Cervical dysplasia (pre-cancerous condition of the cervix) and cervical cancer are conditions that cause much distress to the women who are diagnosed with this condition, and prior to the vaccine there were only a few things one could do to influence the expression of the virus. We know that oxidative stress (emotional and physical stress, cigarette smoking, and a depressed immune system) increases the likelihood of HPV expressing itself and causing cervical cell abnormalities. Alternatively, a healthy immune system, decreased stress, and antioxidant vitamins are associated with a decreased risk of HPV expression.
I encourage my patients to look at each test as a messenger bearing information about your overall well-being — once you know what’s going on, you and your practitioner can take steps geared to your unique history. But there are several complementary principles you can follow to care for yourself and more fully support your body’s natural healing abilities.
Good nutrition, a balanced diet, and basic nutritional supplements. A rich multivitamin high in folic acid is one foundation for a healthy immune system and cervix. The role of specific vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids in fighting inflammation is well-documented. In addition, with abnormal Pap’s, supplementing with extra folic acid promotes normal cell division (the virus directs the cell to divide abnormally). If you give your body the tools that it needs, your immune system will be more prepared to keep HPV in check and your cervix healthy.
Accept the facts. If you have been sexually active at any point in your lifetime, consider the possibility that you have been exposed to HPV. One in four women tests positive for some strain of this virus. Know that you are in good company, and don’t let this notion add to your stress. Do take it as call to get regular pelvic exams and Pap tests because doing so will allow any cellular changes to be caught early and treated, long before any cancer can develop.
Avoid cigarette smoke. Many studies have shown a measurable link between smoking and increased cervical cancer risk. Just as importantly, this includes avoiding second-hand smoke whenever possible. Smoking depletes the body of precious nutrients and weakens the immune system. If you do smoke, consider quitting, and be sure to take additional antioxidant support over and above just increasing your fruit and vegetable intake. OPC’s (grape seed extract) is one we often suggest to smokers — and smokers may need 2–3 times more vitamin C daily as well! If your body is busy trying to prevent you from getting lung cancer, it has a more difficult time trying to prevent you from getting cervical cancer.
Help your system detoxify. Good bowel and digestive habits enhanced daily by ample water and fiber intake, along with sleeping well, encourage proper detoxification and elimination, thereby setting the platform for a strong immune system. Consider an Acai Berry Cleanse or Green Cell Therapy for natural gentle remedies.
Minimize stress. Stress can wreak havoc on your immune system — so mastering coping strategies to deal with life’s challenges is a must for everyone living a busy, demanding life. Addressing emotional issues is likewise important. The female reproductive tract is strongly linked to second-chakra issues that begin in childhood and build throughout adulthood. For many women, even visualizing and nurturing the thought of a healthy pink and normal cervix is a very positive and relaxing meditative process to promote healing.
Follow directions. If you do get an atypical Pap reading, follow your doctor’s guidelines and remember to go back for repeat testing. Don’t let your fear get the best of you! It is quite likely that further testing will relieve your anxiety.
Testing for HPV
If you are a woman over 30 (and therefore at higher risk for dysplasia) or your pap smear shows ASC-US, ask your doctor to perform an HPV DNA test in addition to your pap smear. Also, if you are under 30 but had an abnormal pap in the past, and are unsure of the result, let your doctor know so they can see if HPV testing is appropriate.
Prevalence of HPV, incubation period, and triggers
HPV hardly ever causes symptoms. Some experts believe that only 1-2% of the people who are infected with wart-causing HPV, and 3-5% of people infected with dysplasia-causing HPV ever show symptoms. This is why so many people have HPV and don't know it! In fact, HPV is so very normal at this point that if you are sexually active, you have a 75-90% chance of contracting it sometime in your life! So relax, this is not the end of the world. You've merely found out that you're sharing a virus everyone else has, too - they just don't know it yet.
People just keep on spreading the virus because they are inadequately informed, or simply do not think it's a big enough problem to even tell their partners. For this reason, it is very important that you tell any future partners that you have HPV, and also anyone you could have gotten the virus from. Many times, however, it is very difficult to determine who has infected you because HPV has an indefinite incubation time. It can infect the skin and then stay there, dormant, until a change in the body gives it the chance to activate. I have received emails from people who were married for years, faithfully, and suddenly found themselves with HPV because of changes in their health.
Some triggers of HPV are:
Hormonal changes due to birth control or pregnancy
Immunosuppressant drugs
Other illness
An HIV-positive diagnosis
Keeping tabs on HPV
As you can see, the nasty little virus is just waiting to come out. To keep tabs on it, try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. First of all, get all available STD tests, so you are sure that you only have HPV. Then, practice taking care of your body by eating less junk food, quitting smoking and drinking, and exercising more. It is also helpful to take vitamin supplements. I remember a study where they gave women with dysplasia vitamin C over a period of time, and it helped a lot. So take vitamin C often, and you may also want to try Echinacea, Goji, Acai berry, Maqui berry, Resveratrol, or other powerful antioxidants and immune system modulators. Finally, practice de-stressing yourself! Stress is a big factor in helping your immune system cope with anything, especially viruses. I know that's easy to say, and your stress level is doing anything but falling now that you've been diagnosed. But let me assure you that there are plenty of resources out there to help you deal with HPV, in book form and on the web.
For your male partner
HPV can cause cancer of the penis or anus, but this is extremely rare.
Cancer of the penis is more prevalent in uncircumcised men.
Cancer of the anus is more prevalent in men that receive anal sex.
The HPV virus is very small, so although condoms can prevent most STD’s, the HPV virus may still penetrate.
Herbs for HPV
Astragalus-Increases production of immune-system chemical interleukin-2 (IL -2), which fights cancer and the human papilloma virus (HPV). Activates gene pS3. The generally recommended dose is 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily.
Green tea Catechin Extract- Deactivates plasmin, which helps tumors spread. The generally recommended dose is 250-500 mg daily. It contains polyphenols, catechins and falvonoids, which are protective anti-carcinogens. A study of 51 patients showed 69 percent reduction in cervical dysplasia lesions/HPV in patients who received green tea extracts as either an ointment or capsule (Ahn WS et al 2003).
Plant polyphenols such as resveratrol in tablet/supplement form. Resveratrol is a type of polyphenol called a phytoalexin, a class of compounds produced as part of a plant's defense system against disease which is produced in the plant in response to an invading fungus, stress, injury, infection or ultraviolet irradiation. Resveratrol has been shown to reduce tumor incidence in animals by affecting one or more stages of cancer development, including ovarian cancer. Red wine contains high levels of resveratrol, as do grapes, raspberries, peanuts and other plants.
Ginkgo Biloba: Performs as an anti-oxidant and prevents cellular damage.
Goldenseal: This is antibacterial and helps in the eradication of warts
Garlic: Garlic juice can be applied topically for the elimination of warts.
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, lactobacillus acidophilus and the amino acid L-cysteine have shown to have immune boosting benefits.