Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic bladder condition that can cause pain and other symptoms. People with IC have an inflamed or irritated bladder wall. This inflammation can lead to:
*Scarring and stiffening of the bladder
*Less bladder capacity (the bladder is able to hold less urine)
*Pinpoint bleeding in the bladder lining. In rare cases, ulcers form in the bladder lining
Of the more than 700,000 Americans estimated to have Interstitial Cystitis, about 90 percent are women. Severe cases of IC can be very disabling.
Some scientists suspect IC is a result of environmental allergies, food sensitivities, an autoimmune response or they associate it with other chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia.
Most women with IC find some correlation between their symptoms and certain foods. This is highly individual, but the most problematic foods seem to be: avocados, bananas, cranberries, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes, tofu, fava beans, lima beans, nuts, vinegar, yogurt, sharp cheeses, some herbal teas, white flour products, and brewer's yeast. Stimulants such as coffee, black tea, green tea, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, and dyes and binders in most supplements aggravate symptoms, as do food preservatives, food dyes, carbonated sodas and waters, aspartame, and saccharine too.
Some supplements can be irritating to the bladder. I have compiled a list of nutraceuticals that may improve your condition and also have other health benefits. Choose only one and work with it for at least a month in case one does not agree with you.
The fat soluble vitamins (A, D E, and K) often do not pose problems for IC patients. Minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, are also usually well-tolerated by most IC patients.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that inhibits bacterial growth in the bladder and stimulates the immune system.
Echinacea and Goldenseal
Good for inflammation, infections,colds and flu. Improves lymphatic function, and reduces glandular swelling. Helps to protect the immune system. Is an anti-tumor, anti-fungal,anti-viral and antibacterial agent.
Helps urinary tract infections, strep throat, bronchitis, etc.
Yeast overgrowth can occur not only in the intestine, but also in the bladder, the sinuses and other parts of the body. Yeast infections in the bladder can be quite painful and feel like IC. Acidophilus can help keep healthy bacteria in the urinary tract by reintroducing "friendly" flora to the environment reducing the recurrence rate of lower urinary tract infections.
Glucosamine and chondroitin Sulfate
Flushing the bladder with chondroitin supplements could benefit people with the bladder condition interstitial cystitis. Scientific evidence also points to the effectiveness of taking chondroitin supplements by mouth to relieve symptoms of overactive bladder, such as frequent urination, suddenly needing to urinate and nighttime urination, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center.
The EPA and DHA in fish oil has been shown in numerous studies to act as a highly effective anti-inflammatory, which can dramatically decrease the painful swelling in the bladder and pelvic area and work as a natural cure for interstitial cystitis symptoms. Essential fatty acids are very important because they suppress the cytokines in the body that produce inflammation, especially interleuken-6 (IL-6).
People with chronically inflamed bladders are considered to be very acidic. Acidic bodies are toxic bodies, and excess acidity also causes symptoms of pain. When you start to alkalize your body, either by eating an alkaline diet (which most people with interstitial bladder symptoms patients find the food choices limiting) or by taking alkalizing supplements, your body starts to come back into balance and your symptoms slowly but surely begin to improve.
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that may have anti-inflammatory attributes. A little double-blind placebo-controlled trial found that a supplement containing quercetin reduced symptoms of interstitial cystitis. Bromelain provides anti-inflammatory action. This works great combined with Quercetin.
Ester C might be tolerated by some people with IC
If you need B vitamins, which may cause pain when processed by the bladder, consider taking them by injection. Lipovite has B complex, vitamin C and amino acids in combination.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Amount of allowed vegetables on Beta HCG diet
On the Beta HCG diet, the vegetable can be fresh, frozen or canned. You may steam, broil, grill, or eat it raw.
Fortunately, the amount of vegetables allowed is more flexible than the meat, fruit, or carb.
Too much fruit, and you have eaten way too many sugar calories.
Too much meat, and you have eaten too many fat calories.
The vegetables, as long as they are prepared without fat or sugar, leave the most flexibility.
You are allowed up to 500 calories per day in total food.
Let's say for example that you eat shrimp as your 100 gram meat, and strawberries as your fruit for each meal that day. You would have more calories left and would be able to eat way more vegetables than on a day where you ate beef for your 100 grams of meat and apples for your fruit.
If you have my book, the Beta HCG Detox diet, which is available on my website, you will get some ideas of the calorie counts of the different meal combinations.
In most of my recipes I used 100 grams of each vegetable, but in the original protocol, Dr. Simeons was not as precise about the amount of vegetables as he was about everything else.
I would measure 100 grams, unless you see room for extra calories in your meal and want to increase the amount of vegetables to get to your 500 calories.
Here are some calorie estimations to help you with your calculations.
Asparagus (3.5 oz) – 20 calories
Beet Greens
Broccoli (3.5 oz) – 34 calories
Broccoli (1 cup – 88g) – 30 calories
Celery (3.5 oz) – 15 cal
Celery (medium stalk) – 6 calories
Cabbage (3.5 oz) – 24 calories
Cabbage (1 cup shredded) – 17 calories
Cauliflower (3.5 oz) – 22 calories
Cauliflower (1 cup) – 28 calories
Cucumber (3.5 oz) – 12 calories
Lettuce, all varieties (3.5 oz) – 20 calories
Lettuce, all varieties (1 cup) – 8 calories
Onions (pickled) - 23 calories per 100 grams
Red Radishes (3.5 oz) – 12 calories
Red Radishes (one medium) – 1 calories
Spinach, raw (3.5 oz) – 20 calories
Spinach, raw (1 cup) – 7 calories
Spinach, frozen (3.5 oz) – 23 calories
Spinach, frozen (1 cup) – 41 calories
Spinach, cooked (3.5 oz) – 31 calories
Spinach, cooked (1 cup) – 48 calories
Tomato (cherry) – 3 calories
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
HPV herbal options
Cervical dysplasia (pre-cancerous condition of the cervix) and cervical cancer are conditions that cause much distress to the women who are diagnosed with this condition, and prior to the vaccine there were only a few things one could do to influence the expression of the virus. We know that oxidative stress (emotional and physical stress, cigarette smoking, and a depressed immune system) increases the likelihood of HPV expressing itself and causing cervical cell abnormalities. Alternatively, a healthy immune system, decreased stress, and antioxidant vitamins are associated with a decreased risk of HPV expression.
I encourage my patients to look at each test as a messenger bearing information about your overall well-being — once you know what’s going on, you and your practitioner can take steps geared to your unique history. But there are several complementary principles you can follow to care for yourself and more fully support your body’s natural healing abilities.
Good nutrition, a balanced diet, and basic nutritional supplements. A rich multivitamin high in folic acid is one foundation for a healthy immune system and cervix. The role of specific vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids in fighting inflammation is well-documented. In addition, with abnormal Pap’s, supplementing with extra folic acid promotes normal cell division (the virus directs the cell to divide abnormally). If you give your body the tools that it needs, your immune system will be more prepared to keep HPV in check and your cervix healthy.
Accept the facts. If you have been sexually active at any point in your lifetime, consider the possibility that you have been exposed to HPV. One in four women tests positive for some strain of this virus. Know that you are in good company, and don’t let this notion add to your stress. Do take it as call to get regular pelvic exams and Pap tests because doing so will allow any cellular changes to be caught early and treated, long before any cancer can develop.
Avoid cigarette smoke. Many studies have shown a measurable link between smoking and increased cervical cancer risk. Just as importantly, this includes avoiding second-hand smoke whenever possible. Smoking depletes the body of precious nutrients and weakens the immune system. If you do smoke, consider quitting, and be sure to take additional antioxidant support over and above just increasing your fruit and vegetable intake. OPC’s (grape seed extract) is one we often suggest to smokers — and smokers may need 2–3 times more vitamin C daily as well! If your body is busy trying to prevent you from getting lung cancer, it has a more difficult time trying to prevent you from getting cervical cancer.
Help your system detoxify. Good bowel and digestive habits enhanced daily by ample water and fiber intake, along with sleeping well, encourage proper detoxification and elimination, thereby setting the platform for a strong immune system. Consider an Acai Berry Cleanse or Green Cell Therapy for natural gentle remedies.
Minimize stress. Stress can wreak havoc on your immune system — so mastering coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges is a must for everyone living a busy, demanding life. Addressing emotional issues is likewise important. The female reproductive tract is strongly linked to second-chakra issues that begin in childhood and build throughout adulthood. For many women, even visualizing and nurturing the thought of a healthy pink and normal cervix is a very positive and relaxing meditative process to promote healing.
Follow directions. If you do get an atypical Pap reading, follow your doctor’s guidelines and remember to go back for repeat testing. Don’t let your fear get the best of you! It is quite likely that further testing will relieve your anxiety.
Testing for HPV
If you are a woman over 30 (and therefore at higher risk for dysplasia) or your pap smear shows ASC-US, ask your doctor to perform an HPV DNA test in addition to your pap smear. Also, if you are under 30 but had an abnormal pap in the past, and are unsure of the result, let your doctor know so they can see if HPV testing is appropriate.
Prevalence of HPV, incubation period, and triggers
HPV hardly ever causes symptoms. Some experts believe that only 1-2% of the people who are infected with wart-causing HPV, and 3-5% of people infected with dysplasia-causing HPV ever show symptoms. This is why so many people have HPV and don't know it! In fact, HPV is so very normal at this point that if you are sexually active, you have a 75-90% chance of contracting it sometime in your life! So relax, this is not the end of the world. You've merely found out that you're sharing a virus everyone else has, too - they just don't know it yet.
People just keep on spreading the virus because they are inadequately informed, or simply do not think it's a big enough problem to even tell their partners. For this reason, it is very important that you tell any future partners that you have HPV, and also anyone you could have gotten the virus from. Many times, however, it is very difficult to determine who has infected you because HPV has an indefinite incubation time. It can infect the skin and then stay there, dormant, until a change in the body gives it the chance to activate. I have received emails from people who were married for years, faithfully, and suddenly found themselves with HPV because of changes in their health.
Some triggers of HPV are:
Hormonal changes due to birth control or pregnancy
Immunosuppressant drugs
Other illness
An HIV-positive diagnosis
Keeping tabs on HPV
As you can see, the nasty little virus is just waiting to come out. To keep tabs on it, try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. First of all, get all available STD tests, so you are sure that you only have HPV. Then, practice taking care of your body by eating less junk food, quitting smoking and drinking, and exercising more. It is also helpful to take vitamin supplements. I remember a study where they gave women with dysplasia vitamin C over a period of time, and it helped a lot. So take vitamin C often, and you may also want to try Echinacea, Goji, Acai berry, Maqui berry, Resveratrol, or other powerful antioxidants and immune system modulators. Finally, practice de-stressing yourself! Stress is a big factor in helping your immune system cope with anything, especially viruses. I know that's easy to say, and your stress level is doing anything but falling now that you've been diagnosed. But let me assure you that there are plenty of resources out there to help you deal with HPV, in book form and on the web.
For your male partner
HPV can cause cancer of the penis or anus, but this is extremely rare.
Cancer of the penis is more prevalent in uncircumcised men.
Cancer of the anus is more prevalent in men that receive anal sex.
The HPV virus is very small, so although condoms can prevent most STD’s, the HPV virus may still penetrate.
Herbs for HPV
Astragalus-Increases production of immune-system chemical interleukin-2 (IL -2), which fights cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV). Activates gene pS3. The generally recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily.
Green tea Catechin Extract- Deactivates plasmin, which helps tumors spread. The generally recommended dose is 250-500 mg daily. It contains polyphenols, catechins and falvonoids, which are protective anti-carcinogens. A study of 51 patients showed 69 percent reduction in cervical dysplasia lesions/HPV in patients who received green tea extracts as either an ointment or capsule (Ahn WS et al 2003).
Plant polyphenols such as resveratrol in tablet/supplement form. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol called a phytoalexin, a class of compounds produced as part of a plant's defense system against disease which is produced in the plant in response to an invading fungus, stress, injury, infection or ultraviolet irradiation. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumor incidence in animals by affecting one or more stages of cancer development, including ovarian cancer. Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol, as do grapes, raspberries, peanuts and other plants.
Ginkgo Biloba: Performs as an anti-oxidant and prevents cellular damage.
Goldenseal: This is antibacterial and helps in the eradication of warts
Garlic: Garlic juice can be applied topically for the elimination of warts.
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, lactobacillus acidophilus and the amino acid L-cysteine have shown to have immune boosting benefits.
I encourage my patients to look at each test as a messenger bearing information about your overall well-being — once you know what’s going on, you and your practitioner can take steps geared to your unique history. But there are several complementary principles you can follow to care for yourself and more fully support your body’s natural healing abilities.
Good nutrition, a balanced diet, and basic nutritional supplements. A rich multivitamin high in folic acid is one foundation for a healthy immune system and cervix. The role of specific vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids in fighting inflammation is well-documented. In addition, with abnormal Pap’s, supplementing with extra folic acid promotes normal cell division (the virus directs the cell to divide abnormally). If you give your body the tools that it needs, your immune system will be more prepared to keep HPV in check and your cervix healthy.
Accept the facts. If you have been sexually active at any point in your lifetime, consider the possibility that you have been exposed to HPV. One in four women tests positive for some strain of this virus. Know that you are in good company, and don’t let this notion add to your stress. Do take it as call to get regular pelvic exams and Pap tests because doing so will allow any cellular changes to be caught early and treated, long before any cancer can develop.
Avoid cigarette smoke. Many studies have shown a measurable link between smoking and increased cervical cancer risk. Just as importantly, this includes avoiding second-hand smoke whenever possible. Smoking depletes the body of precious nutrients and weakens the immune system. If you do smoke, consider quitting, and be sure to take additional antioxidant support over and above just increasing your fruit and vegetable intake. OPC’s (grape seed extract) is one we often suggest to smokers — and smokers may need 2–3 times more vitamin C daily as well! If your body is busy trying to prevent you from getting lung cancer, it has a more difficult time trying to prevent you from getting cervical cancer.
Help your system detoxify. Good bowel and digestive habits enhanced daily by ample water and fiber intake, along with sleeping well, encourage proper detoxification and elimination, thereby setting the platform for a strong immune system. Consider an Acai Berry Cleanse or Green Cell Therapy for natural gentle remedies.
Minimize stress. Stress can wreak havoc on your immune system — so mastering coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges is a must for everyone living a busy, demanding life. Addressing emotional issues is likewise important. The female reproductive tract is strongly linked to second-chakra issues that begin in childhood and build throughout adulthood. For many women, even visualizing and nurturing the thought of a healthy pink and normal cervix is a very positive and relaxing meditative process to promote healing.
Follow directions. If you do get an atypical Pap reading, follow your doctor’s guidelines and remember to go back for repeat testing. Don’t let your fear get the best of you! It is quite likely that further testing will relieve your anxiety.
Testing for HPV
If you are a woman over 30 (and therefore at higher risk for dysplasia) or your pap smear shows ASC-US, ask your doctor to perform an HPV DNA test in addition to your pap smear. Also, if you are under 30 but had an abnormal pap in the past, and are unsure of the result, let your doctor know so they can see if HPV testing is appropriate.
Prevalence of HPV, incubation period, and triggers
HPV hardly ever causes symptoms. Some experts believe that only 1-2% of the people who are infected with wart-causing HPV, and 3-5% of people infected with dysplasia-causing HPV ever show symptoms. This is why so many people have HPV and don't know it! In fact, HPV is so very normal at this point that if you are sexually active, you have a 75-90% chance of contracting it sometime in your life! So relax, this is not the end of the world. You've merely found out that you're sharing a virus everyone else has, too - they just don't know it yet.
People just keep on spreading the virus because they are inadequately informed, or simply do not think it's a big enough problem to even tell their partners. For this reason, it is very important that you tell any future partners that you have HPV, and also anyone you could have gotten the virus from. Many times, however, it is very difficult to determine who has infected you because HPV has an indefinite incubation time. It can infect the skin and then stay there, dormant, until a change in the body gives it the chance to activate. I have received emails from people who were married for years, faithfully, and suddenly found themselves with HPV because of changes in their health.
Some triggers of HPV are:
Hormonal changes due to birth control or pregnancy
Immunosuppressant drugs
Other illness
An HIV-positive diagnosis
Keeping tabs on HPV
As you can see, the nasty little virus is just waiting to come out. To keep tabs on it, try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. First of all, get all available STD tests, so you are sure that you only have HPV. Then, practice taking care of your body by eating less junk food, quitting smoking and drinking, and exercising more. It is also helpful to take vitamin supplements. I remember a study where they gave women with dysplasia vitamin C over a period of time, and it helped a lot. So take vitamin C often, and you may also want to try Echinacea, Goji, Acai berry, Maqui berry, Resveratrol, or other powerful antioxidants and immune system modulators. Finally, practice de-stressing yourself! Stress is a big factor in helping your immune system cope with anything, especially viruses. I know that's easy to say, and your stress level is doing anything but falling now that you've been diagnosed. But let me assure you that there are plenty of resources out there to help you deal with HPV, in book form and on the web.
For your male partner
HPV can cause cancer of the penis or anus, but this is extremely rare.
Cancer of the penis is more prevalent in uncircumcised men.
Cancer of the anus is more prevalent in men that receive anal sex.
The HPV virus is very small, so although condoms can prevent most STD’s, the HPV virus may still penetrate.
Herbs for HPV
Astragalus-Increases production of immune-system chemical interleukin-2 (IL -2), which fights cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV). Activates gene pS3. The generally recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily.
Green tea Catechin Extract- Deactivates plasmin, which helps tumors spread. The generally recommended dose is 250-500 mg daily. It contains polyphenols, catechins and falvonoids, which are protective anti-carcinogens. A study of 51 patients showed 69 percent reduction in cervical dysplasia lesions/HPV in patients who received green tea extracts as either an ointment or capsule (Ahn WS et al 2003).
Plant polyphenols such as resveratrol in tablet/supplement form. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol called a phytoalexin, a class of compounds produced as part of a plant's defense system against disease which is produced in the plant in response to an invading fungus, stress, injury, infection or ultraviolet irradiation. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumor incidence in animals by affecting one or more stages of cancer development, including ovarian cancer. Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol, as do grapes, raspberries, peanuts and other plants.
Ginkgo Biloba: Performs as an anti-oxidant and prevents cellular damage.
Goldenseal: This is antibacterial and helps in the eradication of warts
Garlic: Garlic juice can be applied topically for the elimination of warts.
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, lactobacillus acidophilus and the amino acid L-cysteine have shown to have immune boosting benefits.
Ovarian Cancer risk management
The 5-year survival rate for stage 1 is around 90%, whereas for stage III or IV, which is most often the stage at which the tumor is diagnosed, is less than 30%. Vague symptoms of the disease, such as abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating, nausea and urinary urgency, which may not manifest until the disease is advanced makes early detection a challenge.
While you can't completely do away with the risk of ovarian cancer through diet and exercise you will be able to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer as well as all other types of cancer. Staying healthy and watching your weight is an important personal strategy to help your body stay healthy and avoid all types of cancer and diseases.
Various studies have looked at the relationship of obesity and ovarian cancer. Overall, it seems that obese women (those with a body mass index of at least 30) have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. A study from the American Cancer Society found a higher rate of death from ovarian cancer in obese women. The risk increased by 50% in the heaviest women.
The risk of developing ovarian cancer gets higher with age. Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than 40. Most ovarian cancers develop after menopause. Half of all ovarian cancers are found in women over the age of 63.
OVA1 uses a blood sample to test for levels of five proteins that change due to ovarian cancer. The test combines the five separate results into a single numerical score between 0 and 10 to indicate the likelihood that the pelvic mass is benign or malignant.
OVA1 is intended only for women, 18 years and older, who are already selected for surgery because of their pelvic mass. It is not intended for ovarian cancer screening or for a definitive diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Interpreting the test result requires knowledge of whether the woman is pre- or post-menopausal
OVA1 measures serum levels of five proteins whose expression is altered in ovarian cancer—CA-125 II, transthyretin (prealbumin), apolipoprotein A1, b2-microglobulin, and transferrin.
CA 125 is a protein present in normal ovarian tissue and appears in the blood when protective barriers are destroyed, as occurs in cancer or endometriosis. This test is a tumor marker for monitoring disease progression and reoccurrence in ovarian cancer. CA 125 can also be detected in other cancers such as pancreas, liver, colon, breast and lung. This test is not intended as a screening tool for diagnosis of ovarian cancer.Your CA 125 level can be checked with or without fasting.
Transferrin saturation of more than 60% has been identified as a cancer risk factor.
Transthyretin has traditionally been seen as a biomarker for nutritional status, it was previously referred to as prealbumin.
Beta2-Microglobulin is a protein found on the surface of many cells in your body. This test can help determine if you have specific types of cancer affecting white blood cells including chronic lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and multiple myeloma or kidney disease.
Some supplement suggestions that include herbs that have been researched for ovarian cancer.
Quercetin is a powerful anti-cancer agent which stops chemical signals that give ovarian cancer cells a growth advantage over healthy cells. Green peppers are full of quercetin. In supplement form, the generally recommended dose is 125-250 mg 3 times daily, between meals. Note: the centerpiece of the oleander extract contains small amounts of quercetin. Do not take quercetin with cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimunne) or nifedipine (Procardia).
Astragalus-Increases production of immune-system chemical interleukin-2 (IL -2), which fights cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV). Activates gene pS3. The generally recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily.
Milk thistle extracts inhibit growth of ovarian cancer cells and prevent angiogenesis. Also helps protect and regenerate the liver. The generally recommended dose is from 400 to 1000 mg or more per day.
Green tea Catechin Extract- Deactivates plasmin, which helps tumors spread. The generally recommended dose is 250-500 mg daily.
Plant polyphenols such as resveratrol in tablet/supplement form. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol called a phytoalexin, a class of compounds produced as part of a plant's defense system against disease which is produced in the plant in response to an invading fungus, stress, injury, infection or ultraviolet irradiation. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumor incidence in animals by affecting one or more stages of cancer development, including ovarian cancer. Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol, as do grapes, raspberries, peanuts and other plants.
Selenium is a powerful cancer fighter that also protects the liver and is essential for proper iodine utilization. Most women who get ovarian cancer are deficient in selenium, The generally recommended dose without medical supervision is 200 to 400 mcg daily, although nutritionally-oriented physicians may use as much as 900 to 2,000 mcg selenium from methylselenocysteine daily as part of a comprehensive cancer treatment protocol.
Some natural substances (pomegranate, turmeric, resveratrol) compete with estradiol (the most active form of estrogen) at estrogen receptor sites, and can therefore be especially effective for estrogen-dominant conditions including fibroids, ovarian cysts, PMS and hormone related weight gain, among others. It also acts by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, stopping the conversion of androgens into estrogen. Additionally, PriVita can also induce more interferon in the system, which activates natural killer cells, a major component of the immune system.
While you can't completely do away with the risk of ovarian cancer through diet and exercise you will be able to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian cancer as well as all other types of cancer. Staying healthy and watching your weight is an important personal strategy to help your body stay healthy and avoid all types of cancer and diseases.
Various studies have looked at the relationship of obesity and ovarian cancer. Overall, it seems that obese women (those with a body mass index of at least 30) have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. A study from the American Cancer Society found a higher rate of death from ovarian cancer in obese women. The risk increased by 50% in the heaviest women.
The risk of developing ovarian cancer gets higher with age. Ovarian cancer is rare in women younger than 40. Most ovarian cancers develop after menopause. Half of all ovarian cancers are found in women over the age of 63.
OVA1 uses a blood sample to test for levels of five proteins that change due to ovarian cancer. The test combines the five separate results into a single numerical score between 0 and 10 to indicate the likelihood that the pelvic mass is benign or malignant.
OVA1 is intended only for women, 18 years and older, who are already selected for surgery because of their pelvic mass. It is not intended for ovarian cancer screening or for a definitive diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Interpreting the test result requires knowledge of whether the woman is pre- or post-menopausal
OVA1 measures serum levels of five proteins whose expression is altered in ovarian cancer—CA-125 II, transthyretin (prealbumin), apolipoprotein A1, b2-microglobulin, and transferrin.
CA 125 is a protein present in normal ovarian tissue and appears in the blood when protective barriers are destroyed, as occurs in cancer or endometriosis. This test is a tumor marker for monitoring disease progression and reoccurrence in ovarian cancer. CA 125 can also be detected in other cancers such as pancreas, liver, colon, breast and lung. This test is not intended as a screening tool for diagnosis of ovarian cancer.Your CA 125 level can be checked with or without fasting.
Transferrin saturation of more than 60% has been identified as a cancer risk factor.
Transthyretin has traditionally been seen as a biomarker for nutritional status, it was previously referred to as prealbumin.
Beta2-Microglobulin is a protein found on the surface of many cells in your body. This test can help determine if you have specific types of cancer affecting white blood cells including chronic lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and multiple myeloma or kidney disease.
Some supplement suggestions that include herbs that have been researched for ovarian cancer.
Quercetin is a powerful anti-cancer agent which stops chemical signals that give ovarian cancer cells a growth advantage over healthy cells. Green peppers are full of quercetin. In supplement form, the generally recommended dose is 125-250 mg 3 times daily, between meals. Note: the centerpiece of the oleander extract contains small amounts of quercetin. Do not take quercetin with cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimunne) or nifedipine (Procardia).
Astragalus-Increases production of immune-system chemical interleukin-2 (IL -2), which fights cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV). Activates gene pS3. The generally recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily.
Milk thistle extracts inhibit growth of ovarian cancer cells and prevent angiogenesis. Also helps protect and regenerate the liver. The generally recommended dose is from 400 to 1000 mg or more per day.
Green tea Catechin Extract- Deactivates plasmin, which helps tumors spread. The generally recommended dose is 250-500 mg daily.
Plant polyphenols such as resveratrol in tablet/supplement form. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol called a phytoalexin, a class of compounds produced as part of a plant's defense system against disease which is produced in the plant in response to an invading fungus, stress, injury, infection or ultraviolet irradiation. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumor incidence in animals by affecting one or more stages of cancer development, including ovarian cancer. Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol, as do grapes, raspberries, peanuts and other plants.
Selenium is a powerful cancer fighter that also protects the liver and is essential for proper iodine utilization. Most women who get ovarian cancer are deficient in selenium, The generally recommended dose without medical supervision is 200 to 400 mcg daily, although nutritionally-oriented physicians may use as much as 900 to 2,000 mcg selenium from methylselenocysteine daily as part of a comprehensive cancer treatment protocol.
Some natural substances (pomegranate, turmeric, resveratrol) compete with estradiol (the most active form of estrogen) at estrogen receptor sites, and can therefore be especially effective for estrogen-dominant conditions including fibroids, ovarian cysts, PMS and hormone related weight gain, among others. It also acts by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, stopping the conversion of androgens into estrogen. Additionally, PriVita can also induce more interferon in the system, which activates natural killer cells, a major component of the immune system.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Herbal Fatburner
According to experts, the weight loss industry is a multi-million dollar business. Despite what companies would like you to believe, there are no shortcuts to weight loss. Exercise is still the best fat burner known to man, and a good diet can do miracles when it comes to weight loss. Over the last decade, however, scientists have discovered that some herbs can push the body to burn fat faster. None of these herbs alone will act as a fat burner, but adding them to the diet can help curb your appetite so you can adhere to a healthy eating program, or give you extra energy so you burn extra calories.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia, also known as Garcinia Cambogia, contains a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lower the formation of LDL and triglycerides. Research suggests that this natural extract may also inhibit the conversion of excess calories to body fat. Additionally, appetite is also suppressed by promoting synthesis of glycogen. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose, one of the body's primary sources of energy. Increased glycogen production and storage is the body's normal way of signaling the brain's satiety centre that enough food has been eaten. This has made Garcinia a very effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol. It is a well established fat burning agent all over the world and is currently becoming a rage in America, Japan, Europe and many other western nations. It is recommended as a dieting aid supported by exercise and a balanced nutritional diet.
Chromium is part of the GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) molecule. GTF is an important cofactor for insulin in the regulation of blood sugar, which is necessary for proper metabolism.
Green Tea
Green tea's weight loss benefits include an increased metabolism, a positive effect on blood sugar and insulin regulation, and possibly the inhibiting of the enzyme amylase, which is required for the processing of carbohydrates. It also has been shown to lower LDL levels (that's the "bad" cholesterol) as well as triglyceride levels.
Hoodia gordonii cactus is the plant with the new wonder ingredient that curbs one's appetite and helps one to slim. Hoodia gordonii is actually a succulent plant from the Kalahari Desert. The San People have been using the Hoodia gordonii succulent for centuries to stave off hunger during their long and arduous hunting trips in the harsh South African wild. The discovery of the active ingredient in the Hoodia gordonii plant is proven with clinical research to suppress one's appetite by up to 2000 calories a day.
Cinnamon can control the insulin and cholesterol of the body at healthy levels. These two are essential in gaining a fit and healthier body. It helps controls how the body metabolizes fats and carbohydrates. As such, it helps control the creation of fat and ultimately its deposit into the body. Furthermore, cinnamon decreases the Low Density Lipoprotein or the “bad cholesterol” while increasing the high density lipoproteins or “good cholesterol” in the body.
The primary function of carnitine in the body, is to regulate fat oxidation (burning). L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fat to the fat furnace in our cells called mitochondria. Unless fat makes it to the mitochondria, it cannot be oxidized, no matter how much you exercise or diet. L-Carnitine works best with a diet low in sugars and starches (carbohydrates). Studies show that for carnitine to work effectively, carbohydrate intake should be kept below 50% of total calories consumed daily.
Elevated insulin levels inhibit optimal carnitine activity (the burning of body fat and energy production).
Omega 3 fats (flaxseed and fish oils) improve carnitine activity and function in the body
Adequate protein at each meal is essential for carnitine activity and fat burning.
White willow bark
White willow bark, is a source of salicin and other salicylates compounds which are similar in structure to aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid). Native Americans are thought to have used ground willow bark and bark steeped for tea as a medicinal remedy for everything from pain relief to fevers. White willow is thought to extend or increase the activity of several thermogenic ingredients in elevating energy expenditure and promoting fat metabolism.
Pain reliever (headaches, arthritis, minor injuries)
Fever reducer
Enhances weight loss (only in combination with other ingredients)
Feedback from my patients include that it diminishes appetite and gives an energy boost.
A net deficit of 500 calories per day (either by burning or decreased consumption) could result in a pound of weight loss per week.
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified practitioner prior to using our products if possible.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia, also known as Garcinia Cambogia, contains a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lower the formation of LDL and triglycerides. Research suggests that this natural extract may also inhibit the conversion of excess calories to body fat. Additionally, appetite is also suppressed by promoting synthesis of glycogen. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose, one of the body's primary sources of energy. Increased glycogen production and storage is the body's normal way of signaling the brain's satiety centre that enough food has been eaten. This has made Garcinia a very effective herbal medicine for controlling obesity and cholesterol. It is a well established fat burning agent all over the world and is currently becoming a rage in America, Japan, Europe and many other western nations. It is recommended as a dieting aid supported by exercise and a balanced nutritional diet.
Chromium is part of the GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) molecule. GTF is an important cofactor for insulin in the regulation of blood sugar, which is necessary for proper metabolism.
Green Tea
Green tea's weight loss benefits include an increased metabolism, a positive effect on blood sugar and insulin regulation, and possibly the inhibiting of the enzyme amylase, which is required for the processing of carbohydrates. It also has been shown to lower LDL levels (that's the "bad" cholesterol) as well as triglyceride levels.
Hoodia gordonii cactus is the plant with the new wonder ingredient that curbs one's appetite and helps one to slim. Hoodia gordonii is actually a succulent plant from the Kalahari Desert. The San People have been using the Hoodia gordonii succulent for centuries to stave off hunger during their long and arduous hunting trips in the harsh South African wild. The discovery of the active ingredient in the Hoodia gordonii plant is proven with clinical research to suppress one's appetite by up to 2000 calories a day.
Cinnamon can control the insulin and cholesterol of the body at healthy levels. These two are essential in gaining a fit and healthier body. It helps controls how the body metabolizes fats and carbohydrates. As such, it helps control the creation of fat and ultimately its deposit into the body. Furthermore, cinnamon decreases the Low Density Lipoprotein or the “bad cholesterol” while increasing the high density lipoproteins or “good cholesterol” in the body.
The primary function of carnitine in the body, is to regulate fat oxidation (burning). L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fat to the fat furnace in our cells called mitochondria. Unless fat makes it to the mitochondria, it cannot be oxidized, no matter how much you exercise or diet. L-Carnitine works best with a diet low in sugars and starches (carbohydrates). Studies show that for carnitine to work effectively, carbohydrate intake should be kept below 50% of total calories consumed daily.
Elevated insulin levels inhibit optimal carnitine activity (the burning of body fat and energy production).
Omega 3 fats (flaxseed and fish oils) improve carnitine activity and function in the body
Adequate protein at each meal is essential for carnitine activity and fat burning.
White willow bark
White willow bark, is a source of salicin and other salicylates compounds which are similar in structure to aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid). Native Americans are thought to have used ground willow bark and bark steeped for tea as a medicinal remedy for everything from pain relief to fevers. White willow is thought to extend or increase the activity of several thermogenic ingredients in elevating energy expenditure and promoting fat metabolism.
Pain reliever (headaches, arthritis, minor injuries)
Fever reducer
Enhances weight loss (only in combination with other ingredients)
Feedback from my patients include that it diminishes appetite and gives an energy boost.
A net deficit of 500 calories per day (either by burning or decreased consumption) could result in a pound of weight loss per week.
The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult a qualified practitioner prior to using our products if possible.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Osteoarthritis natural remedies
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis, and it affects more than 16 million Americans. It becomes more common with advancing age. The joints most often involved are the fingers, knees, hips, and the cervical or lumbar spine.
Individuals with osteoarthritis should be tested for food allergies and sensitivities. Although food allergies and sensitivities aren't as important in osteoarthritis as in the rheumatoid type, they can still cause considerable trouble.
Since vitamins often improve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, a Micronutrient analysis test would be a good idea to optimally restore nutrient balance via supplements.
Millions of people across the globe suffer from osteoarthritis and many of them have tried to relieve the pain and conditions of it by using one or more osteoarthritis supplements. There are hundreds of dietary supplements on the market that are designed to help relieve this condition.
One of the most popular supplements for osteoarthritis is glucosamine. This is a dietary supplement that aims at stimulating the formation of cartilage, which is needed to repair joints.
Chondroitin is a supplement that's often used. This is a usually combined with other supplements, but it can also be used on its own to help reduce pain and slow down the narrowing of joint space.
Another common supplement is known as SAM-e, which means S-adenosylmethionine. This is produced from methionine in the liver. It's believed to increase chondrocytes and the thickness of cartilage. It may also be able to help decrease chondrocyte damage. However, SAM-e could cause headaches, anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia in some people. It may also interact with other drugs, so it's a good idea to visit a doctor before using it.
Another common osteoarthritis supplement is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). This is generally found in the human diet as it can come from fruits, plants, vegetables, dairy, and meats. It's also present in the human adrenal gland. MSM is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to the fact that osteoarthritis is such a common condition, there are a number of herbal natural treatments that have been tried and tested for their efficiency over a period of decades. Flaxseed, for one, is widely considered to be one of the most effective home treatment remedies and contains a number of substances that promote good health. Flaxseed is rich in alpha linoleic acid and essential fatty acids that are helpful in dealing with inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and a number of other health problems in addition to their treatment of osteoarthritis. For an adult, the recommended dosage of flaxseed is one tablespoon full of the liquid around three times in a day. The best way to consume it is to grind it well before eating and drink with a lot of water.
Ginger is also considered to be highly beneficial and can be taken by applying about 4 grams of ginger juice extract to the affected region and place a warm compress or poultice over it for some time to enhance the benefits of the herbal substance.
Pycnogenol has been shown to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms by 56%. Pycnogenol has been studied for the past 35 years, and there are more than 220 published studies and review articles that conclude it is safe and effective.
Vitamins and minerals can help with arthritis relief by reducing the swelling of tissues and can provide relief from pain.
Vitamin E: Studies show that a dietary supplement of Vitamin E reduces arthritis inflammation.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C slows all forms of arthritis as well as reduces knee and joint pain.
Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene has similar effects as Vitamin C in reducing inflammation and slowing down arthritis.
Lutein: Studies show that lutein, an antioxidant, lowers the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
Lycopene: Lycopene is another antioxidant that lowers the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: In Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis, the new collagen often contains too many cross-links, producing thick, stiff, dysfunctional cartilage that is prone to injury. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complex (OPC) from grape seeds help reduce excess cross-linkage by neutralizing free radicals, protecting collagen from excess collagenase, and helping vitamin C support synthesis of healthy new collagen.
Compounds found in green tea, including the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), can help reduce pain and inflammation, stop the destruction of cartilage and prevent abnormal bone growth.
EGCG is a natural COX-2 inhibitor, effectively blocking the action of this enzyme, as well as inhibiting other inflammatory processes. In arthritic joints, an inflammatory chemical called interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) promotes the breakdown of cartilage. Laboratory studies have found that EGCG can block the action of this damaging substance.
A distressing feature of osteoarthritis is additional bone growth that distorts the shape of the joints. In animal experiments, EGCG was found to suppress the growth of abnormal bone while encouraging the development of healthy cartilage Although human clinical trials have yet to be carried out, green tea extract could be of considerable benefit to osteoarthritis sufferers.
The acai berry has natural glucosamine which makes the acai berry good for helping people with joint problems and arthritis.
Rhodigandha has Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Pomegranate, Blueberry, and Acai
Because the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is frequently caused by inflammation in the joints, rhodiola rosea has the potential to reduce symptoms caused by these arthritic conditions.
In a study conducted in 2005 at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and later published in the Journal of Medicine, it was reported that Pomegranate slowed the progression of osteoarthritis. In clinical tests, Pomegranate has demonstrated very powerful anti-inflammatory properties which, in and of itself, is important for those suffering from chronic pain and disease, such as osteoarthritis.
The powerful proanthocyanidins in blueberries is an excellent anti-oxidant that can help combat inflammations like osteoarthritis and gout.
You can take ashwagandha to boost your immune system, treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as ease stress.
The acai berry has natural glucosamine which makes the acai berry good for helping people with joint problems and arthritis.
Individuals with osteoarthritis should be tested for food allergies and sensitivities. Although food allergies and sensitivities aren't as important in osteoarthritis as in the rheumatoid type, they can still cause considerable trouble.
Since vitamins often improve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, a Micronutrient analysis test would be a good idea to optimally restore nutrient balance via supplements.
Millions of people across the globe suffer from osteoarthritis and many of them have tried to relieve the pain and conditions of it by using one or more osteoarthritis supplements. There are hundreds of dietary supplements on the market that are designed to help relieve this condition.
One of the most popular supplements for osteoarthritis is glucosamine. This is a dietary supplement that aims at stimulating the formation of cartilage, which is needed to repair joints.
Chondroitin is a supplement that's often used. This is a usually combined with other supplements, but it can also be used on its own to help reduce pain and slow down the narrowing of joint space.
Another common supplement is known as SAM-e, which means S-adenosylmethionine. This is produced from methionine in the liver. It's believed to increase chondrocytes and the thickness of cartilage. It may also be able to help decrease chondrocyte damage. However, SAM-e could cause headaches, anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia in some people. It may also interact with other drugs, so it's a good idea to visit a doctor before using it.
Another common osteoarthritis supplement is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). This is generally found in the human diet as it can come from fruits, plants, vegetables, dairy, and meats. It's also present in the human adrenal gland. MSM is believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to the fact that osteoarthritis is such a common condition, there are a number of herbal natural treatments that have been tried and tested for their efficiency over a period of decades. Flaxseed, for one, is widely considered to be one of the most effective home treatment remedies and contains a number of substances that promote good health. Flaxseed is rich in alpha linoleic acid and essential fatty acids that are helpful in dealing with inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and a number of other health problems in addition to their treatment of osteoarthritis. For an adult, the recommended dosage of flaxseed is one tablespoon full of the liquid around three times in a day. The best way to consume it is to grind it well before eating and drink with a lot of water.
Ginger is also considered to be highly beneficial and can be taken by applying about 4 grams of ginger juice extract to the affected region and place a warm compress or poultice over it for some time to enhance the benefits of the herbal substance.
Pycnogenol has been shown to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms by 56%. Pycnogenol has been studied for the past 35 years, and there are more than 220 published studies and review articles that conclude it is safe and effective.
Vitamins and minerals can help with arthritis relief by reducing the swelling of tissues and can provide relief from pain.
Vitamin E: Studies show that a dietary supplement of Vitamin E reduces arthritis inflammation.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C slows all forms of arthritis as well as reduces knee and joint pain.
Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene has similar effects as Vitamin C in reducing inflammation and slowing down arthritis.
Lutein: Studies show that lutein, an antioxidant, lowers the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
Lycopene: Lycopene is another antioxidant that lowers the risk of knee osteoarthritis.
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: In Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis, the new collagen often contains too many cross-links, producing thick, stiff, dysfunctional cartilage that is prone to injury. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin Complex (OPC) from grape seeds help reduce excess cross-linkage by neutralizing free radicals, protecting collagen from excess collagenase, and helping vitamin C support synthesis of healthy new collagen.
Compounds found in green tea, including the polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), can help reduce pain and inflammation, stop the destruction of cartilage and prevent abnormal bone growth.
EGCG is a natural COX-2 inhibitor, effectively blocking the action of this enzyme, as well as inhibiting other inflammatory processes. In arthritic joints, an inflammatory chemical called interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) promotes the breakdown of cartilage. Laboratory studies have found that EGCG can block the action of this damaging substance.
A distressing feature of osteoarthritis is additional bone growth that distorts the shape of the joints. In animal experiments, EGCG was found to suppress the growth of abnormal bone while encouraging the development of healthy cartilage Although human clinical trials have yet to be carried out, green tea extract could be of considerable benefit to osteoarthritis sufferers.
The acai berry has natural glucosamine which makes the acai berry good for helping people with joint problems and arthritis.
Rhodigandha has Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Pomegranate, Blueberry, and Acai
Because the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is frequently caused by inflammation in the joints, rhodiola rosea has the potential to reduce symptoms caused by these arthritic conditions.
In a study conducted in 2005 at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and later published in the Journal of Medicine, it was reported that Pomegranate slowed the progression of osteoarthritis. In clinical tests, Pomegranate has demonstrated very powerful anti-inflammatory properties which, in and of itself, is important for those suffering from chronic pain and disease, such as osteoarthritis.
The powerful proanthocyanidins in blueberries is an excellent anti-oxidant that can help combat inflammations like osteoarthritis and gout.
You can take ashwagandha to boost your immune system, treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as ease stress.
The acai berry has natural glucosamine which makes the acai berry good for helping people with joint problems and arthritis.
Vaginal Maintainence, Chronic Yeast, Bacterial Vaginosis, HPV
Patent pending Aromatherapy vaginal balm call 832 237 4200 to order
or visit
Most women suffer from minor vaginal infections at some time in their life.
Symptoms can include chronic vaginal discharge, which may have an unpleasant odor, itch, or painful intercourse. Yeast, bacterial vaginosis, and HPV can be there together or separately. Bladder infections can occur…with bacteria that may be found in the vagina. These are often treated with antibiotics, leading to further disturbances in the vaginal flora. This causes dryness, discomfort, and odor.
Using nutraceuticals (natural food, herbal or chemical products) can relieve these symptoms allowing you to be more comfortable and productive.
A factor leading to growth of unfriendly organisms is douching with feminine hygiene products. These products can change both the both the acid-base balance (pH) of the vagina as well as remove the protective mucus in the vagina. Both factors can lead to greater irritation and promote the growth of bacteria and yeast. I recommend that women not douche at all.
Many women treat themselves for yeast infections with over the counter antifungal agents when they assume that they have an infection (frequently they don't even have yeast, but are irritated by another organism). This treatment may alter the content of the normal vaginal flora by destroying lactobacillus, the predominant normal vaginal bacteria.
Sexibalm is naturally soothing, prepared with a base derived from coconut and palm oils. Coconut contains capric/caprylic acid and lauric acid both of which have antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties.
I created the balm to address many of these complaints as I realize that for many people, it is frustrating to just do nothing and wait.
It is one product that addresses many issues:
Sexual health- coconut oil is a good lubricant
Bacterial Vaginosis- lavender oil is a good deodorizer
HPV support- tea tree, green tea, help manage bacteria and viruses
Yeast infection- tea tree and coconut have antifungal activity
E. coli or (Group Beta Strep) GBS in the vagina– can enter urethra & cause UTI’s.
Vaginal dryness-coconut oil lubrication aid and promotes good skin hydration
Vaginal Health- lactobacillus is found in a healthy vagina
Vaginal deodorizer- pleasant smelling, made with natural ingredients
Vaginal rash and Skin rash- take advantage of the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal power of coconut oil, which treats skin irritations. Just place on affected skin because sometimes the irritation on the outside is as bothersome as the inside. If you suffer from frequent boils, use this regularly on the skin to battle bacteria. If you get boils under your armpits, or in the pubic area, use there also.
I can recommend a few other things to do for vaginal discomforts:
1. You SHOULD starve yeast from their food source -which is sugar and simple carbs - and I mean ALL of it. I also suggest limiting the following: alcohol, vinegar (which is in everything), caffeine, all yeasted products, and all fungus products (mushrooms). Eat high protein, healthy fat, nuts and seeds and tons of veggies. Keep your carb servings focused on complex carbs (brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, etc.).
2- Use herbs to kill off the yeast- there are many great remedies out there, contact you local herbalist, or try my Octocleanse
Herbal Parasite and Yeast Detox, which contains pau d' arco, grapefruit extract and garlic.
3- Replace your damaged flora with healthy probiotics. The function of probiotics is to perform the work that your normal gut is supposed to do while your normal flora is working on re-colonizing. Vitagreen
has lactobacillus
4- Stabilize your pH, abnormal organisms thrive on an abnormal pH. Vitagreen
contains wheat grass and alkalinizing green vegetables like spinach and kale to keep your pH on track.
Sexibalm is designed for the purpose of relieving vaginal pruritis (inflammatory conditions), and reducing the recurrence of vaginal infections.
Sexibalm is my own special proprietary blend. I use a coconut oil base, which is impregnated with tea tree and lavender oil.
It slowly melts at body temperature when inserted into the vagina. It is well absorbed, decreasing leakage. Keep refrigerated until use.
If you think your husband is re-infecting you, apply Sexibalm directly to his genitals. Rinsing after 20 minutes is optional.
For female use, for best results apply at night when supine, so it goes toward your cervix and not your underwear. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
To be used by females 13 or older. Use nightly for 3-14 days for acute infections. For chronic or chronic recurring infections, use nightly for 2-4 weeks.
Prevention: Use daily, at bedtime, during menses, for four consecutive months. Use with panty liner.
For anal irritation, this product may be used rectally. Non-laxative.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, or supplement.
or visit
Most women suffer from minor vaginal infections at some time in their life.
Symptoms can include chronic vaginal discharge, which may have an unpleasant odor, itch, or painful intercourse. Yeast, bacterial vaginosis, and HPV can be there together or separately. Bladder infections can occur…with bacteria that may be found in the vagina. These are often treated with antibiotics, leading to further disturbances in the vaginal flora. This causes dryness, discomfort, and odor.
Using nutraceuticals (natural food, herbal or chemical products) can relieve these symptoms allowing you to be more comfortable and productive.
A factor leading to growth of unfriendly organisms is douching with feminine hygiene products. These products can change both the both the acid-base balance (pH) of the vagina as well as remove the protective mucus in the vagina. Both factors can lead to greater irritation and promote the growth of bacteria and yeast. I recommend that women not douche at all.
Many women treat themselves for yeast infections with over the counter antifungal agents when they assume that they have an infection (frequently they don't even have yeast, but are irritated by another organism). This treatment may alter the content of the normal vaginal flora by destroying lactobacillus, the predominant normal vaginal bacteria.
Sexibalm is naturally soothing, prepared with a base derived from coconut and palm oils. Coconut contains capric/caprylic acid and lauric acid both of which have antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties.
I created the balm to address many of these complaints as I realize that for many people, it is frustrating to just do nothing and wait.
It is one product that addresses many issues:
Sexual health- coconut oil is a good lubricant
Bacterial Vaginosis- lavender oil is a good deodorizer
HPV support- tea tree, green tea, help manage bacteria and viruses
Yeast infection- tea tree and coconut have antifungal activity
E. coli or (Group Beta Strep) GBS in the vagina– can enter urethra & cause UTI’s.
Vaginal dryness-coconut oil lubrication aid and promotes good skin hydration
Vaginal Health- lactobacillus is found in a healthy vagina
Vaginal deodorizer- pleasant smelling, made with natural ingredients
Vaginal rash and Skin rash- take advantage of the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal power of coconut oil, which treats skin irritations. Just place on affected skin because sometimes the irritation on the outside is as bothersome as the inside. If you suffer from frequent boils, use this regularly on the skin to battle bacteria. If you get boils under your armpits, or in the pubic area, use there also.
I can recommend a few other things to do for vaginal discomforts:
1. You SHOULD starve yeast from their food source -which is sugar and simple carbs - and I mean ALL of it. I also suggest limiting the following: alcohol, vinegar (which is in everything), caffeine, all yeasted products, and all fungus products (mushrooms). Eat high protein, healthy fat, nuts and seeds and tons of veggies. Keep your carb servings focused on complex carbs (brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, etc.).
2- Use herbs to kill off the yeast- there are many great remedies out there, contact you local herbalist, or try my Octocleanse
3- Replace your damaged flora with healthy probiotics. The function of probiotics is to perform the work that your normal gut is supposed to do while your normal flora is working on re-colonizing. Vitagreen
4- Stabilize your pH, abnormal organisms thrive on an abnormal pH. Vitagreen
Sexibalm is designed for the purpose of relieving vaginal pruritis (inflammatory conditions), and reducing the recurrence of vaginal infections.
Sexibalm is my own special proprietary blend. I use a coconut oil base, which is impregnated with tea tree and lavender oil.
It slowly melts at body temperature when inserted into the vagina. It is well absorbed, decreasing leakage. Keep refrigerated until use.
If you think your husband is re-infecting you, apply Sexibalm directly to his genitals. Rinsing after 20 minutes is optional.
For female use, for best results apply at night when supine, so it goes toward your cervix and not your underwear. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
To be used by females 13 or older. Use nightly for 3-14 days for acute infections. For chronic or chronic recurring infections, use nightly for 2-4 weeks.
Prevention: Use daily, at bedtime, during menses, for four consecutive months. Use with panty liner.
For anal irritation, this product may be used rectally. Non-laxative.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, or supplement.
bacterial vaginosis,
green cell,
herbal yeast detox,
human papilloma virus,
male partner,
natural womens care,
tamyra comeaux,
vaginal odor
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Herbs for Endometriosis
Endometriosis, which is afflicts almost 10 percent of U.S. women, can be quite painful. Its symptoms include severe cramping, excessive menstrual bleeding, and intestinal gas, sometimes accompanied by depression and insomnia. The scarring that results from the misplaced tissue can lead to painful intercourse, infertility and bowel inflammation. Maqui/Resveratrol/Acai Ultimate contains ingredients with high ORAC values. The ORAC values (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) method has become the international standard for measurement of antioxidant capacity and other chemical substances.
Antioxidants are known to counteract the damage-causing free radicals which cause oxidative stress in the body. This oxidation has been a major factor in the progression of aging and disease. Antioxidants reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage which obviously lowers the risk of these diseases and improves the immune system.Resvita
The causes of endometriosis remain a mystery. Curiously, European women rarely get it. We do know that one of the risk factors is an abundance of estrogen. That is why endometriosis occurs mostly in women between the ages of 25 and 40, when estrogen accumulates at its highest levels. Endometriosis is exacerbated by anything that irritates the uterus, such as a pelvic infection, constipation, uterine fibroids or cancer, or the presence of an IUD or a tampon. Even ingesting caffeine, alcohol or fried foods increases the problem.
Imbalances in hormones within the body can be prompted by eating certain meats-such as beef derived from diary cows reared using excess use of hormones, eating the meat of chickens reared using hormone cocktails etc. Eating meat derived from such sources can place extra hormones in the body and these in turn can stimulate the excess release of these hormones in our bodies-adding to the imbalance and possibly triggering endometriosis. The occurrence of a retrograde menstruation in the body of certain women is still the most well received theory about the origin of endometriosis, when certain periods of the menstrual cycle are accompanied by the presence of excessive cramps, some endometrial tissues can be forced out from the cavity of the uterus and this can rise through the fallopian tubes covering them with abnormal growth. The endometrial tissues are carried by this "retrograde flow" and the abnormally placed tissues now quickly attaches itself to all the other organs and proceeds to multiply causing endometriosis.
Medical science offers us many theories about the cause, but no cure for this poorly understood disorder. Often, the recommended treatment for endometriosis is oral contraceptives, a hysterectomy or hormone therapy with a drug such as danazol or leupron, which suppress estrogen and initiates a false menopause complete with hot flashes, vaginal dryness and a decreased sexual drive.
Thankfully, many of the symptoms of endometriosis can be improved with herbs, but you must be patient. Many women who chose to treat this disorder herbally find that successful treatment takes weeks. For best results, work with a natural health care professional who has experience with this disorder and can help you develop a complete healing campaign that includes dietary changes. Acupuncture may also be of benefit.
Anyone who is considering beginning a course of alternative treatment should discuss this with their usual medical health care provider. Your doctor must know when you begin any therapies that may interfere with your other treatments. Some women report that natural remedies take longer to work than conventional drugs, but can be soothing.
Phytotherapy — a gentle approach to a complex issue. If you are like most of the women I see, you can probably benefit from an approach that incorporates phytotherapy. We’ve found the following medicinal herbs to be beneficial for women with symptoms of estrogen dominance:
Black cohosh
Since an overabundance of estrogen is one contributing factor of endometriosis, vitex berries, which balance a woman's hormones, are a valuable herb in any endometriosis formula. Female Balance Ultimate
contains this herb which is also known as "chasteberry".
Chasteberry has been used for centuries in Western and Chinese Medicine to treat female conditions, including endometriosis. Combined with Dong Quai it makes a powerful treatment for balancing hormones and reducing the pain of endometriosis. When Chasteberry is combined with Wild Yam it relaxes the uterus, reducing cramps and spasms.
In Europe, it's approved by the German Commission E for family physicians and gynecologists to use for menstrual conditions. In fact, a German study reported that 52% of women taking this herbs reported a complete reduction in symptoms. Another German study reported 93% of women noticing a significant decrease in PMS symptoms.
Dong Quai is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat female reproductive health complaints, including endometriosis, fibroids, PMS and infertility. Women with endometriosis find significant relief of their pain when taking dong quai, especially when mixed with the herb chasteberry, black cohosh or ginseng. All of these ingredients are contained in Female Balance. Female Balance Ultimate
Psychiatrists in China reported that Wild Yam reduces anxiety levels, and its anti inflammatory and anti spasmodic effects are excellent for maintaining uterine health. When combined with Chasteberry and Cramp bark, Wild Yam is a powerful natural remedy for immediate relief from endometriosis symptoms. Wild Yam is present in Female Balance.Female Balance Ultimate
Chinese researchers have found that motherwort increases the volume of blood circulation and stimulates uterine activity. The herb can help with such endometrial symptoms as late periods and clotted or sluggish menstrual flow.Female Balance Ultimate
Supplement the diet with fish or flaxseed oil to help to reduce pain symptoms and decrease inflammatory response.Fish Oil COQ10 with Omega 3
Vitamin E oils helps in easing fatigue and cramping which occurs during menstruation.
Nutritional supplements can help balance hormones and reduce estrogen levels. When used properly, they can dramatically reduce bleeding, pain, and cramps that may accompany fibroids and endometriosis. Taking supplements, however, does not mean that you can ignore your diet. The best approach for fibroids, endometriosis, and optimal health is to include healthy foods and follow an estrogen lowering diet.
Food and Nutrition: Supplement the diet with vitamin C, vitamin B-6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, essential fatty acids. (Vitamin C and B6 are in Female Balance)
There is increasing evidence that chronic exposure to the environmental chemicals dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with an increased prevalence and severity of endometriosis. Vitagreen
is an important detoxification formula that can be used in conjunction with Female Balance. It can also be used separately if any of the ingredients in Female Balance are contraindicated for you or conflict with any medications you are already on.
The following ingredients are in Resvita
Resveratrol in wine may reduce the growth of endometriosis, according to a 2009 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists study.
Vitamin C - is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.
Vitamin A - is another immune system booster
Vitamin E - plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system
Selenium - when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.
Endometriosis may be improved by grape seed. Endometriosis is primarily affected by the release of prostaglandins. Grape seed extract may be able to intervene by blocking the release of chemical, which causes pain and inflammation; grape seed is found in Resvita
and Privita.
Conventional treatment of endometriosis usually begins with estrogen suppression, which prevents the endometrium from growing. Drugs such as danazol, Lupron, or Arimidex are used, along with NSAIDs to decrease inflammation. Laparoscopic cautery is the next step, with hysterectomy being reserved for severe cases.
A naturopathic doctor will also guide the patient in reducing estrogen, which stimulates endometrial growth, while increasing progesterone and androgens, which promote endometrial atrophy. However, naturopathic approaches are tailored to the individual because there is a great variety in how endometriosis presents.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet, using any new product, drug, or supplement.
PriVita is an herbal aromatase inhibitor and estrogen blocker. Estrogen-dominant disorders such as endometriosis, cysts, fibroids and breast cancer respond to excess estrogen in the body. Treatment of these disorders, therefore, involves blocking the action of estrogen of the affected tissues.
Antioxidants are known to counteract the damage-causing free radicals which cause oxidative stress in the body. This oxidation has been a major factor in the progression of aging and disease. Antioxidants reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage which obviously lowers the risk of these diseases and improves the immune system.Resvita
The causes of endometriosis remain a mystery. Curiously, European women rarely get it. We do know that one of the risk factors is an abundance of estrogen. That is why endometriosis occurs mostly in women between the ages of 25 and 40, when estrogen accumulates at its highest levels. Endometriosis is exacerbated by anything that irritates the uterus, such as a pelvic infection, constipation, uterine fibroids or cancer, or the presence of an IUD or a tampon. Even ingesting caffeine, alcohol or fried foods increases the problem.
Imbalances in hormones within the body can be prompted by eating certain meats-such as beef derived from diary cows reared using excess use of hormones, eating the meat of chickens reared using hormone cocktails etc. Eating meat derived from such sources can place extra hormones in the body and these in turn can stimulate the excess release of these hormones in our bodies-adding to the imbalance and possibly triggering endometriosis. The occurrence of a retrograde menstruation in the body of certain women is still the most well received theory about the origin of endometriosis, when certain periods of the menstrual cycle are accompanied by the presence of excessive cramps, some endometrial tissues can be forced out from the cavity of the uterus and this can rise through the fallopian tubes covering them with abnormal growth. The endometrial tissues are carried by this "retrograde flow" and the abnormally placed tissues now quickly attaches itself to all the other organs and proceeds to multiply causing endometriosis.
Medical science offers us many theories about the cause, but no cure for this poorly understood disorder. Often, the recommended treatment for endometriosis is oral contraceptives, a hysterectomy or hormone therapy with a drug such as danazol or leupron, which suppress estrogen and initiates a false menopause complete with hot flashes, vaginal dryness and a decreased sexual drive.
Thankfully, many of the symptoms of endometriosis can be improved with herbs, but you must be patient. Many women who chose to treat this disorder herbally find that successful treatment takes weeks. For best results, work with a natural health care professional who has experience with this disorder and can help you develop a complete healing campaign that includes dietary changes. Acupuncture may also be of benefit.
Anyone who is considering beginning a course of alternative treatment should discuss this with their usual medical health care provider. Your doctor must know when you begin any therapies that may interfere with your other treatments. Some women report that natural remedies take longer to work than conventional drugs, but can be soothing.
Phytotherapy — a gentle approach to a complex issue. If you are like most of the women I see, you can probably benefit from an approach that incorporates phytotherapy. We’ve found the following medicinal herbs to be beneficial for women with symptoms of estrogen dominance:
Black cohosh
Since an overabundance of estrogen is one contributing factor of endometriosis, vitex berries, which balance a woman's hormones, are a valuable herb in any endometriosis formula. Female Balance Ultimate
Chasteberry has been used for centuries in Western and Chinese Medicine to treat female conditions, including endometriosis. Combined with Dong Quai it makes a powerful treatment for balancing hormones and reducing the pain of endometriosis. When Chasteberry is combined with Wild Yam it relaxes the uterus, reducing cramps and spasms.
In Europe, it's approved by the German Commission E for family physicians and gynecologists to use for menstrual conditions. In fact, a German study reported that 52% of women taking this herbs reported a complete reduction in symptoms. Another German study reported 93% of women noticing a significant decrease in PMS symptoms.
Dong Quai is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat female reproductive health complaints, including endometriosis, fibroids, PMS and infertility. Women with endometriosis find significant relief of their pain when taking dong quai, especially when mixed with the herb chasteberry, black cohosh or ginseng. All of these ingredients are contained in Female Balance. Female Balance Ultimate
Psychiatrists in China reported that Wild Yam reduces anxiety levels, and its anti inflammatory and anti spasmodic effects are excellent for maintaining uterine health. When combined with Chasteberry and Cramp bark, Wild Yam is a powerful natural remedy for immediate relief from endometriosis symptoms. Wild Yam is present in Female Balance.Female Balance Ultimate
Chinese researchers have found that motherwort increases the volume of blood circulation and stimulates uterine activity. The herb can help with such endometrial symptoms as late periods and clotted or sluggish menstrual flow.Female Balance Ultimate
Supplement the diet with fish or flaxseed oil to help to reduce pain symptoms and decrease inflammatory response.Fish Oil COQ10 with Omega 3
Vitamin E oils helps in easing fatigue and cramping which occurs during menstruation.
Nutritional supplements can help balance hormones and reduce estrogen levels. When used properly, they can dramatically reduce bleeding, pain, and cramps that may accompany fibroids and endometriosis. Taking supplements, however, does not mean that you can ignore your diet. The best approach for fibroids, endometriosis, and optimal health is to include healthy foods and follow an estrogen lowering diet.
Food and Nutrition: Supplement the diet with vitamin C, vitamin B-6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, essential fatty acids. (Vitamin C and B6 are in Female Balance)
There is increasing evidence that chronic exposure to the environmental chemicals dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with an increased prevalence and severity of endometriosis. Vitagreen
The following ingredients are in Resvita
PriVita is an herbal aromatase inhibitor and estrogen blocker. Estrogen-dominant disorders such as endometriosis, cysts, fibroids and breast cancer respond to excess estrogen in the body. Treatment of these disorders, therefore, involves blocking the action of estrogen of the affected tissues.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Natural Solutions for fertility
You've been trying for months, and still there's no baby on the way. You're beginning to wonder if you and your partner are infertile. Most doctors won't even diagnose infertility until after a couple has tried to conceive for a year. They advise that women ages 35 and over seek medical help after six months, however, because of natural declines in a woman's fertility.
Even today, with our great advancements in medicine and understanding of the human body, very little is actually known about improving female fertility. There are some natural methods that have been tried over the years to improve infertility, though.
The antioxidant aspect of fertility may be equally important. Modern living exposes us to many chemical insults. One example is direct and indirect exposure to cigarette smoke. Fortunately, people can help protect themselves by eating a diet that’s rich in antioxidants and select high potency nutritional supplements.
I also suggest that both partners take supplements, especially if the cause of fertility is unknown, as it can't hurt to enhance egg and sperm quality, or male and female hormone balance, at the same time.
Here is a list of my favorite natural remedies for infertility.
1. Pomegranate. Pomegranate has been shown in clinical studies to improve and balance the estrogen and progesterone levels and enhance nurturing energy. Both the flower and the fruit are helpful in fertility, but the fruit is more helpful with male fertility while the flower seems to be better for females.
2. Organic Wild Yams. Yams are not only used to help balance hormone levels, but also to regulate menstrual cycles. An irregular cycle can greatly complicate attempts to get pregnant, so being able to normalize them is a godsend.
3. Improve diet and get more Folic Acid. Improving your diet by eating more green veggies, fruits, and super foods has been shown to be the only remedy need in many cases of minor infertility problems. In addition to this, researchers have proven that women who take a daily supplement of folic acid, or eat a diet high in folic acid, are more likely to become pregnant than women with a lower intake.
4. COQ10 is widely known as being an important nutrient for many bodily functions, but many people are unaware of just how important this nutrient is to the reproductive system and fertility. COQ10 provides energy to all of the systems in the body including the reproductive system, and studies have shown that this nutrient is essential to healthy eggs and sperm.
This nutrient can be found in many species of fish, most specifically salmon, as well as other organ meats. You can also purchase a supplement to add this nutrient to your body if you do not often eat foods that are high in this necessary antioxidant.
5. Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as the Indian Ginseng. It is widely used in Ayurveda and is known to help relieve stress, restore muscle and body tissue, relieve chronic fatigue and aid in rheumatism. Ashwagandha has been used as a male and female aphrodisiac, and studies in animals have suggested that it improves egg and semen quality. Poor egg and semen quality may have a factor in miscarriages. One of the claimed effects of ashwagandha is reduction of stress, which in itself can sometimes enhance fertility of either sex, if stress was the problem.
6. Rhodiola rosea (golden root or rose root) is an herb most commonly known for its ability improve mood, alleviate depression, reduce fatigue, and enhance mental and physical performance. However, it may have dramatic benefit for women trying to get pregnant and struggling with female infertility.
The effect of Rhodiola extract in women suffering from amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles) was examined. Forty women with amenorrhea were given Rhodiola (either 100 mg of the extract orally twice a day for 2 weeks, or 1 ml of an injectable preparation intramuscularly for 10 days). Normal menses were restored in 25 women, 11 of whom became pregnant. Also, noted was that one of the authors of the study has treated several women in his practice who had failed to conceive with standard fertility drugs, and who become pregnant within several months of beginning Rhodiola extract.
Over 60% of the women had normal menstruation return, which is quite impressive. Over a quarter of the women becoming pregnant is equally impressive, if not more so. To put that in perspective, recent research shows that the commonly prescribed fertility Clomid is effective 16% of the time for unexplained infertility. When comparing this study of Rhodiola to advanced reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) which can cost $15,000 per treatment cycle, Rhodiola breaks even with IVF leading to pregnancy 26% of the time in a recent study.
7. Acai
The body stores toxic substances away for later processing, of course the body never manages to get around to clearing them as it is kept busy with the new influx of junk that is going in. This build up of toxins then slows down many of the process’s that the body is running. The antioxidant’s that are contained in Acai are able to help clear out these toxins and allow your body to get back to full efficiency in time. Some of the systems that get slowed down by this are the digestive, circulatory, and the reproduction system. By clearing the toxinc build up from your body you can help with problems that are sexually related and also fertility.
8. Resveratrol’s versatile efficacy as an anti-carcinogen, an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent has been demonstrated in countless research studies around the world. Resveratrol is not considered a "fertility drug" but it has health enhancing and disease preventing benefits that have the potential to eliminate the undefined barriers to a healthy fertility condition. Resveratrol’s properties carry promising therapeutic benefits that include enhance body endurance, weight loss, increased muscle mass development and fertility.
9. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree berry) is a well-known herb that has been used for centuries in Europe for hormonal imbalances in women. It may be helpful for women with PCOS who do not have a normalmenstrual cycle and thus don't ovulate or menstruate. A large percentage of these menstrual problems are related to insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which is called a luteal phase defect or corpus luteum insufficiency. A corpus luteum insufficiency is defined as an abnormally low progesterone level 3 weeks after the onset of menstruation. Insufficient levels of progesterone may result in the formation of ovarian cysts. In addition, some PCOS women have too much prolactin, which can inhibit fertility. Vitex may help with both of these problems.
Vitex and Fertility. In this study, a chasteberry preparation was used in a study of 3,162 women to assess the effectiveness of vitex for corpus luteum insufficiency. 77.4% had menstrual cycle disturbances of various types and the others suffered from a range of gynecological problems which included symptoms of corpus luteum insufficiency. The average length of treatment was 5 months. Hormone cytology and symptoms were used to assess the treatment.
The women reported the treatment as completely effective (33%), significant improvement (55%), and no change (7%). Their doctors reported very good results in 68% of cases, adequate in 22%, and no change in 7%.
In another study, 18 women with abnormally low progesterone levels were given vitex daily. After 3 months of treatment, 13 showed increases in progesterone and 2 became pregnant.
An additional benefit, chasteberry preparation was used in women with menstrual cycle abnormalities. Acne was either eliminated or improved during treatment.
10. Damiana is grown in South America. According to sexual dysfunction counselor Svetlana Ivanova, the people of Mexico have used damiana as a natural aphrodiasac and tonic. It is a fragrant and small shrub whose leaves are used in fertility treatments. The effects can also be a reproductive stimulant, and may improve cases of impotence. Women who are having difficulty with conception may see an increase and balancing of hormone levels and egg stimulation. This herb may also have an aphrodisiac effect that aids in conception.
The Rhodigandha supplement contains Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Pomegranate. I recommend this for my patients who have anxiety, stress, depression, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Acai/Resveratrol/Maqui supplement also contains Green Tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium for maximum antioxidant support. I recommend this for my patients who have allergies, joint pain, lupus antibody, or overweight issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Female Balance supplement contains Damiana, Wild Yam, and Chasteberry. I recommend this for my patients who have PCOS, infrequent menses, painful menses, and PMS who are trying to get pregnant.
Husbands can take any supplement except the female balance.
Please be evaluated by your physician and discuss the use of any supplements with them. The advice on this website is not meant to substitute the advice of your physician.
Even today, with our great advancements in medicine and understanding of the human body, very little is actually known about improving female fertility. There are some natural methods that have been tried over the years to improve infertility, though.
The antioxidant aspect of fertility may be equally important. Modern living exposes us to many chemical insults. One example is direct and indirect exposure to cigarette smoke. Fortunately, people can help protect themselves by eating a diet that’s rich in antioxidants and select high potency nutritional supplements.
I also suggest that both partners take supplements, especially if the cause of fertility is unknown, as it can't hurt to enhance egg and sperm quality, or male and female hormone balance, at the same time.
Here is a list of my favorite natural remedies for infertility.
1. Pomegranate. Pomegranate has been shown in clinical studies to improve and balance the estrogen and progesterone levels and enhance nurturing energy. Both the flower and the fruit are helpful in fertility, but the fruit is more helpful with male fertility while the flower seems to be better for females.
2. Organic Wild Yams. Yams are not only used to help balance hormone levels, but also to regulate menstrual cycles. An irregular cycle can greatly complicate attempts to get pregnant, so being able to normalize them is a godsend.
3. Improve diet and get more Folic Acid. Improving your diet by eating more green veggies, fruits, and super foods has been shown to be the only remedy need in many cases of minor infertility problems. In addition to this, researchers have proven that women who take a daily supplement of folic acid, or eat a diet high in folic acid, are more likely to become pregnant than women with a lower intake.
4. COQ10 is widely known as being an important nutrient for many bodily functions, but many people are unaware of just how important this nutrient is to the reproductive system and fertility. COQ10 provides energy to all of the systems in the body including the reproductive system, and studies have shown that this nutrient is essential to healthy eggs and sperm.
This nutrient can be found in many species of fish, most specifically salmon, as well as other organ meats. You can also purchase a supplement to add this nutrient to your body if you do not often eat foods that are high in this necessary antioxidant.
5. Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as the Indian Ginseng. It is widely used in Ayurveda and is known to help relieve stress, restore muscle and body tissue, relieve chronic fatigue and aid in rheumatism. Ashwagandha has been used as a male and female aphrodisiac, and studies in animals have suggested that it improves egg and semen quality. Poor egg and semen quality may have a factor in miscarriages. One of the claimed effects of ashwagandha is reduction of stress, which in itself can sometimes enhance fertility of either sex, if stress was the problem.
6. Rhodiola rosea (golden root or rose root) is an herb most commonly known for its ability improve mood, alleviate depression, reduce fatigue, and enhance mental and physical performance. However, it may have dramatic benefit for women trying to get pregnant and struggling with female infertility.
The effect of Rhodiola extract in women suffering from amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles) was examined. Forty women with amenorrhea were given Rhodiola (either 100 mg of the extract orally twice a day for 2 weeks, or 1 ml of an injectable preparation intramuscularly for 10 days). Normal menses were restored in 25 women, 11 of whom became pregnant. Also, noted was that one of the authors of the study has treated several women in his practice who had failed to conceive with standard fertility drugs, and who become pregnant within several months of beginning Rhodiola extract.
Over 60% of the women had normal menstruation return, which is quite impressive. Over a quarter of the women becoming pregnant is equally impressive, if not more so. To put that in perspective, recent research shows that the commonly prescribed fertility Clomid is effective 16% of the time for unexplained infertility. When comparing this study of Rhodiola to advanced reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) which can cost $15,000 per treatment cycle, Rhodiola breaks even with IVF leading to pregnancy 26% of the time in a recent study.
7. Acai
The body stores toxic substances away for later processing, of course the body never manages to get around to clearing them as it is kept busy with the new influx of junk that is going in. This build up of toxins then slows down many of the process’s that the body is running. The antioxidant’s that are contained in Acai are able to help clear out these toxins and allow your body to get back to full efficiency in time. Some of the systems that get slowed down by this are the digestive, circulatory, and the reproduction system. By clearing the toxinc build up from your body you can help with problems that are sexually related and also fertility.
8. Resveratrol’s versatile efficacy as an anti-carcinogen, an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent has been demonstrated in countless research studies around the world. Resveratrol is not considered a "fertility drug" but it has health enhancing and disease preventing benefits that have the potential to eliminate the undefined barriers to a healthy fertility condition. Resveratrol’s properties carry promising therapeutic benefits that include enhance body endurance, weight loss, increased muscle mass development and fertility.
9. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree berry) is a well-known herb that has been used for centuries in Europe for hormonal imbalances in women. It may be helpful for women with PCOS who do not have a normalmenstrual cycle and thus don't ovulate or menstruate. A large percentage of these menstrual problems are related to insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which is called a luteal phase defect or corpus luteum insufficiency. A corpus luteum insufficiency is defined as an abnormally low progesterone level 3 weeks after the onset of menstruation. Insufficient levels of progesterone may result in the formation of ovarian cysts. In addition, some PCOS women have too much prolactin, which can inhibit fertility. Vitex may help with both of these problems.
Vitex and Fertility. In this study, a chasteberry preparation was used in a study of 3,162 women to assess the effectiveness of vitex for corpus luteum insufficiency. 77.4% had menstrual cycle disturbances of various types and the others suffered from a range of gynecological problems which included symptoms of corpus luteum insufficiency. The average length of treatment was 5 months. Hormone cytology and symptoms were used to assess the treatment.
The women reported the treatment as completely effective (33%), significant improvement (55%), and no change (7%). Their doctors reported very good results in 68% of cases, adequate in 22%, and no change in 7%.
In another study, 18 women with abnormally low progesterone levels were given vitex daily. After 3 months of treatment, 13 showed increases in progesterone and 2 became pregnant.
An additional benefit, chasteberry preparation was used in women with menstrual cycle abnormalities. Acne was either eliminated or improved during treatment.
10. Damiana is grown in South America. According to sexual dysfunction counselor Svetlana Ivanova, the people of Mexico have used damiana as a natural aphrodiasac and tonic. It is a fragrant and small shrub whose leaves are used in fertility treatments. The effects can also be a reproductive stimulant, and may improve cases of impotence. Women who are having difficulty with conception may see an increase and balancing of hormone levels and egg stimulation. This herb may also have an aphrodisiac effect that aids in conception.
The Rhodigandha supplement contains Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Pomegranate. I recommend this for my patients who have anxiety, stress, depression, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Acai/Resveratrol/Maqui supplement also contains Green Tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium for maximum antioxidant support. I recommend this for my patients who have allergies, joint pain, lupus antibody, or overweight issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Female Balance supplement contains Damiana, Wild Yam, and Chasteberry. I recommend this for my patients who have PCOS, infrequent menses, painful menses, and PMS who are trying to get pregnant.
Husbands can take any supplement except the female balance.
Please be evaluated by your physician and discuss the use of any supplements with them. The advice on this website is not meant to substitute the advice of your physician.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Natural treatment of Irritable Bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is more widespread than we might suppose. The main symptom of IBS is abdominal pain and cramps after eating. A sufferer may also experience diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating. Sometimes mucous may be seen in the feces. These symptoms usually are ongoing for at least 90 days before an IBS diagnosis is considered by a medical doctor. For this diagnosis, the symptoms are present in spite of the absence of true structural damage to the intestines.
Most people have symptoms in the milder range, and fortunately, an improved diet can usually relieve the suffering considerably.
Contributing factors to an irritable bowel may be food allergies, altered bowel microflora (of the acidophilus type), intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Eating sugar, refined carbohydrates, and chemical non-foods (colorings and other additives, and foods made from petroleum products) is probably not going to improve the situation.
Probiotics are bacteria that naturally live in the gut. Some people believe that several intestinal disorders may arise when there isn't enough good bacteria in the gut.
One study found that probiotic treatment significantly improved IBS symptoms and quality of life. People with IBS reported fewer symptoms and, in general, a higher quality of life after taking the probiotics for four weeks. Probiotic therapy usually does not cause side effects.
The essential fatty acids in fish oil have powerful anti inflammatory properties which could help reduce any intestinal inflammation present in the gut and anywhere else in the body. They also boost the immune system and help the blood to flow more efficiently throughout the body and improve the functioning of the body in general. Taking fish oil supplements daily can also significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression and as stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, fish oil may act in a natural way to reduce stress, improve mood and ultimately help alleviate the symptoms of IBS.
Most people have symptoms in the milder range, and fortunately, an improved diet can usually relieve the suffering considerably.
Contributing factors to an irritable bowel may be food allergies, altered bowel microflora (of the acidophilus type), intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Eating sugar, refined carbohydrates, and chemical non-foods (colorings and other additives, and foods made from petroleum products) is probably not going to improve the situation.
Probiotics are bacteria that naturally live in the gut. Some people believe that several intestinal disorders may arise when there isn't enough good bacteria in the gut.
One study found that probiotic treatment significantly improved IBS symptoms and quality of life. People with IBS reported fewer symptoms and, in general, a higher quality of life after taking the probiotics for four weeks. Probiotic therapy usually does not cause side effects.
The essential fatty acids in fish oil have powerful anti inflammatory properties which could help reduce any intestinal inflammation present in the gut and anywhere else in the body. They also boost the immune system and help the blood to flow more efficiently throughout the body and improve the functioning of the body in general. Taking fish oil supplements daily can also significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression and as stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, fish oil may act in a natural way to reduce stress, improve mood and ultimately help alleviate the symptoms of IBS.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Natural Mood support
I originally wrote this blog for a pregnant patient who needed natural help with her bipolar disorder. Then I started checking Lithium levels for patients with less severe mood issues and found more low lithium levels! I have modified this blog to include suggestions for everyone.
Lithium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the brain for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of Lithium in the brain produce one or more of the following symptoms: nervousness, impatience, attention deficit, “scattered thinking”, inability to concentrate, not being able to focus or stick to the point, starting many projects and not following through with them, insomnia. In severe Lithium deficiency, manic depression or bipolar disorders are common.
Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.
During the late 19th Century, French doctors noticed that the people who dug salt in the salt mines had very few mental problems. They discovered that it was their exposure to Lithium that accounted for the unusually healthy minds. Population studies suggested that areas high in lithium (like near a natural spring) have very low levels of depressed people. Areas low in lithium have a higher rate of mental disorders and higher violent crime rates. The normal source of Lithium in the diet is deep well water. In some locations, such as West Texas, water provides 2 to 6 mg of Lithium per day. This is one of the reasons that people in Abilene or Amarillo are much more relaxed than people in Houston, where the water has zero Lithium.
Lithium Deficiency Signs can include PMS, Insomnia, headache, ADHD, Joint pain & Nervous disorders
What Lithium Does:
Helps regulate nerve impulses by regulating sodium and potassium
Influences distribution of sodium and potassium
Influences sodium transport
Stabilizes serotonin transmission in the nervous system
Studies suggest it has a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
Lithium is one of the most common elements used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available without a prescription. Because of its superior bioavailability, (20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts) lower doses of lithium orotate (Rather than lithium carbonate or lithium citrate) may be used to achieve therapeutic brain lithium concentrations and relatively stable serum concentrations.
Lithium orotate has also been demonstrated to be of benefit in the treatment of alcoholics, and proved useful in alleviating alcohol-related symptoms of liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders.
Standard lithium orotate dietary supplements provide 5 mg lithium. This is 1 to 2 percent of the dose provided by prescription forms of lithium.
Vita Doc relaxing Water
Empty a 300 mg capsule of Lithium Carbonate into a quart of water. The Lithium readily dissolves in the water. Drink 2 ounces of this water with the evening meal. This will provide about 20 mg of Lithium Carbonate or 7 mg of elemental Lithium per day.
Lithium can also be incorporated into the diet. Foods that contain Lithium include eggs, milk, tomatoes, seaweed, kelp, dulse, lemons and eggplant. Garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme,and coriander are some spices that contain lithium in small amounts. Some mineral spring waters contain small amounts of this substance.
Mineral waters such as Vichy and Evian were initially also promoted on the basis of their slightly higher lithium concentrations.
Coffee, juice, diuretics and soft drinks also deplete the Lithium from our bodies.
If your lithium levels are low, or you just need a mood lift, try the celtic sea salt, natural spring water, or foods that contain lithium. Consult your health practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen.
Crazy Water, Water No 3 Natural Mnrl Deep Well, 16.9-Fluid Ounce (12 Pack)
Celtic Sea Salt® Brand contains natural lithium salts. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic Sea Salt® Brand is absorbed naturally, in quantities nature intended, and they are untreated, unprocessed, and natural.
For pregnant women, just stick to supplementing the diet with the spring water like Evian, Pelligrino, and Perrier water and do not try to elevate the levels more aggressively until pregnancy and breastfeeding have concluded.
Lithium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the brain for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of Lithium in the brain produce one or more of the following symptoms: nervousness, impatience, attention deficit, “scattered thinking”, inability to concentrate, not being able to focus or stick to the point, starting many projects and not following through with them, insomnia. In severe Lithium deficiency, manic depression or bipolar disorders are common.
Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.
During the late 19th Century, French doctors noticed that the people who dug salt in the salt mines had very few mental problems. They discovered that it was their exposure to Lithium that accounted for the unusually healthy minds. Population studies suggested that areas high in lithium (like near a natural spring) have very low levels of depressed people. Areas low in lithium have a higher rate of mental disorders and higher violent crime rates. The normal source of Lithium in the diet is deep well water. In some locations, such as West Texas, water provides 2 to 6 mg of Lithium per day. This is one of the reasons that people in Abilene or Amarillo are much more relaxed than people in Houston, where the water has zero Lithium.
Lithium Deficiency Signs can include PMS, Insomnia, headache, ADHD, Joint pain & Nervous disorders
What Lithium Does:
Helps regulate nerve impulses by regulating sodium and potassium
Influences distribution of sodium and potassium
Influences sodium transport
Stabilizes serotonin transmission in the nervous system
Studies suggest it has a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
Lithium is one of the most common elements used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available without a prescription. Because of its superior bioavailability, (20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts) lower doses of lithium orotate (Rather than lithium carbonate or lithium citrate) may be used to achieve therapeutic brain lithium concentrations and relatively stable serum concentrations.
Lithium orotate has also been demonstrated to be of benefit in the treatment of alcoholics, and proved useful in alleviating alcohol-related symptoms of liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders.
Standard lithium orotate dietary supplements provide 5 mg lithium. This is 1 to 2 percent of the dose provided by prescription forms of lithium.
Vita Doc relaxing Water
Empty a 300 mg capsule of Lithium Carbonate into a quart of water. The Lithium readily dissolves in the water. Drink 2 ounces of this water with the evening meal. This will provide about 20 mg of Lithium Carbonate or 7 mg of elemental Lithium per day.
Lithium can also be incorporated into the diet. Foods that contain Lithium include eggs, milk, tomatoes, seaweed, kelp, dulse, lemons and eggplant. Garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme,and coriander are some spices that contain lithium in small amounts. Some mineral spring waters contain small amounts of this substance.
Mineral waters such as Vichy and Evian were initially also promoted on the basis of their slightly higher lithium concentrations.
Coffee, juice, diuretics and soft drinks also deplete the Lithium from our bodies.
If your lithium levels are low, or you just need a mood lift, try the celtic sea salt, natural spring water, or foods that contain lithium. Consult your health practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen.
Crazy Water, Water No 3 Natural Mnrl Deep Well, 16.9-Fluid Ounce (12 Pack)
Celtic Sea Salt® Brand contains natural lithium salts. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic Sea Salt® Brand is absorbed naturally, in quantities nature intended, and they are untreated, unprocessed, and natural.
For pregnant women, just stick to supplementing the diet with the spring water like Evian, Pelligrino, and Perrier water and do not try to elevate the levels more aggressively until pregnancy and breastfeeding have concluded.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy
Carpal tunnel syndrome is not uncommon during the last few months of pregnancy.
The swelling and fluid retention that's so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in the relatively narrow and inflexible space between the bones of the wrist, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.
The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve is what causes the symptoms.
Carpal tunnel syndrome usually isn't serious. With treatment, the pain will usually go away and you'll have no lasting damage to your hand or wrist.
The symptoms include:
*Numbness or tingling in your hand and fingers, especially the thumb, index and middle fingers.
*Pain in your wrist, palm or forearm.
*More numbness or pain at night than during the day. The pain may be so bad it wakes you up. You may shake or rub your hand to get relief.
*Pain that increases when you use your hand or wrist more.
*Trouble gripping objects, such as a doorknob or the steering wheel of a car.
Weakness in your thumb.
If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.
If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.
If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.
If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. Wear a wrist splint at night.
If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.
Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength.
Try increasing your vitamin B6 food intake. Food Sources of vitamin B6 include sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, sunflower seeds, chick peas, salmon, pork, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bok choy, barley, bananas, and mangoes.
Try things that decrease inflammation like Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant foods. Also, you could increase your intake of vegetables and fresh fruits, especially berries, and your intake of cranberry, blueberry and pomegranate juice.
The swelling and fluid retention that's so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in the relatively narrow and inflexible space between the bones of the wrist, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.
The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve is what causes the symptoms.
Carpal tunnel syndrome usually isn't serious. With treatment, the pain will usually go away and you'll have no lasting damage to your hand or wrist.
The symptoms include:
*Numbness or tingling in your hand and fingers, especially the thumb, index and middle fingers.
*Pain in your wrist, palm or forearm.
*More numbness or pain at night than during the day. The pain may be so bad it wakes you up. You may shake or rub your hand to get relief.
*Pain that increases when you use your hand or wrist more.
*Trouble gripping objects, such as a doorknob or the steering wheel of a car.
Weakness in your thumb.
If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.
If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.
If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.
If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. Wear a wrist splint at night.
If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.
Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength.
Try increasing your vitamin B6 food intake. Food Sources of vitamin B6 include sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, sunflower seeds, chick peas, salmon, pork, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bok choy, barley, bananas, and mangoes.
Try things that decrease inflammation like Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant foods. Also, you could increase your intake of vegetables and fresh fruits, especially berries, and your intake of cranberry, blueberry and pomegranate juice.
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