites, spelt, barley, flaxseed, oat fiber and oats. The egg whites and the legumes boost the protein, the barley and oats boost the soluble fiber, and the flaxseed provides some healthy plant omega-3s. Try different higher fiber pasta brands or products until you find the one you and your family enjoy most. You may eat a little less pasta than you normally would. The whole-wheat and higher- fiber pastas seem to be more filling, and you may find that you eat fewer calories.
Glucomann (also called Miracle and shiritaki noodles)
These can also be used during the maintainence phase of the hcg diet.
One serving of Glucomannan noodles that contain 140 calories can be taken daily during the diet regime after the 500 calorie part of the diet.
* made of naturally water soluble fiber with no fat, sugar, or starch.
* contain zero net carbohydrates and zero calories, no gluten -made of a healthy natural fiber called Glucomannan.
* wheat & gluten free and kosher.
* Easily absorbs the flavors of any soup, dish, or sauce.
* are instant and come in a variety of styles
* have shown beneficial effects backed by medical studies for Type II Diabetes, Constipation, Obesity, and Cholesterol!
What are they made of: Glucomannan, a water-soluble polysaccharide that is considered a dietary fiber. Glucomannan is a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener. Products containing glucomannan, marketed under a variety of brand names, are also sold as nutritional supplements for constipation, obesity, high cholesterol, acne vulgaris and type 2 diabetes. Though there is some clinical support for potential health benefits, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any product containing glucomannan for the treatment of these medical conditions.
Miracle Noodles
Shirataki noodles absorb the flavor of whatever you add them to, so don't be shy with the sauce. These weight-loss noodles leave you feeling full and satisfied all-day long. Shirataki noodles contain little carbs or calories, and are rich with dietary fiber. They are low carb, and good for a healthy diet. Shirataki noodles are thinner than wheat noodles, do not break as easily, and have a different texture. They are mostly composed of a dietary fiber called glucomannan and contain very few calories and carbohydrates (sometimes even zero). Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber made from the roots of the Asian Konjac plant.
This is a great low carb alternative, but I do not recommend them until completely finished with all phases of the HCG diet.
Wheat and Whole grain pasta
Today's high-quality whole-wheat pastas, which run from tan to light brown in appearance, have the same toothsome texture as the best refined-wheat pastas and either mimic their flavor or veer off in entirely new and delicious directions, hitting nutty and earthy notes. Get the thinner varieties (angel hair instead of penne) if the texture is not "light" enough for you. Barilla Plus is the brand I think is most similar in look and feel to white-flour pasta. They added a grain and legume flour blend that includes lentils, chickpeas, egg whites, spelt, barley, flaxseed, oat fiber and oats. The egg whites and the legumes boost the protein, the barley and oats boost the soluble fiber, and the flaxseed provides some healthy plant omega-3s. Try different higher fiber pasta brands or products until you find the one you and your family enjoy most. You may eat a little less pasta than you normally would. The whole-wheat and higher- fiber pastas seem to be more filling, and you may find that you eat fewer calories.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sugar free sweeteners on the Beta HCG diet
The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) diet is a low calorie diet that relies on the administration of hCG for appetite suppression and quick fat burning. It was originally devised by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons in the 1950s, when he was researching the effects of hCG and noticed that patients taking the hormone tended to lose weight. Simeons began to research the use of hCG for weight loss and noticed that dieters could consume very few calories and, as long as they were taking daily doses of hCG, they didn’t experience headaches, extreme hunger, or physical weakness.
hCG is a hormone that is produced in pregnant women and helps support the body’s production of progesterone. The hormone is believed to cause a pregnant woman’s body to release stored fat to nourish the fetus if the woman doesn’t consume enough calories. Those following the hCG diet are given the hormone because some believe it helps bodies burn fat quicker.
The hCG diet plan allows the intake of only 500 calories per day. Originally, the diet plan allowed unsweetened tea or coffee with up to one tablespoon of milk for breakfast. Artificial sweeteners saccharin and stevia were allowed in place of sugar. Lunch and dinner each consisted of low-fat poultry, fish, or meat — with a pre-cooked weight of 100 grams — that was cooked without oil or butter; a vegetable; a breadstick or piece of Melba toast; and a serving of fruit. There were no snacks, unless the dieter wanted to eat the fruit, breadstick, or Melba toast for a snack instead of consuming it with the meal.
Nowadays, more sweeteners are available than just saccharin or stevia. I allow my patients to use any zero calorie sweetener they like, but if you find that your weight loss is not optimal, eliminate those all sweeteners altogether, or restrict yourself to the saccharin or stevia only.
stevia sweetener
splenda with fiber
sweet and low zero calorie sweetener
splenda essentials
hCG is a hormone that is produced in pregnant women and helps support the body’s production of progesterone. The hormone is believed to cause a pregnant woman’s body to release stored fat to nourish the fetus if the woman doesn’t consume enough calories. Those following the hCG diet are given the hormone because some believe it helps bodies burn fat quicker.
The hCG diet plan allows the intake of only 500 calories per day. Originally, the diet plan allowed unsweetened tea or coffee with up to one tablespoon of milk for breakfast. Artificial sweeteners saccharin and stevia were allowed in place of sugar. Lunch and dinner each consisted of low-fat poultry, fish, or meat — with a pre-cooked weight of 100 grams — that was cooked without oil or butter; a vegetable; a breadstick or piece of Melba toast; and a serving of fruit. There were no snacks, unless the dieter wanted to eat the fruit, breadstick, or Melba toast for a snack instead of consuming it with the meal.
Nowadays, more sweeteners are available than just saccharin or stevia. I allow my patients to use any zero calorie sweetener they like, but if you find that your weight loss is not optimal, eliminate those all sweeteners altogether, or restrict yourself to the saccharin or stevia only.
stevia sweetener
splenda with fiber
sweet and low zero calorie sweetener
splenda essentials
Cheating on the HCG Diet
A person who follows the protocol to the letter should lose a pound a day, or the 34 pound limit during each month long session on the diet. It is always best to stick to the HCG Diet exactly, if you can. But if you must cheat, some items are more forgiving than others.
1) Try not to eat anything with sugar, starch, or fat. Sugar stimulates insulin and insulin turns it into fat. In "Pounds and Inches," Dr. Simeons cautions against eating sugar or starch during the three weeks just after doing the Hcg Diet. It's a big no-no during the diet, too. If you are wanting something extra to eat, you might be tempted when you are out socializing with your friends.
2) Try to schedule your diet when you will have a month where there are no major engagements involving food. Do not go on a cruise in the middle of the diet. The Beta HCG (per Dr. Simeons) redirects your hypothalamus to reset your weight set point. If you keep interrupting it, this may not happen.
3) If you must cheat, try to stay within the diet by eating the vegetables. Also, there are a few other foods you may not know about that are included at some Hcg Diet clinics. I have seen Zucchini, green beans, and watermelon included in other clinics.
4) If having time to make things is a problem, I have more hints: you may find some fat free, sugar free marinades, salad dressings and other items. I like a fat free, sugar free dressing called Maple Grove Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette, that I get at Wal-Mart.
5) If you travel for your job, carry food with you. Canned shrimp, canned asparagus, canned tomatoes, pickles in a jar, oranges, apples, and grapefruit can be packed. Your diet will become very monotonous, but stay on it.
6) It is really good if you keep a food diary of just what you eat and how you are feeling. It is one of the best things you can do, so you can check your progress. You want to be able to look back and figure out what you did right on those days that you lost more than a pound a day and when you only lost half a pound. Sometimes it is really hard to figure out.
7) You can make yourself an iced coffee with Stevia or flavored splenda. It's not quite like Starbucks, but you can try that. Also you may like to take your handful of strawberries and make a smoothie to drink. Just add water, ice and Stevia in your blender. You won't even be cheating! My book also has some sugar free drink and dessert recipes made from frozen teas that can give you the satisfaction of a meal without adding calories.
8) To stay on the diet, I suggest eating a sliced tomato or cucumber with salt and pepper between meals or a pickle. You can even broil the tomato in the oven or toaster oven with some spices. It is on the diet, and the few (fat free, sugar free) calories shouldn't completely stall your progress
9) One last thing. If you get tired of chicken or fish, have a scrambled egg or hard boiled egg. Dr Simeons mentions in his manuscript, "Pounds and Inches, " about eggs for those who are vegetarians. Just cook the scrambled egg in a little water in a non-stick pan. You can have it with spinach or tomato on top.
Acai Berry supplements can aid in weight loss, especially when paired with the Official HCG Diet Plan. It helps boost your metabolism, the engine that drives calorie burning. The ingredients within this Acai Berry Detox blend were selected specifically for use before, during, or even after the HCG diet.
The Acai Berry formula is also a smart choice because it contains polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that have the capacity to neutralize free radicals produced by regular exercise. And that's important when you are trying to get in shape.
Take the Acai Berry Cleanse with or without the HCG Diet Plan. Feel free to start taking at anytime before, during, or after the HCG Diet. While regular exercise is good for your figure and your health, it can generate free radicals in your body, which are damaging compounds that cause harmful oxidative stress. Acai has powerful antioxidant activity that can help your body stand up to these free radicals, with or without exercise.
There are also ingredients that aid in constipation in this formula.
Acai is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods. Further, Acai has a high ORAC value (oxygen-radical absorbance capacity). ORAC is the new measurement of antioxidant potential.
1) Try not to eat anything with sugar, starch, or fat. Sugar stimulates insulin and insulin turns it into fat. In "Pounds and Inches," Dr. Simeons cautions against eating sugar or starch during the three weeks just after doing the Hcg Diet. It's a big no-no during the diet, too. If you are wanting something extra to eat, you might be tempted when you are out socializing with your friends.
2) Try to schedule your diet when you will have a month where there are no major engagements involving food. Do not go on a cruise in the middle of the diet. The Beta HCG (per Dr. Simeons) redirects your hypothalamus to reset your weight set point. If you keep interrupting it, this may not happen.
3) If you must cheat, try to stay within the diet by eating the vegetables. Also, there are a few other foods you may not know about that are included at some Hcg Diet clinics. I have seen Zucchini, green beans, and watermelon included in other clinics.
4) If having time to make things is a problem, I have more hints: you may find some fat free, sugar free marinades, salad dressings and other items. I like a fat free, sugar free dressing called Maple Grove Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette, that I get at Wal-Mart.
5) If you travel for your job, carry food with you. Canned shrimp, canned asparagus, canned tomatoes, pickles in a jar, oranges, apples, and grapefruit can be packed. Your diet will become very monotonous, but stay on it.
6) It is really good if you keep a food diary of just what you eat and how you are feeling. It is one of the best things you can do, so you can check your progress. You want to be able to look back and figure out what you did right on those days that you lost more than a pound a day and when you only lost half a pound. Sometimes it is really hard to figure out.
7) You can make yourself an iced coffee with Stevia or flavored splenda. It's not quite like Starbucks, but you can try that. Also you may like to take your handful of strawberries and make a smoothie to drink. Just add water, ice and Stevia in your blender. You won't even be cheating! My book also has some sugar free drink and dessert recipes made from frozen teas that can give you the satisfaction of a meal without adding calories.
8) To stay on the diet, I suggest eating a sliced tomato or cucumber with salt and pepper between meals or a pickle. You can even broil the tomato in the oven or toaster oven with some spices. It is on the diet, and the few (fat free, sugar free) calories shouldn't completely stall your progress
9) One last thing. If you get tired of chicken or fish, have a scrambled egg or hard boiled egg. Dr Simeons mentions in his manuscript, "Pounds and Inches, " about eggs for those who are vegetarians. Just cook the scrambled egg in a little water in a non-stick pan. You can have it with spinach or tomato on top.
Acai Berry supplements can aid in weight loss, especially when paired with the Official HCG Diet Plan. It helps boost your metabolism, the engine that drives calorie burning. The ingredients within this Acai Berry Detox blend were selected specifically for use before, during, or even after the HCG diet.
The Acai Berry formula is also a smart choice because it contains polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that have the capacity to neutralize free radicals produced by regular exercise. And that's important when you are trying to get in shape.
Take the Acai Berry Cleanse with or without the HCG Diet Plan. Feel free to start taking at anytime before, during, or after the HCG Diet. While regular exercise is good for your figure and your health, it can generate free radicals in your body, which are damaging compounds that cause harmful oxidative stress. Acai has powerful antioxidant activity that can help your body stand up to these free radicals, with or without exercise.
There are also ingredients that aid in constipation in this formula.
Acai is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods. Further, Acai has a high ORAC value (oxygen-radical absorbance capacity). ORAC is the new measurement of antioxidant potential.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Combatting stress in pregnancy
Some scientists now believe that the effect of the life in the womb on emotional and physical health may be greater than that of the genes we inherit. The conditions in the uterus, ranging from mother's hormones to the nutrients supplied through the placenta, may significantly determine how a baby's liver, heart, kidneys, brain and mind will function during the adulthood.
Research has shown that if mothers during pregnancy ingested such substances as alcohol, cocaine, caffeine, and tobacco, they could harm their babies' physical and mental health, notably, lower the birth weight, height, and head circumference, and impair attention, memory, intelligence, and temperament. Likewise, we have known for a while that if a mother experiences excessive stress or suffers from an emotional trauma, her baby may be born with certain deficiencies which may persist into adulthood and cause more complications.
We are still trying to understand how stress and a mother's emotional state affects her unborn baby. Take, for example, a stress hormone called Cortisol. When we are under stress, we manufacture cortisol. If you experience occasional stress, cortisol doesn't create a problem. However, if you remain under stress for a long time, cortisol may be too much for your body to handle. Cortisol can cause high blood pressure problems. A mother's excessive Cortisol can reach the baby in the womb and, for example, can raise the baby's set point for blood pressure forever. In turn this baby, later in life, could be more prone to high blood pressure.
Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Others are confronted with such unhealthy situations as the break-up of their relationship, physical or emotional abuse, open infidelity, job stress, and financial worries. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth.
The babies of these mothers are exposed to a variety of stress hormones, toxins and malnutrition inside the womb. Some may later become hyperactive, inattentive, or temperamental and exhibit poor self-control. Many of these children are later medicated with Ritalin or antidepressants. Not everyone understands that the problems a child exhibits today may have resulted from events that occurred several years ago. Could there be a link to stress in pregnancy and autism? As time goes on and our lives become more stressful, the incidence of this condition seems to be rising. A definitive cause for autism has not been established.
There are limited resources for people who have anxiety and depression, and people suffering from stress are often unsure of where to go for help. In addition, when referred for therapy, many feel embarrassed and do not want to admit the need for psychological consultation. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. Doctors may be reluctant to prescribe psychiatric medications because of pregnancy or breast-feeding considerations.
Thus, a woman in such a situation suffers alone and remains isolated from her support system. She is expected to transcend all such adverse circumstances, and some do. Others don't have the emotional strengths to cope. Some have struggled with depression and anxiety all their lives. Moreover, even when they are seemingly coping with the excessive stress, they might still be constantly producing stress hormones and toxins and some will reach the baby in the womb.
Could maternal stress in pregnancy cause physical malformations? Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. People who are stressed in pregnancy are more prone to postpartum blues and depression which could have consequences for mother/infant bonding.
All of us want happy children. Happy children grow out of happy babies. Happy babies are born to happy mothers. Therefore, partners, families and friends of expectant mothers should do their best to make an expectant mother happy and relaxed. If she is depressed, nervous, or tense, encourage her to seek help. I have tried to create this blog to point women in this situation to tools that can help and educate them. Please talk to your doctor. Join a support group. You are not alone.
Other things to consider:
1. Relax in a bath. It doesn't have to last an hour. A ten minute bath can help you sleep, and a well rested person can deal with stress better than a tired person. Pregnancy relaxing bath
2. Make sure your prenatal supplement contains Omega 3/fish oil/DHA. Pregnancy vitamin with DHA/Omega3
Not only is it good for your baby's brain development, but it can help your mood.
3. Listen to an uplifting CD. Affirmations are available on CD affirmation cd pregnancy
and can be downloaded to your IPOD, iPhone, or portable music device. Also consider religious music.
4. Exercise naturally elevates your endorphin levels. Ask your doctor if yoga or walking are Pregnancy walking exercise video
appropriate for you.
Click here to order pregnancy yoga video
Research has shown that if mothers during pregnancy ingested such substances as alcohol, cocaine, caffeine, and tobacco, they could harm their babies' physical and mental health, notably, lower the birth weight, height, and head circumference, and impair attention, memory, intelligence, and temperament. Likewise, we have known for a while that if a mother experiences excessive stress or suffers from an emotional trauma, her baby may be born with certain deficiencies which may persist into adulthood and cause more complications.
We are still trying to understand how stress and a mother's emotional state affects her unborn baby. Take, for example, a stress hormone called Cortisol. When we are under stress, we manufacture cortisol. If you experience occasional stress, cortisol doesn't create a problem. However, if you remain under stress for a long time, cortisol may be too much for your body to handle. Cortisol can cause high blood pressure problems. A mother's excessive Cortisol can reach the baby in the womb and, for example, can raise the baby's set point for blood pressure forever. In turn this baby, later in life, could be more prone to high blood pressure.
Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Others are confronted with such unhealthy situations as the break-up of their relationship, physical or emotional abuse, open infidelity, job stress, and financial worries. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth.
The babies of these mothers are exposed to a variety of stress hormones, toxins and malnutrition inside the womb. Some may later become hyperactive, inattentive, or temperamental and exhibit poor self-control. Many of these children are later medicated with Ritalin or antidepressants. Not everyone understands that the problems a child exhibits today may have resulted from events that occurred several years ago. Could there be a link to stress in pregnancy and autism? As time goes on and our lives become more stressful, the incidence of this condition seems to be rising. A definitive cause for autism has not been established.
There are limited resources for people who have anxiety and depression, and people suffering from stress are often unsure of where to go for help. In addition, when referred for therapy, many feel embarrassed and do not want to admit the need for psychological consultation. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. Doctors may be reluctant to prescribe psychiatric medications because of pregnancy or breast-feeding considerations.
Thus, a woman in such a situation suffers alone and remains isolated from her support system. She is expected to transcend all such adverse circumstances, and some do. Others don't have the emotional strengths to cope. Some have struggled with depression and anxiety all their lives. Moreover, even when they are seemingly coping with the excessive stress, they might still be constantly producing stress hormones and toxins and some will reach the baby in the womb.
Could maternal stress in pregnancy cause physical malformations? Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. People who are stressed in pregnancy are more prone to postpartum blues and depression which could have consequences for mother/infant bonding.
All of us want happy children. Happy children grow out of happy babies. Happy babies are born to happy mothers. Therefore, partners, families and friends of expectant mothers should do their best to make an expectant mother happy and relaxed. If she is depressed, nervous, or tense, encourage her to seek help. I have tried to create this blog to point women in this situation to tools that can help and educate them. Please talk to your doctor. Join a support group. You are not alone.
Other things to consider:
1. Relax in a bath. It doesn't have to last an hour. A ten minute bath can help you sleep, and a well rested person can deal with stress better than a tired person. Pregnancy relaxing bath
2. Make sure your prenatal supplement contains Omega 3/fish oil/DHA. Pregnancy vitamin with DHA/Omega3
3. Listen to an uplifting CD. Affirmations are available on CD affirmation cd pregnancy
4. Exercise naturally elevates your endorphin levels. Ask your doctor if yoga or walking are Pregnancy walking exercise video
Click here to order pregnancy yoga video
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Glucose control during pregnancy with chromium
Chromium is necessary for your body to use sugar correctly as well as for the breaking down of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. If you’re unable to get enough chromium from the foods that you eat, or if your body needs more chromium, supplements are the ideal choice. If your body is deficient in chromium you may experience nerve problems or be at risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Chromium is involved in glucose metabolism and is the major mineral needed for insulin production. Chromium is beneficial for both high and low blood sugar problems.
"Chromium works with insulin to drive sugar from your blood into the tissues of your body for use or storage. This mineral is so important in sugar tolerance that severe deficiencies of it cause a diabetes-like illness to develop" Eades, Mary Dan, The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals, 1994, The Philip Lief Group, Inc.
Chromium GTF (glucose tolerance factor) is a very easily absorbed form of chromium, naturally derived from yeast in the safe trivalent form. GTF chromium is naturally bound to glycine, glutamic acid, cysteine and niacin. In contrast, industrial chromium is in a hexavalent form and can be toxic.
Balances blood glucose levels
Helps to curb sugar cravings
May aid in the maintenance of healthy weight
In order to stay in good health it’s vital that you eat a diet that is balanced. If your body is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals talk to your doctor about
(1) which foods you should add to your diet to get more of these vitamins and minerals, and
(2) which supplements can be of benefit to you.
Chromium can be found in variety of foods such as wheat germ, cheese, brewer’s yeast, and grape juice. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for chromium will vary depending on your age, health, and body size. Pregnant or lactating women will require more chromium. In the US chromium supplements are generally found as chromium picolinate or chromium gtf. There have been conflicting reports regarding chromium picolinate during pregnancy, so I have included only links to chromium gtf.
The upper limit for the RDA for pregnant women taking chromium per day is 200 micrograms.
Before taking any supplement that is purchased over the counter make sure that you read the instructions and carefully follow the directions. Take note of any precautions that are listed. If you have allergies talk to your doctor about chromium.
Chromium is involved in glucose metabolism and is the major mineral needed for insulin production. Chromium is beneficial for both high and low blood sugar problems.
"Chromium works with insulin to drive sugar from your blood into the tissues of your body for use or storage. This mineral is so important in sugar tolerance that severe deficiencies of it cause a diabetes-like illness to develop" Eades, Mary Dan, The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals, 1994, The Philip Lief Group, Inc.
Chromium GTF (glucose tolerance factor) is a very easily absorbed form of chromium, naturally derived from yeast in the safe trivalent form. GTF chromium is naturally bound to glycine, glutamic acid, cysteine and niacin. In contrast, industrial chromium is in a hexavalent form and can be toxic.
Balances blood glucose levels
Helps to curb sugar cravings
May aid in the maintenance of healthy weight
In order to stay in good health it’s vital that you eat a diet that is balanced. If your body is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals talk to your doctor about
(1) which foods you should add to your diet to get more of these vitamins and minerals, and
(2) which supplements can be of benefit to you.
Chromium can be found in variety of foods such as wheat germ, cheese, brewer’s yeast, and grape juice. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for chromium will vary depending on your age, health, and body size. Pregnant or lactating women will require more chromium. In the US chromium supplements are generally found as chromium picolinate or chromium gtf. There have been conflicting reports regarding chromium picolinate during pregnancy, so I have included only links to chromium gtf.
The upper limit for the RDA for pregnant women taking chromium per day is 200 micrograms.
Before taking any supplement that is purchased over the counter make sure that you read the instructions and carefully follow the directions. Take note of any precautions that are listed. If you have allergies talk to your doctor about chromium.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Seasoning food on the Beta HCG diet
If you are following the original Dr. Simeons diet while on the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) protocol, the food options can get repetitive. When given a short list of items to choose from, coupled with the need to measure out specific portions, you need to be creative with seasonings. If you use a seasoning blend, you must make sure there is no added sugar. There is no limit to the amount of herbs that can be used, however one must ensure there is no sugar hidden in the blend.
Salt, pepper, chili powder, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram and other spices may be used for seasoning. Vinegar and the juice of one lemon daily are allowed. No oils, dressings or commercial spice mixes (contain cornstarch and sugar).
Here are some ideas:
Salt, pepper, chili powder, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram and other spices may be used for seasoning. Vinegar and the juice of one lemon daily are allowed. No oils, dressings or commercial spice mixes (contain cornstarch and sugar).
Here are some ideas:
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Taking a bath on the HCG diet
One should be cautious about which specific beauty products are used while on the HCG diet. Oils, fats, ointments, and creams can actually hamper efforts to lose unwanted body fat.
Exfoliating the body during a detox diet is a beneficial thing. The body is trying hard to eliminate all the toxins and pollutants contained in the fat that the diet unlocks, and removing dead skin so the pores are free to eliminate at an increased rate.
The fats in the beauty products have negative affects on weight loss during the HCG diet. The absorption of the oils and fats in beauty products is considered the equivalent to eating fatty foods. Oil absorbed through the skin can sabotage your weight loss efforts while on the HCG diet. The goal is to minimize or eliminate exposure by mouth or skin. This just goes to show that the HCG process needs to be executed with extreme precision. The fact that your body reacts so sensitively to beauty products means it is critical that specific lotions, cleansers, and cosmetics be eliminated.
People often ask me regarding products one can use for the Beta HCG diet, here I have included face and body exfoliation products:
Exfoliating the body during a detox diet is a beneficial thing. The body is trying hard to eliminate all the toxins and pollutants contained in the fat that the diet unlocks, and removing dead skin so the pores are free to eliminate at an increased rate.
The fats in the beauty products have negative affects on weight loss during the HCG diet. The absorption of the oils and fats in beauty products is considered the equivalent to eating fatty foods. Oil absorbed through the skin can sabotage your weight loss efforts while on the HCG diet. The goal is to minimize or eliminate exposure by mouth or skin. This just goes to show that the HCG process needs to be executed with extreme precision. The fact that your body reacts so sensitively to beauty products means it is critical that specific lotions, cleansers, and cosmetics be eliminated.
People often ask me regarding products one can use for the Beta HCG diet, here I have included face and body exfoliation products:
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