Nutrition Month

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Block The Aromatase Enzyme Naturally

Block The Aromatase Enzyme Naturally

 The Aromatase Enzyme Makes A Dangerous Form Of Estrogen (Estrone), which is associated with: Breast Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Prostate Cancer

Estrone is made in:
Fat Cells – the larger the fat cells the greater the synthesis (overweight women after menopause have a 3x greater incidence of breast cancer and similar risk for endometrial cancer)
Breast Cells
Breast Cancer Cells

 Aromatase inhibitors and cervical cancer 
Prescription aromatase inhibitors have been studied to test their effect in the regression of abnormal hpv induced cervical lesions. Epidemiologic studies have implicated estrogenic exposure as well as human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in cervical carcinogenesis, and some studies have suggested that estrogen and HPV may play synergistic roles in cervical tumorigenesis.

Aromatase inhibitors and fibroids 
Aromatase Inhibitors [“AI’s”]* were originally developed to treat breast cancer. They block the conversion of estrogen-precursor molecules to estrogen in many types of cells. By blocking conversion of precursor molecules to estrogen, AI’s stop hormone-dependent tumors such as breast cancer and fibroids. AI’s offer exciting potential to treat any hormone-dependent condition with laser-like precision and minimal side effects, including: breast cancer fibroids endometriosis

 Aromatase inhibitors include: isoflavones, flavones (quercetin) indole-3 carbinol

 You don't have to take drugs to inhibit aromatase. Nature has provided plants that will get the job done without harmful side effects. In April, Natural News ran an article about the powerful aromatase inhibiting ability of chrysin ([url=]

Chrysin is a flavonoid from the passion flower plant. Research showed that chrysin worked as well to inhibit the aromatase enzyme as a drug designed for that purpose. Chrysin is normally taken as a supplement along with piperine which greatly enhances its bioavailability. For those who would rather get their aromatase inhibiting flavonoids from whole foods, there are several good tasting choices. Beneficial compounds from food have the added benefits of the perfect synergy found in a whole food as well as the other nutrients and compounds it contains. Quercetin, naringenin, resveratrol, apigenin, genistein, and oleuropein are all powerful flavonoids from whole foods that inhibit aromatase while at the same time offering a treasure chest of other health benefits.

 Quercetin is the main reason an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is a major antioxidant with important anti-aging benefits. It fights inflammation and reduces the cellular damage inflammation causes. By fighting inflammation, it also helps decrease swelling and pain, and keeps the circulatory system healthy. Quercetin helps prevent fatigue by helping to decrease damage from heavy exercise, and increase endurance. It is an anti-viral, and an immune system supporter and liver protector. Research has suggested that quercetin has other anti-cancer benefits aside from inhibiting aromatase in breasts and prostates. Cabbage, onions and garlic are other good sources of this powerful flavonoid. 

Apigenin is a non-mutigenic flavonoid that has significant chemoprotective action against UV radiation. Research has shown apigenin reduces oxidative damage of DNA, inhibits the growth and induces differentiation in human leukemia cells, inhibits cancer cell transduction, and induces appropriate cell death. Like quercetin, apigenin acts as an anti-inflammatory and as an antispasmodic. Apigenin is found in good supply in celery, parsley, artichokes, basil, and chamomile.

 Resveratrol is a flavonoid gaining wide respect for its multitude of health benefits. Several recent research studies have revealed that resveratrol is highly effective against breast cancer by inhibiting ER positive and negative cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, and primary breast tumor growth. Resveratrol is protective of the liver even against alcohol. It also keeps the central nervous system strong by protecting neurons from oxidative stress. Resveratrol is found to some degree in the skin and seeds of red grapes. Muscadine grapes have the largest content and are often used to make red wine. Although supplements of resveratrol are popular and widely available, getting resveratrol from red wine allows you to get the entire grape polyphenol group of nutrients, a group that has been shown to work much better synergistically. Breast tumor growth and metastasis to bone and liver were shown to be better inhibited by the complete grape polyphenol complex.

 All these foods are prominent features of the Mediterranean diet Fresh fruits, vegetables, olive oil and red wine are components of the Mediterranean diet, the one and only diet that has consistently correlated with lower death rates from all causes. Flavonoids from each of these foods inhibit aromatase activity to reduce incidence of breast cancer. And when you chose a diet that features these foods on a regular basis, what you are really getting is the best all around prevention plan on earth. Some supplements also contain natural aromatase inhibitors.


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