You've been trying for months, and still there's no baby on the way. You're beginning to wonder if you and your partner are infertile. Most doctors won't even diagnose infertility until after a couple has tried to conceive for a year. They advise that women ages 35 and over seek medical help after six months, however, because of natural declines in a woman's fertility.
Even today, with our great advancements in medicine and understanding of the human body, very little is actually known about improving female fertility. There are some natural methods that have been tried over the years to improve infertility, though.
The antioxidant aspect of fertility may be equally important. Modern living exposes us to many chemical insults. One example is direct and indirect exposure to cigarette smoke. Fortunately, people can help protect themselves by eating a diet that’s rich in antioxidants and select high potency nutritional supplements.
I also suggest that both partners take supplements, especially if the cause of fertility is unknown, as it can't hurt to enhance egg and sperm quality, or male and female hormone balance, at the same time.
Here is a list of my favorite natural remedies for infertility.
1. Pomegranate. Pomegranate has been shown in clinical studies to improve and balance the estrogen and progesterone levels and enhance nurturing energy. Both the flower and the fruit are helpful in fertility, but the fruit is more helpful with male fertility while the flower seems to be better for females.
2. Organic Wild Yams. Yams are not only used to help balance hormone levels, but also to regulate menstrual cycles. An irregular cycle can greatly complicate attempts to get pregnant, so being able to normalize them is a godsend.
3. Improve diet and get more Folic Acid. Improving your diet by eating more green veggies, fruits, and super foods has been shown to be the only remedy need in many cases of minor infertility problems. In addition to this, researchers have proven that women who take a daily supplement of folic acid, or eat a diet high in folic acid, are more likely to become pregnant than women with a lower intake.
4. COQ10 is widely known as being an important nutrient for many bodily functions, but many people are unaware of just how important this nutrient is to the reproductive system and fertility. COQ10 provides energy to all of the systems in the body including the reproductive system, and studies have shown that this nutrient is essential to healthy eggs and sperm.
This nutrient can be found in many species of fish, most specifically salmon, as well as other organ meats. You can also purchase a supplement to add this nutrient to your body if you do not often eat foods that are high in this necessary antioxidant.
5. Ashwagandha is sometimes referred to as the Indian Ginseng. It is widely used in Ayurveda and is known to help relieve stress, restore muscle and body tissue, relieve chronic fatigue and aid in rheumatism. Ashwagandha has been used as a male and female aphrodisiac, and studies in animals have suggested that it improves egg and semen quality. Poor egg and semen quality may have a factor in miscarriages. One of the claimed effects of ashwagandha is reduction of stress, which in itself can sometimes enhance fertility of either sex, if stress was the problem.
6. Rhodiola rosea (golden root or rose root) is an herb most commonly known for its ability improve mood, alleviate depression, reduce fatigue, and enhance mental and physical performance. However, it may have dramatic benefit for women trying to get pregnant and struggling with female infertility.
The effect of Rhodiola extract in women suffering from amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles) was examined. Forty women with amenorrhea were given Rhodiola (either 100 mg of the extract orally twice a day for 2 weeks, or 1 ml of an injectable preparation intramuscularly for 10 days). Normal menses were restored in 25 women, 11 of whom became pregnant. Also, noted was that one of the authors of the study has treated several women in his practice who had failed to conceive with standard fertility drugs, and who become pregnant within several months of beginning Rhodiola extract.
Over 60% of the women had normal menstruation return, which is quite impressive. Over a quarter of the women becoming pregnant is equally impressive, if not more so. To put that in perspective, recent research shows that the commonly prescribed fertility Clomid is effective 16% of the time for unexplained infertility. When comparing this study of Rhodiola to advanced reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) which can cost $15,000 per treatment cycle, Rhodiola breaks even with IVF leading to pregnancy 26% of the time in a recent study.
7. Acai
The body stores toxic substances away for later processing, of course the body never manages to get around to clearing them as it is kept busy with the new influx of junk that is going in. This build up of toxins then slows down many of the process’s that the body is running. The antioxidant’s that are contained in Acai are able to help clear out these toxins and allow your body to get back to full efficiency in time. Some of the systems that get slowed down by this are the digestive, circulatory, and the reproduction system. By clearing the toxinc build up from your body you can help with problems that are sexually related and also fertility.
8. Resveratrol’s versatile efficacy as an anti-carcinogen, an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent has been demonstrated in countless research studies around the world. Resveratrol is not considered a "fertility drug" but it has health enhancing and disease preventing benefits that have the potential to eliminate the undefined barriers to a healthy fertility condition. Resveratrol’s properties carry promising therapeutic benefits that include enhance body endurance, weight loss, increased muscle mass development and fertility.
9. Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree berry) is a well-known herb that has been used for centuries in Europe for hormonal imbalances in women. It may be helpful for women with PCOS who do not have a normalmenstrual cycle and thus don't ovulate or menstruate. A large percentage of these menstrual problems are related to insufficient progesterone during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which is called a luteal phase defect or corpus luteum insufficiency. A corpus luteum insufficiency is defined as an abnormally low progesterone level 3 weeks after the onset of menstruation. Insufficient levels of progesterone may result in the formation of ovarian cysts. In addition, some PCOS women have too much prolactin, which can inhibit fertility. Vitex may help with both of these problems.
Vitex and Fertility. In this study, a chasteberry preparation was used in a study of 3,162 women to assess the effectiveness of vitex for corpus luteum insufficiency. 77.4% had menstrual cycle disturbances of various types and the others suffered from a range of gynecological problems which included symptoms of corpus luteum insufficiency. The average length of treatment was 5 months. Hormone cytology and symptoms were used to assess the treatment.
The women reported the treatment as completely effective (33%), significant improvement (55%), and no change (7%). Their doctors reported very good results in 68% of cases, adequate in 22%, and no change in 7%.
In another study, 18 women with abnormally low progesterone levels were given vitex daily. After 3 months of treatment, 13 showed increases in progesterone and 2 became pregnant.
An additional benefit, chasteberry preparation was used in women with menstrual cycle abnormalities. Acne was either eliminated or improved during treatment.
10. Damiana is grown in South America. According to sexual dysfunction counselor Svetlana Ivanova, the people of Mexico have used damiana as a natural aphrodiasac and tonic. It is a fragrant and small shrub whose leaves are used in fertility treatments. The effects can also be a reproductive stimulant, and may improve cases of impotence. Women who are having difficulty with conception may see an increase and balancing of hormone levels and egg stimulation. This herb may also have an aphrodisiac effect that aids in conception.
The Rhodigandha supplement contains Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Pomegranate. I recommend this for my patients who have anxiety, stress, depression, adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Acai/Resveratrol/Maqui supplement also contains Green Tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium for maximum antioxidant support. I recommend this for my patients who have allergies, joint pain, lupus antibody, or overweight issues who are trying to get pregnant.
The Female Balance supplement contains Damiana, Wild Yam, and Chasteberry. I recommend this for my patients who have PCOS, infrequent menses, painful menses, and PMS who are trying to get pregnant.
Husbands can take any supplement except the female balance.
Please be evaluated by your physician and discuss the use of any supplements with them. The advice on this website is not meant to substitute the advice of your physician.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Natural treatment of Irritable Bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is more widespread than we might suppose. The main symptom of IBS is abdominal pain and cramps after eating. A sufferer may also experience diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating. Sometimes mucous may be seen in the feces. These symptoms usually are ongoing for at least 90 days before an IBS diagnosis is considered by a medical doctor. For this diagnosis, the symptoms are present in spite of the absence of true structural damage to the intestines.
Most people have symptoms in the milder range, and fortunately, an improved diet can usually relieve the suffering considerably.
Contributing factors to an irritable bowel may be food allergies, altered bowel microflora (of the acidophilus type), intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Eating sugar, refined carbohydrates, and chemical non-foods (colorings and other additives, and foods made from petroleum products) is probably not going to improve the situation.
Probiotics are bacteria that naturally live in the gut. Some people believe that several intestinal disorders may arise when there isn't enough good bacteria in the gut.
One study found that probiotic treatment significantly improved IBS symptoms and quality of life. People with IBS reported fewer symptoms and, in general, a higher quality of life after taking the probiotics for four weeks. Probiotic therapy usually does not cause side effects.
The essential fatty acids in fish oil have powerful anti inflammatory properties which could help reduce any intestinal inflammation present in the gut and anywhere else in the body. They also boost the immune system and help the blood to flow more efficiently throughout the body and improve the functioning of the body in general. Taking fish oil supplements daily can also significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression and as stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, fish oil may act in a natural way to reduce stress, improve mood and ultimately help alleviate the symptoms of IBS.
Most people have symptoms in the milder range, and fortunately, an improved diet can usually relieve the suffering considerably.
Contributing factors to an irritable bowel may be food allergies, altered bowel microflora (of the acidophilus type), intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Eating sugar, refined carbohydrates, and chemical non-foods (colorings and other additives, and foods made from petroleum products) is probably not going to improve the situation.
Probiotics are bacteria that naturally live in the gut. Some people believe that several intestinal disorders may arise when there isn't enough good bacteria in the gut.
One study found that probiotic treatment significantly improved IBS symptoms and quality of life. People with IBS reported fewer symptoms and, in general, a higher quality of life after taking the probiotics for four weeks. Probiotic therapy usually does not cause side effects.
The essential fatty acids in fish oil have powerful anti inflammatory properties which could help reduce any intestinal inflammation present in the gut and anywhere else in the body. They also boost the immune system and help the blood to flow more efficiently throughout the body and improve the functioning of the body in general. Taking fish oil supplements daily can also significantly reduce stress, anxiety and depression and as stress and anxiety can exacerbate IBS symptoms, fish oil may act in a natural way to reduce stress, improve mood and ultimately help alleviate the symptoms of IBS.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Natural Mood support
I originally wrote this blog for a pregnant patient who needed natural help with her bipolar disorder. Then I started checking Lithium levels for patients with less severe mood issues and found more low lithium levels! I have modified this blog to include suggestions for everyone.
Lithium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the brain for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of Lithium in the brain produce one or more of the following symptoms: nervousness, impatience, attention deficit, “scattered thinking”, inability to concentrate, not being able to focus or stick to the point, starting many projects and not following through with them, insomnia. In severe Lithium deficiency, manic depression or bipolar disorders are common.
Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.
During the late 19th Century, French doctors noticed that the people who dug salt in the salt mines had very few mental problems. They discovered that it was their exposure to Lithium that accounted for the unusually healthy minds. Population studies suggested that areas high in lithium (like near a natural spring) have very low levels of depressed people. Areas low in lithium have a higher rate of mental disorders and higher violent crime rates. The normal source of Lithium in the diet is deep well water. In some locations, such as West Texas, water provides 2 to 6 mg of Lithium per day. This is one of the reasons that people in Abilene or Amarillo are much more relaxed than people in Houston, where the water has zero Lithium.
Lithium Deficiency Signs can include PMS, Insomnia, headache, ADHD, Joint pain & Nervous disorders
What Lithium Does:
Helps regulate nerve impulses by regulating sodium and potassium
Influences distribution of sodium and potassium
Influences sodium transport
Stabilizes serotonin transmission in the nervous system
Studies suggest it has a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
Lithium is one of the most common elements used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available without a prescription. Because of its superior bioavailability, (20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts) lower doses of lithium orotate (Rather than lithium carbonate or lithium citrate) may be used to achieve therapeutic brain lithium concentrations and relatively stable serum concentrations.
Lithium orotate has also been demonstrated to be of benefit in the treatment of alcoholics, and proved useful in alleviating alcohol-related symptoms of liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders.
Standard lithium orotate dietary supplements provide 5 mg lithium. This is 1 to 2 percent of the dose provided by prescription forms of lithium.
Vita Doc relaxing Water
Empty a 300 mg capsule of Lithium Carbonate into a quart of water. The Lithium readily dissolves in the water. Drink 2 ounces of this water with the evening meal. This will provide about 20 mg of Lithium Carbonate or 7 mg of elemental Lithium per day.
Lithium can also be incorporated into the diet. Foods that contain Lithium include eggs, milk, tomatoes, seaweed, kelp, dulse, lemons and eggplant. Garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme,and coriander are some spices that contain lithium in small amounts. Some mineral spring waters contain small amounts of this substance.
Mineral waters such as Vichy and Evian were initially also promoted on the basis of their slightly higher lithium concentrations.
Coffee, juice, diuretics and soft drinks also deplete the Lithium from our bodies.
If your lithium levels are low, or you just need a mood lift, try the celtic sea salt, natural spring water, or foods that contain lithium. Consult your health practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen.
Crazy Water, Water No 3 Natural Mnrl Deep Well, 16.9-Fluid Ounce (12 Pack)
Celtic Sea Salt® Brand contains natural lithium salts. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic Sea Salt® Brand is absorbed naturally, in quantities nature intended, and they are untreated, unprocessed, and natural.
For pregnant women, just stick to supplementing the diet with the spring water like Evian, Pelligrino, and Perrier water and do not try to elevate the levels more aggressively until pregnancy and breastfeeding have concluded.
Lithium is an essential trace mineral that is required by the brain for proper functioning. Inadequate levels of Lithium in the brain produce one or more of the following symptoms: nervousness, impatience, attention deficit, “scattered thinking”, inability to concentrate, not being able to focus or stick to the point, starting many projects and not following through with them, insomnia. In severe Lithium deficiency, manic depression or bipolar disorders are common.
Pure lithium, like sodium, calcium, or potassium, is a naturally occurring mineral. Lithium is found abundantly in certain rocks and the sea and in minute amounts in plant and animal tissues. Lithium also shows up in water, notably in the springs and spas where in earlier times people "took the waters," bathing in and drinking the lithium-rich water for its soothing effects.
During the late 19th Century, French doctors noticed that the people who dug salt in the salt mines had very few mental problems. They discovered that it was their exposure to Lithium that accounted for the unusually healthy minds. Population studies suggested that areas high in lithium (like near a natural spring) have very low levels of depressed people. Areas low in lithium have a higher rate of mental disorders and higher violent crime rates. The normal source of Lithium in the diet is deep well water. In some locations, such as West Texas, water provides 2 to 6 mg of Lithium per day. This is one of the reasons that people in Abilene or Amarillo are much more relaxed than people in Houston, where the water has zero Lithium.
Lithium Deficiency Signs can include PMS, Insomnia, headache, ADHD, Joint pain & Nervous disorders
What Lithium Does:
Helps regulate nerve impulses by regulating sodium and potassium
Influences distribution of sodium and potassium
Influences sodium transport
Stabilizes serotonin transmission in the nervous system
Studies suggest it has a role in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
Lithium is one of the most common elements used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate is a highly bioavailable form of lithium that is available without a prescription. Because of its superior bioavailability, (20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts) lower doses of lithium orotate (Rather than lithium carbonate or lithium citrate) may be used to achieve therapeutic brain lithium concentrations and relatively stable serum concentrations.
Lithium orotate has also been demonstrated to be of benefit in the treatment of alcoholics, and proved useful in alleviating alcohol-related symptoms of liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders.
Standard lithium orotate dietary supplements provide 5 mg lithium. This is 1 to 2 percent of the dose provided by prescription forms of lithium.
Vita Doc relaxing Water
Empty a 300 mg capsule of Lithium Carbonate into a quart of water. The Lithium readily dissolves in the water. Drink 2 ounces of this water with the evening meal. This will provide about 20 mg of Lithium Carbonate or 7 mg of elemental Lithium per day.
Lithium can also be incorporated into the diet. Foods that contain Lithium include eggs, milk, tomatoes, seaweed, kelp, dulse, lemons and eggplant. Garlic, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme,and coriander are some spices that contain lithium in small amounts. Some mineral spring waters contain small amounts of this substance.
Mineral waters such as Vichy and Evian were initially also promoted on the basis of their slightly higher lithium concentrations.
Coffee, juice, diuretics and soft drinks also deplete the Lithium from our bodies.
If your lithium levels are low, or you just need a mood lift, try the celtic sea salt, natural spring water, or foods that contain lithium. Consult your health practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen.
Crazy Water, Water No 3 Natural Mnrl Deep Well, 16.9-Fluid Ounce (12 Pack)
Celtic Sea Salt® Brand contains natural lithium salts. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic Sea Salt® Brand is absorbed naturally, in quantities nature intended, and they are untreated, unprocessed, and natural.
For pregnant women, just stick to supplementing the diet with the spring water like Evian, Pelligrino, and Perrier water and do not try to elevate the levels more aggressively until pregnancy and breastfeeding have concluded.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Pregnancy
Carpal tunnel syndrome is not uncommon during the last few months of pregnancy.
The swelling and fluid retention that's so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in the relatively narrow and inflexible space between the bones of the wrist, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.
The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve is what causes the symptoms.
Carpal tunnel syndrome usually isn't serious. With treatment, the pain will usually go away and you'll have no lasting damage to your hand or wrist.
The symptoms include:
*Numbness or tingling in your hand and fingers, especially the thumb, index and middle fingers.
*Pain in your wrist, palm or forearm.
*More numbness or pain at night than during the day. The pain may be so bad it wakes you up. You may shake or rub your hand to get relief.
*Pain that increases when you use your hand or wrist more.
*Trouble gripping objects, such as a doorknob or the steering wheel of a car.
Weakness in your thumb.
If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.
If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.
If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.
If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. Wear a wrist splint at night.
If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.
Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength.
Try increasing your vitamin B6 food intake. Food Sources of vitamin B6 include sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, sunflower seeds, chick peas, salmon, pork, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bok choy, barley, bananas, and mangoes.
Try things that decrease inflammation like Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant foods. Also, you could increase your intake of vegetables and fresh fruits, especially berries, and your intake of cranberry, blueberry and pomegranate juice.
The swelling and fluid retention that's so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in the relatively narrow and inflexible space between the bones of the wrist, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.
The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve is what causes the symptoms.
Carpal tunnel syndrome usually isn't serious. With treatment, the pain will usually go away and you'll have no lasting damage to your hand or wrist.
The symptoms include:
*Numbness or tingling in your hand and fingers, especially the thumb, index and middle fingers.
*Pain in your wrist, palm or forearm.
*More numbness or pain at night than during the day. The pain may be so bad it wakes you up. You may shake or rub your hand to get relief.
*Pain that increases when you use your hand or wrist more.
*Trouble gripping objects, such as a doorknob or the steering wheel of a car.
Weakness in your thumb.
If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.
If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.
If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.
If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. Wear a wrist splint at night.
If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.
Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength.
Try increasing your vitamin B6 food intake. Food Sources of vitamin B6 include sweet potatoes, avocados, brown rice, sunflower seeds, chick peas, salmon, pork, chicken, turkey, potatoes, bok choy, barley, bananas, and mangoes.
Try things that decrease inflammation like Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant foods. Also, you could increase your intake of vegetables and fresh fruits, especially berries, and your intake of cranberry, blueberry and pomegranate juice.
Antioxidant products, increase your ORAC naturally
Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other compounds found in foods that can help slow down or prevent the oxidation process. Antioxidants help prevent or repair damage done to the body's cells by free radicals.
Based on scientific evidence, daily antioxidant intake should increase to 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units per day to reach a significant antioxidant capacity in blood plasma and other tissues. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), current intake is about 1,200 units per day.
Several theories have been proposed to account for age-related changes in cell functioning and physiological capability. The free radical theory is perhaps the strongest and best-established theory scientifically to account for many age-related changes. Free radicals are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons; they seek stability by taking electrons from other molecules (a process called oxidation). As a consequence, free radicals damage the molecules from which they take electrons, leading to cell damage, impaired functioning, and even cell death. The prime molecules in the body that are damaged by free radicals are DNA, lipids, and proteins. I found these products.
Based on scientific evidence, daily antioxidant intake should increase to 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units per day to reach a significant antioxidant capacity in blood plasma and other tissues. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), current intake is about 1,200 units per day.
Several theories have been proposed to account for age-related changes in cell functioning and physiological capability. The free radical theory is perhaps the strongest and best-established theory scientifically to account for many age-related changes. Free radicals are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons; they seek stability by taking electrons from other molecules (a process called oxidation). As a consequence, free radicals damage the molecules from which they take electrons, leading to cell damage, impaired functioning, and even cell death. The prime molecules in the body that are damaged by free radicals are DNA, lipids, and proteins. I found these products.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Eleven ideas to Increase HDL Naturally
Low HDL levels are a strong predictor of heart disease risk in the general population.
Many studies show the link between low levels of HDL cholesterol and major cardiovascular complications.
Interest in boosting HDL (good cholesterol) is growing. New agents for raising HDL are being tested. But you needn’t wait for them — you can make lifestyle changes
In addition to exercise and quitting smoking, there are other easy maneuvers to increase your HDL naturally.
Desirable Cholesterol Levels:
Total cholesterol: Less than 200 mg/dL
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol): Less than 100 mg/dL
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ("good" cholesterol): 40 mg/dL or higher
Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL
All adults age 20 and over should have their total blood cholesterol checked at least every 5 years. Blood cholesterol levels of under 200 mg/dl are called "desirable" and put you at a lower risk for heart disease. Unlike total cholesterol, the lower your HDL, the higher your risk for heart disease. A HDL level less than 35 mg/dl increases your risk of heart disease. The higher your HDL level, the better.
There are many natural alternatives to treating high cholesterol. This may be especially optimal to patients who are regulating their cholesterol levels with diet and exercise. Natural products reduce cholesterol levels by dissolving fat in the blood.
1. Carnitine has been seen to increase HDL levels. In some people, supplements of L-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine (about 1000 to 2000 mg. per day) will significantly increase HDL levels. This is more likely to be true in vegetarians, since meats are the primary natural source of dietary L-carnitine. Supplementary carnitine can also aid in weight loss.
2. Pantothine has been seen to increase HDL levels
3. Chromium has been seen to reduce LDL levels and increase HDL levels. Supplementary chromium polynicotinate can improve LDL/HDL ratios in some people. This is probably due to the beneficial effects of chromium on insulin resistance. A diet that maintains blood sugar levels at a moderately-low and stable level will also improve LDL/HDL ratios.
4. Omega-3 found in fortified eggs, smart balance spread, mayonnaise with olive oil, salmon, canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil and in the fats found in peanut butter.
Because omega-3 fatty acids lower triglyceride levels, they may also increase HDL, the “good” cholesterol that protects against the development of heart disease. To effectively lower triglycerides, 2-4 grams of EPA + DHA are recommended daily. Research studies have shown that this amount lowered triglycerides approximately 25 percent to 35 percent.
For those with who require a cholesterol-lowering drug, it is mandatory to take at least 60 mg. of coenzyme Q-10 daily since all statin drugs block the liver's production of coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is a substance essential for proper muscle functioning, especially functioning of the heart muscle. The fish oil product at the bottom of the page contains 30 mg Coenzyme Q10 per capsule, so two would be needed to meet this minimum.
5. Well-designed studies have found that niacin lowers LDL cholesterol by approximately 10%, lowers triglycerides by 25%, and raises "good" HDL cholesterol by 15% to 30%. Niacin also appears to significantly lower levels for another risk factor for atherosclerosis, lipoprotein A.
6. Green Tea - Popular in Asia for centuries, green tea helps to keep blood pressure under control. It also may help keep cholesterol from clogging arteries. The tea contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and other substances that protect the body against the dangers of oxidation, while helping to keep the harmful LDL cholesterol down and the helpful HDL cholesterol up. They also assist in keeping blood pressure under control.
7. Onions: Onions contain adenosine and other "blood thinners" that help to prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition to thinning the blood, onions can help keep the coronary arteries open and clear by increasing the HDL. Eating half a raw onion every day can increase HDL by 20 to 30 percent.
8. Five to 10 grams a day of soluble fiber has been found to decrease LDL cholesterol by approximately 5%.
9. Brewer's Yeast: Brewer's yeast can lower the total cholesterol and LDL while raising the helpful HDL.
10. Cranberry juice has been shown to increase HDL levels.
11. Octovite contains Vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, alpha lipoic acid, and fish oil.
To reduce oxidation of cholesterol from LDL, you need at least 100 units of vitamin E, 5,000 units of beta carotene (and/or 5 mg. lycopene), and 500 mg. of vitamin C per day, along with other dietary antioxidants. Alpha lipoic acid or R-lipoic acid may be an even more important antioxidant. Lipoic acid, when taken throughout the day, can lower blood sugar levels significantly. This can cause a significant beneficial increase in HDL. It is important to get a broad spectrum of fat-soluble and water-soluble antioxidants. Many single antioxidants, taken alone, will actually generate free radicals that must be de-activated by other antioxidants.
A very important antioxidant in preventing heart disease and many cancers is lycopene, which is very similar to beta carotene, but which has finally become available in pure form as a nutritional supplement. The best food sources of lycopene are canned tomato juice, or juices such as V8 that are high in tomato juice.
Many studies show the link between low levels of HDL cholesterol and major cardiovascular complications.
Interest in boosting HDL (good cholesterol) is growing. New agents for raising HDL are being tested. But you needn’t wait for them — you can make lifestyle changes
In addition to exercise and quitting smoking, there are other easy maneuvers to increase your HDL naturally.
Desirable Cholesterol Levels:
Total cholesterol: Less than 200 mg/dL
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol): Less than 100 mg/dL
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ("good" cholesterol): 40 mg/dL or higher
Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL
All adults age 20 and over should have their total blood cholesterol checked at least every 5 years. Blood cholesterol levels of under 200 mg/dl are called "desirable" and put you at a lower risk for heart disease. Unlike total cholesterol, the lower your HDL, the higher your risk for heart disease. A HDL level less than 35 mg/dl increases your risk of heart disease. The higher your HDL level, the better.
There are many natural alternatives to treating high cholesterol. This may be especially optimal to patients who are regulating their cholesterol levels with diet and exercise. Natural products reduce cholesterol levels by dissolving fat in the blood.
1. Carnitine has been seen to increase HDL levels. In some people, supplements of L-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine (about 1000 to 2000 mg. per day) will significantly increase HDL levels. This is more likely to be true in vegetarians, since meats are the primary natural source of dietary L-carnitine. Supplementary carnitine can also aid in weight loss.
2. Pantothine has been seen to increase HDL levels
3. Chromium has been seen to reduce LDL levels and increase HDL levels. Supplementary chromium polynicotinate can improve LDL/HDL ratios in some people. This is probably due to the beneficial effects of chromium on insulin resistance. A diet that maintains blood sugar levels at a moderately-low and stable level will also improve LDL/HDL ratios.
4. Omega-3 found in fortified eggs, smart balance spread, mayonnaise with olive oil, salmon, canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil and in the fats found in peanut butter.
Because omega-3 fatty acids lower triglyceride levels, they may also increase HDL, the “good” cholesterol that protects against the development of heart disease. To effectively lower triglycerides, 2-4 grams of EPA + DHA are recommended daily. Research studies have shown that this amount lowered triglycerides approximately 25 percent to 35 percent.
For those with who require a cholesterol-lowering drug, it is mandatory to take at least 60 mg. of coenzyme Q-10 daily since all statin drugs block the liver's production of coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is a substance essential for proper muscle functioning, especially functioning of the heart muscle. The fish oil product at the bottom of the page contains 30 mg Coenzyme Q10 per capsule, so two would be needed to meet this minimum.
5. Well-designed studies have found that niacin lowers LDL cholesterol by approximately 10%, lowers triglycerides by 25%, and raises "good" HDL cholesterol by 15% to 30%. Niacin also appears to significantly lower levels for another risk factor for atherosclerosis, lipoprotein A.
6. Green Tea - Popular in Asia for centuries, green tea helps to keep blood pressure under control. It also may help keep cholesterol from clogging arteries. The tea contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and other substances that protect the body against the dangers of oxidation, while helping to keep the harmful LDL cholesterol down and the helpful HDL cholesterol up. They also assist in keeping blood pressure under control.
7. Onions: Onions contain adenosine and other "blood thinners" that help to prevent the formation of blood clots. In addition to thinning the blood, onions can help keep the coronary arteries open and clear by increasing the HDL. Eating half a raw onion every day can increase HDL by 20 to 30 percent.
8. Five to 10 grams a day of soluble fiber has been found to decrease LDL cholesterol by approximately 5%.
9. Brewer's Yeast: Brewer's yeast can lower the total cholesterol and LDL while raising the helpful HDL.
10. Cranberry juice has been shown to increase HDL levels.
11. Octovite contains Vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, alpha lipoic acid, and fish oil.
To reduce oxidation of cholesterol from LDL, you need at least 100 units of vitamin E, 5,000 units of beta carotene (and/or 5 mg. lycopene), and 500 mg. of vitamin C per day, along with other dietary antioxidants. Alpha lipoic acid or R-lipoic acid may be an even more important antioxidant. Lipoic acid, when taken throughout the day, can lower blood sugar levels significantly. This can cause a significant beneficial increase in HDL. It is important to get a broad spectrum of fat-soluble and water-soluble antioxidants. Many single antioxidants, taken alone, will actually generate free radicals that must be de-activated by other antioxidants.
A very important antioxidant in preventing heart disease and many cancers is lycopene, which is very similar to beta carotene, but which has finally become available in pure form as a nutritional supplement. The best food sources of lycopene are canned tomato juice, or juices such as V8 that are high in tomato juice.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Gallstones in pregnancy... natural support
The gallbladder is a sac located under the liver. It stores and concentrates bile produced in the liver. Bile aids in the digestion of fats, and is released from the gallbladder into the upper small intestine (duodenum) in response to food, especially fats.
The majority of gallstones are formed from cholesterol (which comprises only about 5% of bile) and grow because the liver begins secreting bile that is unusually saturated with cholesterol.The cholesterol then crystallizes to form stones while in storage in the gallbladder.
You can have gallstones without any symptoms. However, if the stones are large, they can block the duct that leads from the gallbladder. This can cause pain and require treatment. At first they may block the duct and move away, causing only occasional pain. Continuous blockage of the duct, however, can be life threatening and requires surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Gallbladders that cause pain are usually removed. There are no known problems caused by living without a gallbladder. Today, most gallbladder surgeries are performed with a laparoscope. This instrument shows the surgeon pictures of your gallbladder as it is being removed. The minimally invasive procedure allows for a smaller incision and a shorter hospital stay than traditional surgery.
Some drugs can dissolve stones, eliminating the need for surgery. However, it can take 2 years for a stone to dissolve, and gallstones often recur later.
Signs and Symptoms:
Pain, mostly on the upper right side of the abdomen
Pain following meals, intolerance of fatty foods
Nausea, vomiting
Loss of appetite
1. One of the simplest things you can do to prevent and help flush your gallstones is drink plenty of water. Water will help maintain the water content of bile and also keep the gallbladder flushed. You should try to drink water throughout the whole day. A good rule of thumb would be 2 glasses of water for every 2 hours you are awake.
2. Your diet is also extremely important. Research has shown us that the best diet you can have if you suffer from gallstones is a low-fat and high fiber diet. This diet is also conducive to losing weight which is also beneficial for flushing and preventing gallstones. Research shows that if you are overweight, your chance of this disease increases.
Avoid coffee
Avoid fried foods, especially those that are deep-fried
Avoid carbonated beverages such as colas and sodas.
Avoid artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings and preservatives.
Eat small meals
Increase intake of steamed vegetables, long and short grain brown rice.
Increase intake of broiled fish
Fresh vegetables and fruits as well as juices.
Apple butter instead of jam.
Yogurt, low-fat Kefir and cottage cheese.
3. A diet that flushes your gallbladder is one rich in water soluble dietary fiber. You should immediately supplement at least 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables with plenty of chlorophyll are also helpful.
4. Digestive enzymes- Take capsules at least 15 minutes before each meal. You will need to take enzymes for the rest of your life in order to digest fat so your digestive system does not get overloaded.
5. Peppermint Leaf- Preliminary clinical trials suggest that formulas containing peppermint and related terpenes (fragrant substances found in plants) can dissolve gallstones. A number of studies indicate that peppermint may aid in reducing the size of gallstones and thus help some people avoid surgery. Also known as a muscle relaxant and reduces inflammation.
6. Ginger Root- Shrinks liver tumors in animal testing. Also, impairs cholesterol absorption and stimulates the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids which further cleanses the liver and gall bladder. Ginger also inhibits platelet aggregation.
7. Fennel Seed- Helps open obstructions of the liver, gall bladder and spleen to ease painful swellings. Fennel is also used to treat yellow jaundice, the gout and occasional cramps. Fennel seed has been used for centuries as a tasty culinary herb and also for its health properties. It can help to ease flatulence, assist with colic and aid indigestion. For the nursing mom, Fennel can help to increase the body in producing breast milk, It also works as an antispasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
8. Green tea (Camelia sinensis) standardized extract, 250 - 500 mg daily, for antioxidant effects. You may also prepare teas from the leaf of this herb. Note: green tea extracts may contain caffeine. Look for decaffeinated products.
9. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed standardized extract, 80 - 160 mg 2 - 3 times daily, for liver and galbladder detoxification support.
10. The dandelion is a member of the sunflower family. For many years, dandelion has been used to cure a variety of ailments, including liver, kidney, gallbladder, and joint problems. Some believe that Dandelion can help with eczema, poor digestion, and diseases of the liver. Dandelion is a stimulant to the urinary organs, and can be used as a diuretic (the leaf) or a hepatic (the root). Chinese herbal traditions suggest taht dandelion can help with other conditions, such as jaundice, hepatitis, and problems with swelling of the eyes.
The above remedies are appropriate for pregnant or non-pregnant women, although there are additional modalities available to non-pregnant women.
These suggestions would also work for people who have fatty liver in pregnancy
Talk with your health care provider before you take any medication or supplement.
This site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.
The majority of gallstones are formed from cholesterol (which comprises only about 5% of bile) and grow because the liver begins secreting bile that is unusually saturated with cholesterol.The cholesterol then crystallizes to form stones while in storage in the gallbladder.
You can have gallstones without any symptoms. However, if the stones are large, they can block the duct that leads from the gallbladder. This can cause pain and require treatment. At first they may block the duct and move away, causing only occasional pain. Continuous blockage of the duct, however, can be life threatening and requires surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Gallbladders that cause pain are usually removed. There are no known problems caused by living without a gallbladder. Today, most gallbladder surgeries are performed with a laparoscope. This instrument shows the surgeon pictures of your gallbladder as it is being removed. The minimally invasive procedure allows for a smaller incision and a shorter hospital stay than traditional surgery.
Some drugs can dissolve stones, eliminating the need for surgery. However, it can take 2 years for a stone to dissolve, and gallstones often recur later.
Signs and Symptoms:
Pain, mostly on the upper right side of the abdomen
Pain following meals, intolerance of fatty foods
Nausea, vomiting
Loss of appetite
1. One of the simplest things you can do to prevent and help flush your gallstones is drink plenty of water. Water will help maintain the water content of bile and also keep the gallbladder flushed. You should try to drink water throughout the whole day. A good rule of thumb would be 2 glasses of water for every 2 hours you are awake.
2. Your diet is also extremely important. Research has shown us that the best diet you can have if you suffer from gallstones is a low-fat and high fiber diet. This diet is also conducive to losing weight which is also beneficial for flushing and preventing gallstones. Research shows that if you are overweight, your chance of this disease increases.
Avoid coffee
Avoid fried foods, especially those that are deep-fried
Avoid carbonated beverages such as colas and sodas.
Avoid artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings and preservatives.
Eat small meals
Increase intake of steamed vegetables, long and short grain brown rice.
Increase intake of broiled fish
Fresh vegetables and fruits as well as juices.
Apple butter instead of jam.
Yogurt, low-fat Kefir and cottage cheese.
3. A diet that flushes your gallbladder is one rich in water soluble dietary fiber. You should immediately supplement at least 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables with plenty of chlorophyll are also helpful.
4. Digestive enzymes- Take capsules at least 15 minutes before each meal. You will need to take enzymes for the rest of your life in order to digest fat so your digestive system does not get overloaded.
5. Peppermint Leaf- Preliminary clinical trials suggest that formulas containing peppermint and related terpenes (fragrant substances found in plants) can dissolve gallstones. A number of studies indicate that peppermint may aid in reducing the size of gallstones and thus help some people avoid surgery. Also known as a muscle relaxant and reduces inflammation.
6. Ginger Root- Shrinks liver tumors in animal testing. Also, impairs cholesterol absorption and stimulates the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids which further cleanses the liver and gall bladder. Ginger also inhibits platelet aggregation.
7. Fennel Seed- Helps open obstructions of the liver, gall bladder and spleen to ease painful swellings. Fennel is also used to treat yellow jaundice, the gout and occasional cramps. Fennel seed has been used for centuries as a tasty culinary herb and also for its health properties. It can help to ease flatulence, assist with colic and aid indigestion. For the nursing mom, Fennel can help to increase the body in producing breast milk, It also works as an antispasmodic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
8. Green tea (Camelia sinensis) standardized extract, 250 - 500 mg daily, for antioxidant effects. You may also prepare teas from the leaf of this herb. Note: green tea extracts may contain caffeine. Look for decaffeinated products.
9. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed standardized extract, 80 - 160 mg 2 - 3 times daily, for liver and galbladder detoxification support.
10. The dandelion is a member of the sunflower family. For many years, dandelion has been used to cure a variety of ailments, including liver, kidney, gallbladder, and joint problems. Some believe that Dandelion can help with eczema, poor digestion, and diseases of the liver. Dandelion is a stimulant to the urinary organs, and can be used as a diuretic (the leaf) or a hepatic (the root). Chinese herbal traditions suggest taht dandelion can help with other conditions, such as jaundice, hepatitis, and problems with swelling of the eyes.
The above remedies are appropriate for pregnant or non-pregnant women, although there are additional modalities available to non-pregnant women.
These suggestions would also work for people who have fatty liver in pregnancy
Talk with your health care provider before you take any medication or supplement.
This site is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.
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